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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    • Geomicrobiology                                        hire include an undergraduate core course in Earth
                                                             no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    • Tectonics                                              Systems or Plate Tectonics and Structure, general
                                                             issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   • Mineral Physics                                        education courses, and elective offerings at the
                                                   , +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  • Atmospheric Science                                    upper-division and/or graduate level in the candi-
                                                             All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       • Oceanography                                           date’s research specialty. The successful candidate
                                                             tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   • Planetary Science                                      must have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment. Expe-
                                                                                                                             • Geochronology                                          rience in post-doctoral research and/or University-
                                                             Positions Open                                                  • Earth History                                          level lecture instruction is desirable. Applicants
                                                                                                                                                                                      should submit a statement of research interests, a
                                                                     TWO TENURE-STREAM FACULTY                                  Applications are due on January 1, 2017, but          statement of teaching philosophy and experience,
                                                                       POSITIONS: GLOBAL CHANGE                              evaluation of applications and interviews of candi-      a cover letter, CV, and the names and full contact
                                                                          PROCESSES/GEOPHYSICS                               dates will begin immediately. Applicants should          information for three references,. Electronic submis-
                                                                      MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY                              include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae including     sions are strongly encouraged and should be sent
                                                                                                                             a publication list, a 1–2 page statement of research     to Materials can also be sent
                                                             The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences at                interests and goals, and name, address and email         to: Geodesy Search Committee, Dept. of Geological
                                                             Michigan State University (MSU) is searching for                address of three referees familiar with their work       Sciences, California State University Northridge,
                                                             two tenure-stream Assistant Professors starting Fall            by applying on the Princeton University jobsite at       18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8266.
                                                             2017. Exceptional candidates at Associate or Full      Hess Fellowships provide     Review of applications will begin January 5, 2016.
                                                             Professor level will also be considered. Both posi-             a competitive annual salary, depending upon expe-        Priority will be given to applications received by
                                                             tions include an enhanced level of flexible research            rience, along with a significant allowance for travel    this date, but the position remains open until filled.
                                                             funding from endowment resources.                               to meetings and for research support. Initial awards     For additional information, see http://www.csun
                                                                                                                             are for one year, with the possibility of renewal for    .edu/geology.
                                                                Global Change Processes: We seek a global change             additional years depending upon satisfactory perfor-
                                                             geoscientist focused on near-surface environments.              mance and available funding. A preferred starting           The University is an EO/AA employer.
                                                             Areas of emphasis could include sediment transport,             date is on or before September 1st, 2017. Applicants
                                                             the cryosphere, environmental geophysics, stable                for the Hess Fellowship may also be considered for                  TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT
                                                             isotope geochemistry, geochronology, geobiology,                other available postdoctoral positions in the Geosci-                PROFESSOR POSITIONS IN
                                                             and ocean/atmospheric circulation.                              ences Department.                                               ENVIRONMENTAL/ENGINEERING
                                                                                                                                                                                         GEOLOGY, KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY
                                                                Geophysics: We seek a geophysicist who will                     Princeton University is an equal opportunity/         The Dept. of Geology at Kansas State University
                                                             complement our current strengths in lower mantle                affirmative action employer and all qualified appli-     is searching for a faculty member at the assistant
                                                             dynamics, mineral physics, surface tectonics, and               cants will receive consideration for employment          professor level with expertise in Environmental/
                                                             geochemistry. We especially encourage applicants                without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex,       Engineering Geology, starting in August 2017. The
                                                             with expertise in seismology.                                   sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,       successful candidate’s research will emphasize water
                                                                                                                             national origin, disability status, protected veteran    resources. Anticipated areas of specialization could
                                                                Review of applications will begin on January 9,              status, or any other characteristic protected by law.    include at least one of the following: geological/
                                                             2017, and continue until the positions are filled.              This position is subject to the University’s back-       environmental engineering with focus on water
                                                             Further details and instructions for applying can be            ground check policy.                                     resources, geohazard risk assessment and prediction,
                                                             found on, posting 2591.                                                                                     numerical modeling of flow in porous media and
                                                                                                                                Information about the research activities of          fracture networks, soil and vadose zone hydrology,
                                                                Please direct questions to Michael Gottfried at              the Dept. of Geosciences may be viewed at http://        remote sensing applied to hydrogeology/engineering
                                                   , copied to                                              geology, and hydro-mechanical coupling.
                                                             MSU is an EOE/Affirmative Action employer,                                                                                  A detailed advertisement for the position is located:
                                                             which includes protected veterans and persons with                         TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT              
                                                             disabilities. We endeavor to facilitate employment                   PROFESSOR, GEODESY, CALIFORNIA                      assistant-professorgeology. Screening of applica-
                                                             assistance to spouses or partners of candidates for                                                                      tions begins January 02, 2017, and continues until
                                                             faculty and academic staff positions.                                  STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHRIDGE                       the position is filled. Full consideration will be
                                                                                                                             The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California State     given to applications received by January 02, 2017.
                                                                    HARRY HESS FELLOWS PROGRAM                               University, Northridge invites applications for a        Kansas State University is an EOE of individuals
                                                                     DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES                               full-time tenure-track faculty position at the level of  with disabilities and protected veterans. Kansas
                                                                                                                             Assistant Professor in geodesy to study surface and/     State University actively seeks diversity among its
                                                                          PRINCETON UNIVERSITY                               or subsurface Earth processes. We offer B.S., and        employees. Background check required.
                                                             The Dept. of Geosciences at Princeton University                M.S., degrees in Geology and in Geophysics. We
                                                             announces competition for the 2016–2017 Harry                   seek an innovative geodesist with technical expertise         GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT (SENIOR
                                                             Hess Fellows Program. This honorific postdoc-                   in GPS, InSAR, LiDAR, radar altimetry, gravimetry              GEOCHEMIST) ARAMCO SERVICES
                                                             toral fellowship program provides opportunities                 or other geodetic methods. Candidates with research
                                                             for outstanding geoscientists to work in the field              that complements our current research program            Our Houston Research Center focuses on research
                                                             of their choice. Research may be carried out inde-              are encouraged including but not limited to surface      and innovation in geology, geophysics, reservoir
                                                             pendently or in collaboration with members of the               processes, sedimentology, geomorphology, climate,        engineering, production technology, drilling, and
                                                             Geosciences Department. One or more Hess Fellows                coseismic and interseismic fault physics, marine         sensors development to advance the discovery and
                                                             may be appointed. Applicants must have obtained a               geology and geophysics, planetary geophysics, and        recovery of oil and gas. Located in Houston’s Energy
                                                             Ph.D. at the time of the start of the fellowship, but           crust and mantle scale tectonics. The successful         Corridor, the center neighbors the nation’s leading
                                                             not more than five years before. Current areas of               candidate is expected to develop a vigorous research     petroleum engineering universities, labs, manufac-
                                                             research include:                                               program, which includes obtaining extramural             turers, and service companies.
                                                             • Biogeochemical Cycles                                         funding, publishing peer-reviewed papers, and
                                                             • Paleoclimatology                                              involving B.S. and M.S. students. The successful            The Aramco Research Center in Houston seeks
                                                             • Environmental Chemistry                                       candidate is also expected to demonstrate teaching       a Senior Quantitative Geochemist to develop a
                                                             • Paleontology                                                  excellence and provide effective instruction to          research program in applied organic and inorganic
                                                             • Geochemistry                                                  students of diverse backgrounds in a multicultural
                                                             • Petrology                                                     setting. Potential classes to be taught by the new
                                                             • Geodynamics
                                                             • Seismology

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