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geochemistry research with a strong emphasis on                 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCE                        fills a prominent role with many avenues for collabo-     GSA TODAY |
computational modeling linked to laboratory anal-                     ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                       ration with faculty within and outside of the School.
yses and experimentation. The candidate will bring
broad industry knowledge of organic and inorganic         UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORADO                          Review of applications will begin January 1,
geochemistry applications ranging from nano- to         The College of Natural and Health Sciences at the       2017. The search will continue until the position is
basin scale, providing technical leadership for inte-   University of Northern Colorado invites applica-        filled. The anticipated start date for the position is
grated research including diagenesis, hydrocarbon       tions for the position of Assistant Professor of Earth  Fall semester 2017. Applicants can apply online at
systems evaluation and source-rock analysis. The        and Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Geosci- Applicants will be
candidate will be expected to work with laboratory      ence. This 9-month tenure-track position requires       required to submit a vita/resume, statement of plans
with support staff in the use of analytical equipment   a terminal degree or ABD in geosciences or closely      for sponsored research, teaching interests, and a list
for organic geochemistry research and to collabo-       related field. ABDs will be considered with the         of five references who can be contacted, including
rate with other researchers in the Aramco Global        expectation the terminal degree is received within      telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and mailing
Research Centers. Geochemistry modeling research        one (1) year of the starting date. The successful       addresses. Questions or information requests should
will benefit from a keen awareness of advanced          candidate will demonstrate the potential for excel-     be addressed to the Chair of the Organic Geochem-
analytical and experimental methods and connec-         lent instruction of environmental geoscience courses    istry Search Committee, at 405-325-3253 or
tions to novel technology developments. The posi-       that could include any of the following: hydrology,
tion offers an outstanding opportunity to establish     soils, petroleum and sustainable energy resources,
and grow a geochemistry research program in a well-     near-surface geophysics, geosphere/atmosphere              The University of Oklahoma (OU) is a Carnegie-
integrated, multi-disciplinary research environment.    transfer processes, geomorphology, and environ-         R1 comprehensive public research university known
                                                        mental geochemistry. Candidates applying for this       for excellence in teaching, research, and community
   Applicants should apply online at http://            position are expected to demonstrate potential          engagement. In 2014, OU became the first public             for continued scholarly activity, ability to secure     institution ever to rank #1 nationally in the recruit-
Geological-Consultant-Senior-Geochemist                 outside funding, and engagement in the envi-            ment of National Merit Scholars, with 311 scholars.
-302858?source=Geological+Society+of+America            ronmental sciences profession. Preference will be       The 277-acre Research Campus in Norman was
                                                        given to applicants who demonstrate the ability to      named the No.1 research campus in the nation by
           INSTRUCTOR OF GEOLOGY                        collaborate with colleagues in industry, regulatory     the Association of Research Parks in 2013. Norman
          UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI                     agencies, government, education or consulting to        is a culturally rich and vibrant town located just
Job Description: The Dept. of Geology and Geolog-       create research and internship opportunities for        outside Oklahoma City. With outstanding schools,
ical Engineering at the University of Mississippi       our students. The full vacancy announcement and         amenities, and a low cost of living, Norman is a
invites applications for an Instructor of Geology.      application instructions are available at http://       perennial contender on the “Best Places to Live”
This is a non-tenure nine-month academic position          rankings. Visit for more
subject to continuous renewal.                          employment-opportunities.aspx.                          information.
   Responsibilities: The successful candidate is
expected to teach a variety of non-major geology           Screening of applications begins January 17, 2017,      The University of Oklahoma is an Affirmative
courses and geology courses required for students in    and continues until the position is filled. Contact     Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Individuals
the geology and geological engineering undergrad-       chair of the search committee for questions: Steven.    from underrepresented groups are encouraged
uate degree programs, as needed to meet depart-                                      to apply.
mental responsibilities; this includes overseeing or
assisting with laboratory coordination. The candi-         The University is an AAEO employer.                       TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION
date is also expected to contribute to departmental                                                                       UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER
service, including advising undergraduate students                  ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN
for the B.S. in Geology program and student reten-                  ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY                        The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences at
tion efforts.                                                    CONOCOPHILLIPS SCHOOL OF                       the University of Rochester invites applications for a
   Qualifications/Skills: Competitive candidates                  GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS                        tenure-track position in the broad field of geophysics
will have a Master of Science degree in Geology or             THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA                       and geodynamics. We anticipate hiring at the Assis-
Geological Engineering, minimum of 2 years of           The University of Oklahoma invites applications         tant Professor level but exceptional candidates at the
demonstrated teaching experience, strong interper-      for a tenure-track position in organic geochemistry     Associate and Full Professor level will be given full
sonal and communication skills, and a commitment        at the level of Assistant Professor. The ConocoPhil-    consideration. We are interested in dynamic educa-
to undergraduate education with demonstrated            lips School of Geology and Geophysics has a distin-     tors and researchers who use experimental, compu-
excellence in teaching, student mentoring, and          guished history in organic geochemistry. We seek        tational and/or field approaches in their research
advising.                                               an individual who will complement our existing          and can establish externally funded, internationally
   Contacts and application: Review of applica-         strengths in the geochemical study of organic matter,   recognized research programs that involve graduate
tions will begin immediately and continue until         and who will help us move forward into new and          students. The field of specialization is open, but pref-
the position is filled or until an adequate applicant   exciting areas of research. The successful candidate    erence will be given to individuals who can offer a
pool is established. Apply online only at http://jobs   must show potential to be an effective teacher who      research and teaching program that complements Applications cannot be accepted in        will contribute to our core undergraduate curric-       and expands upon our existing strengths in solid
any other format. Required application materials        ulum as well as offer advanced classes in the disci-    Earth processes and climate science. See http://www
are (1) resume or CV, (2) cover letter, (3) statement   pline. The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. at for more information about the
of teaching philosophy, (4) summary of teaching         the time of application, develop an externally funded   department’s strengths in geochemistry, geophysics,
evaluations, and (5) list of references. If you need    research program, and sponsor and train graduate        tectonics, and climate science. We also encourage
assistance with the online application process, please  students at the Masters and Doctoral levels.            interdisciplinary applicants who can bridge the gap
contact The University of Mississippi Employment           The ConocoPhillips School of Geology and             between traditional Earth Science and planetary
Office at 662-915-5690. For additional information,     Geophysics is housed in the Sarkeys Energy Center.      science, as well as applicants who can utilize other
contact Dr. B.F. Platt at The      Our research facilities, which are detailed at http://  outstanding research facilities at the University,
University of Mississippi is an EOE/AA/Minorities/,          including the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, http://
Females/Vet/Disability/Sexual Orientation/Gender        include extensive laboratory capabilities in mass, and the Goergen Center for
Identity/Title VI/Title VII/Title IX/504/ADA/           spectrometry of carbon compounds and bulk and           Data Sciences,
ADEA employer.                                          compound-specific stable isotopic analysis. As the      science/.
                                                        chemistry of carbon figures prominently in research
                                                        campus-wide, this position in organic geochemistry         The University of Rochester is a highly ranked
                                                                                                                research university, and the Rochester area’s cultural,
                                                                                                                educational, and recreational assets frequently place

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