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GSA TODAY | DECEMBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  it among the best places to live, work, and raise           and graduate levels, and direct graduate research          An Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action
                                                             a family in the United States. Applicants should            and supervise thesis projects. Will participate in      Employer. Florida State University subscribes to
                                                             submit materials via:            field education at the graduate level and represent     Equal Opportunity and complies with the Ameri-
                                                             faculty-recruiting Materials include a curriculum           the department and campus through service and           cans with Disabilities Act. All eligible candidates
                                                             vitae, select reprints, statements of research and          professional engagement in the global economic          are invited to apply for position vacancies as appro-
                                                             teaching goals, and the names and contact informa-          geology community.                                      priate. Florida State University is a public records
                                                             tion of four references. The review of applications                                                                 agency pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statues.
                                                             will begin December 31, 2016, and will continue                Applicants will have earned a doctoral degree
                                                             until the position is filled. The preferred start date for  in economic geology or a related discipline, and                  WIESS VISITING PROFESSOR
                                                             the position is July 1 2018. The University of Roch-        demonstrate or possess the skill set necessary for            DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCE
                                                             ester, an equal opportunity employer, has a strong          tenure at a research-active university. Must have
                                                             commitment to diversity and actively encourages             demonstrated leadership in scholarship, service, and                      RICE UNIVERSITY
                                                             applications from candidates from groups under-             teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels or    We are soliciting applications for the Wiess Visiting
                                                             represented in higher education.                            must have a leadership role in the exploration and      Professor in the Dept. of Earth Science at Rice
                                                                                                                         mining industry.                                        University. Our department has lively research
                                                                EOE / Minorities / Females / Protected Veterans                                                                  programs in:
                                                             / Disabled.                                                    For the complete job announcement and direc-         1. Carbonate and Clastic Sedimentology and
                                                                                                                         tions on how to apply online, visit http://jobs
                                                                        ENDOWED DISTINGUISHED                                 Coastal Processes
                                                                   PROFESSORSHIP IN GEOSCIENCES                          -endowed-chair-in-economic-geology.                     2. Paleoclimatology
                                                                    DEPT. OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES                                                                                 3. Atmospheric Chemistry
                                                                                                                            Mines is an EEO/AA employer and is committed         4. Biogeochemistry
                                                                        THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS                          to enhancing the diversity of its campus community.     5. Geobiology
                                                                               AT SAN ANTONIO                            Women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with       6. Low and High Temperature Geochemistry
                                                                                                                         disabilities are encouraged to apply.                   7. Petrology
                                                             The University of Texas at San Antonio invites                                                                      8. Rock Physics and Geomechanics
                                                             applications for a tenured position at the Professor           TENURE TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                     9. Environmental, Exploration, Solid Earth and
                                                             or Associate Professor level, subject to qualifications,     POSITION IN GEOMORPHOLOGY AND/OR
                                                             in Hydrology, including appointment to the Dr.                                                                           Theoretical Seismology
                                                             Weldon W. Hammond, Jr., Endowed Distinguished                   COASTAL PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY                       10. Crustal and Mantle Structure and
                                                             Professorship in Geosciences, to begin Fall 2017. Full                DEPT. OF EARTH, OCEAN AND
                                                             information is available at                         ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE                             Geodynamics,
                                                             positions.html. UTSA is an AA/EEO employer.                                                                         11. Planetary Science
                                                                                                                                THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY
                                                                    INSTRUMENTATION SPECIALIST                           The Dept. of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science          We invite applications from established scientists
                                                                UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN OSHKOSH                          (EOAS) at the Florida State University (FSU)            whose research falls in any of these areas, and request
                                                             The Dept. of Geology seeks a technician for                 announces a search for a tenure track Assistant         that you identify one or more of our faculty whose
                                                             a 12-month, academic staff position starting                Professor in coastal/land-sea processes, specifically   research interests overlap yours. The department is
                                                             September 1, 2017. BS/BA in geology required, MS            Geomorphology and/or Coastal Physical Oceanog-          characterized by collegiality and interdisciplinary
                                                             preferred. She or he will maintain samples, supplies,       raphy. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or its equiva-      research. Our faculty have ties to the Rice depart-
                                                             and equipment, help teach summer field camp,                lent in an Earth Science or closely related field. The  ments of Biosciences, Chemistry, Computational
                                                             and help train and supervise students: (1) in use of        successful applicant will be expected to develop an     and Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering,
                                                             instruments and laboratories, and (2) as outreach           internationally visible research program, mentor        and Physics and Astronomy. We also have strong ties
                                                             presenters. Experience with geology laboratories and        students and postdocs and teach at the graduate         to the local petroleum industry, the NASA Johnson
                                                             instruments, field mapping, specimen/sample cura-           and undergraduate levels. Interested parties should     Space Center, and the Lunar Planetary Institute.
