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2016 Honorary Fellow

                                                                GSA is pleased to announce           continental origin of ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from the Dabie
                                                             the selection of the Society’s 2016     Mountains of China. This work has profound implications for
                                                             Honorary Fellow:                        subduction of the continental crust.

                                                      Bor-ming Jahn, whose lifetime                    Jahn has independently or jointly published more than 200
                                                                                                     peer-reviewed academic articles and been cited more than 14,800
                                                             of research has been devoted to the     times. He was the chief editor of the Journal of Asian Earth
                                                             problems of continental evolution       Sciences from 2006 to 2016. And, he was elected as an academician
                                                             using the principles and techniques of  of Academia Sinica for his academic achievements in 2012. He is
                                                             isotope tracers (Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-O),        also a fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America, Geochemical
                                                             geochemistry, and geochronology.        Society, and European Association of Geochemistry.
                                                             His studies extend to all continents,
                                                             but his most significant contribution     A preeminent scientist, Jahn received the Chevalier dans l’ordre
                                                             is in Asia.                             des Palmes Académiques. He was also awarded the Prestwich
                                                                                                     Prize by the Geological Society of France in 2013, and the
                             Honorary Fellowship is presented to an international geoscien-          International Prize by the Geological Society of Japan in 2014.
                           tist who has distinguished him or herself in geoscience investiga-        Most recently, he was honored with the V.K. Ting Award by the
                           tions, promoting environmental awareness, linking science and             Geological Society of China (Taiwan).
                           society, providing notable service to implementing public policy
GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2016  in natural resource managements, or otherwise making
                           outstanding contributions to science. This award was presented at
                           the GSA Awards Ceremony during the 2016 GSA Annual Meeting
                           in September.

                             Trained as a geochemist, Bor-ming Jahn employs the principles
                           and techniques of elemental and isotope (Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-O)
                           geochemistry to tackle important issues like the evolution of the
                           upper mantle, continental crust growth, genesis of magmatic
                           rocks (komatiite, basalt, and granitoids), geochemistry of sedi-
                           mentary rocks, composition of the upper crust, evolution of
                           Archean craton, continental subduction, ultrahigh-pressure meta-
                           morphism, geochemistry of loess, and paleoclimate change.

                             Jahn has made important contributions to the research on the
                           Central Asian Orogenic Belt across China, Russia, and Central
                           Asia. By presenting solid evidence for massive generation of juve-
                           nile crust in northern China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and
                           southern Siberia (collectively termed the Central Asian Orogenic
                           Belt), he established the region as the world’s most important site
                           of juvenile crustal accretion in the Phanerozoic era and challenged
                           traditional ideas about Earth’s rate of continental growth. His
                           impressive work in this area has undoubtedly promoted a new
                           field of study and inspired numerous research activities on this
                           subject. In fact, since 1999, published papers related to this new
                           field have grown twentyfold.

                             Jahn’s research on ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rock has
                           modified the traditional theory of plate tectonics, which held that
                           the continental crust could not subduct. Instead, he has proven
                           that it could subduct to a depth of 100–200 km. His analysis of
                           the chemical composition of loess has provided a greater under-
                           standing of research on ancient crust and paleoclimate changes.
                           Jahn’s five articles published on this topic have been cited more
                           than 700 times. He also used Sr-Nd isotope data to argue for the

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