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2017 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer
Ed Harvey GSA’s Hydrogeology Division is particularly interested in GSA TODAY |
including liberal arts colleges in the itinerary. The Division pays
is the supervisory hydrologist and transportation expenses, and the host institution is expected
chief of the U.S National Park Service to provide local accommodations.
(NPS) Water Resources Division
(WRD) located in Fort Collins, Water Resource Management in the U.S. National
Colorado. He received his B.S. in Park Service
geology/geophysics from Olivet
Nazarene University (1986), his M.S. On 25 August 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the act
in hydrogeochemistry from Purdue creating the National Park Service, a new bureau in the
University (1990), and his Ph.D. from Department of the Interior. This “Organic Act” directed the Park
the University of Waterloo in Service “to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (1996). objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment
Immediately after graduation, Harvey took a joint position at the of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave
University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL), where he was a research them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” This
hydrogeologist with the Conservation and Survey Division (the conservation, enjoyment, and protection mandate also applies to
state’s geologic and water survey) and a professor of hydrologic water resources within parks.
sciences with the School of Natural Resources (SNR). At UNL,
Harvey’s research focused on groundwater-dependent ecosystems, Unlike most park resources that are located largely within park
groundwater–surface water interaction, and using geochemical boundaries or are completely under the management control of
and isotope applications methods to characterize regional the National Park Service, park water resource issues and manage-
groundwater flow systems. ment often involve greater challenges. These challenges arise from
the fact that surface water and aquifer boundaries often extend
More about Harvey and a list of his publications can be found at beyond park boundaries and because the legal authority to allo-
https:/ cate and manage water resources typically resides with the states.
Thus, parks often need to consider resource issues at a larger land-
In January 2013, Harvey left his academic position to assume scape, or seascape, scale and manage collaboratively with neigh-
his current role as NPS WRD chief. WRD provides Park Service bors and partners to protect, manage, and restore water resources.
–wide leadership for the preservation, protection, and manage- In addition, water resource expertise is not always available within
ment of water and aquatic resources; offers technical assistance to a park, resulting in the need to partner with other agencies,
all 400+ national park units; leads and supports development of universities, “friends” groups, or regional and national offices.
NPS water resource initiatives, guidelines, and policies; and Lastly, many park water resource issues have broader legal, polit-
provides disciplinary and policy support to the Washington, D.C., ical, socioeconomic, and cultural implications requiring park
offices and Park Service leadership staff. More information about managers to consider more than just the science alone when
WRD can be found at making a water resource management decision.
Harvey has served the broader geological and hydrogeological The lecture, using a series of examples from various parks
community in various capacities. He is a Fellow of the Geological across the United States, will explore the process of how parks
Society of America (GSA), is presently a GSA Councilor, and identify water resource needs, issues, and concerns, and how they
served as a GSA books science editor from 2011 to 2014. Harvey develop and apply the necessary scientific information needed to
chaired the GSA Hydrogeology Division from 2010 to 2011, make water resource management decisions. Specific challenges to
having previously served as vice chair, newsletter editor, website decision making and park water resource management will be
administrator, and technical program chair for the 2009 meeting presented and explored (e.g., trans-boundary issues, partnership
in Portland. In 2008, Harvey received the GSA Hydrogeology building, scientific uncertainty, funding and personnel/expertise,
Division’s George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service Award. and making science-based decisions that also appropriately
Harvey has also been an associate editor for Ground Water and consider the legal, political, socioeconomic, and cultural impacts
Hydrogeology. of the decision). As part of the visit, Harvey also will present
future water resource research and management needs in parks
Interested institutions can schedule a visit by contacting and across the nation, present information about engaging in
Ed Harvey at, or by completing a request water resources research within parks and advise students on
form at the GSA Hydrogeology Division Birdsall-Dreiss website programs for seasonal and permanent employment as a water
( resource professional within the National Park Service.
-lectures). If emailing, please provide your institution name, a
contact person’s email and phone, and potential dates for when
you would like to host the lecture. Harvey will present one lecture
on the topic of National Park water resources described below.