                                                             tion, and geology software preferred. Refer to https://     submit a cover letter, curriculum vita, statement of
                                                                   teaching and research and contact information for          The Wiess Visiting Professorship provides travel
                                                             specialist-051a.1617 for more information.                  three references using FSU’s electronic submission      expenses to and from Rice, and living expenses while
                                                                                                                         system at, job title# 40820.        in residence, details are negotiable. Visiting Profes-
                                                                        FOGARTY ENDOWED CHAIR                                                                                    sors are typically in residence from a few months to a
                                                                          IN ECONOMIC GEOLOGY                               EOAS has over 40 faculty members, approxi-           full academic year. Ideally Wiess Visiting Professors
                                                                                                                         mately 160 graduate students, a diverse under-          interact at a high level with members of our depart-
                                                                    (ASSOCIATE OR FULL PROFESSOR)                        graduate population and grants graduate degrees in      ment, often through topical seminars. We particu-
                                                                DEPT. OF GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGICAL                          Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology and Aquatic          larly encourage women and minority geoscientists
                                                                                                                         Environmental Sciences. FSU resources include the       to apply.
                                                                   ENGINEERING, COLLEGE OF EARTH                         Center for Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction Studies,
                                                               RESOURCE SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING                         the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute and the           See: for more details
                                                                                                                         National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. A recent       about our department, and http://earthscience.rice.
                                                                      COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES                           research initiative at FSU emphasized Coastal and       edu/directory/wiess-visiting-professor/ for a list of
                                                             The Dept. of Geology and Geological Engineering             Marine Science by adding eight faculty members          previous Wiess Visiting Professors.
                                                             at Colorado School of Mines invites applications for        within the departments of EOAS, Biological Science
                                                             the Charles Fogarty Endowed Chair in Economic               and Geography. This position continues to build            Please provide a curriculum vita, research state-
                                                             Geology. The position is anticipated to be filled           on this initiative. Tallahassee is the capital city of  ment, and indication of availability. Applications
                                                             at the rank of Associate or Full Professor. The             Florida, home to three institutions of higher learning  and inquiries can be sent to: Chair, Wiess Visiting
                                                             successful candidate must bring the skills needed           and was recently named an All-American City by the      Professor Committee, Dept. of Earth Environmental
                                                             to develop a world-class research program and will          National Civic League.                                  and Planetary Science, Rice University, MS-126, 100
                                                             be expected to have strong network connections                                                                      Main Street, Houston, TX 77005, or esci-search@
                                                             with both the national and international minerals              Applications will be considered until the posi- Please put Wiess Visiting Professor on the
                                                             industry. Will be expected to develop a vigorous            tion is filled; those received by December 1, 2016 are  subject line.
                                                             externally funded research program in the field             assured of full consideration. Women and members
                                                             of economic geology, maintain a strong record of            of minority groups are especially encouraged to            Rice University, located in Houston, Texas, is
                                                             scholarly publishing, teach at the undergraduate            apply. Please direct questions to Profs. William        a private, coeducational, nonsectarian university
                                                                                                                         K Dewar ( and Vincent Salters            that aspires to path-breaking research, unsurpassed
                                                                                                                         (                                     teaching, and contributions to the betterment of
                                                                                                                                                                                 our world. Rice fulfills this mission by cultivating a
                                                                                                                                                                                 diverse community of learning and discovery that

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