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produces leaders across the spectrum of human            and work effectively with diverse colleagues, (3) a      of teaching interests, and a list of four professional   GSA TODAY |
endeavor. From its beginning in 1912, Rice has been      detailed research statement including plans for labo-    references to: E&ES Faculty Search, Dept. of Earth
dedicated to excellence in all regards.                  ratory development and undergraduate/graduate            and Environmental Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic
                                                         student involvement in future research projects,         Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590;
   Rice University is an Equal Opportunity               (4) a full curriculum vitae including the names,         Email: (electronic submissions are
Employer with commitment to diversity at all levels,     addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers       preferred). Up to four select publications may be
and considers qualified applicants without regard        of three professional references, and (5) undergrad-     sent as separate files. Consideration of candidates
to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation,  uate and graduate transcripts. Submit all application    will begin upon receipt of application. Applications
gender identity, national or ethnic origin, genetic      material to the WWU Electronic Application System        are encouraged by midnight, December 24, 2016,
information, disability or protected veteran status.     for Employment (          and recruiting will continue until the position is
                                                         .aspx?JPID=7158). Inquiries may be addressed to          filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at
              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        Prof. Brady Foreman at (360) 650-2546 or Brady.          GSA and AGU in Fall 2016.
       STABLE ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY              WWU is an AA/EO employer.
    WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY                        For disability accommodation, call (360) 650-3774.          We welcome candidates who will bring diverse
About the Position: Applications are invited for a       Review of applications begins December 19, 2016;         intellectual, geographical, gender, and ethnic
tenure track Assistant Professor position in Stable      position open until filled.                              perspectives to Rensselaer’s work and campus
Isotope Geochemistry in the Geology Dept. at WWU                                                                  communities. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is
in Bellingham, Washington, with an expected start             ASSOCIATE OR FULL PROFESSOR IN                      an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity, Race/
date of September 2017. We encourage applica-              ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES, DEPT.                       Gender/Veterans/Disability Employer.
tions from candidates from underrepresented back-         OF EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
grounds who are interested in this faculty position.        RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE                      Opportunities for Students
Position Responsibilities: The ideal candidate           Troy, New York 12180-3590
will enhance our existing strengths in geoscience        The Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences at           Lindahl Ph.D. Scholarships, The University of
teaching and research by developing new courses          Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York,      Alabama. The University of Alabama, Dept. of
and research avenues in stable isotope geochemistry      invites applications for the position of Associate or    Geological Sciences seeks Ph.D. students with
applied to any of a diverse range of geoscience prob-    Full Professor in Environmental Geosciences, with        specializations that complement faculty research
lems. Areas of interest include, but are not limited     emphasis on individuals with research interests in       interests. Exceptional students will receive Research
to paleoclimatology/paleolimnology/paleocean-            the areas of environmental geochemistry, hydro-          or Teaching Assistantships and a Lindahl Scholarship
ography/paleoecology, fluid flow and fluid-rock          geology, environmental remote or local sensing,          totaling $22,000 for a nine-month appointment, and
interactions, applications of stable isotopes to (bio)   global climate science/modeling (paleo or future),       the cost of non-resident tuition is covered. Funding
geochemical processes and (bio)mineralization. The       environmental data analysis, or environmental field-     is renewable for 4 years if expectations are met. Other
applicant will be expected to successfully contribute    imaging visualization.                                   fellowships are available from the Graduate School.
to the department’s course and curricular offerings,        The successful candidate will have duties that        Further details are at Appli-
establish a successful research program that includes    include teaching graduate and undergraduate              cants should contact Dr. Robinson ( to
BS and MS students and securing external funding         courses in the Dept. of Earth & Environmental            express interest. Review of applications for Fall 2017
for support of major research instrumentation,           Sciences, fulfilling the duties of the Director of the   admission will begin January 15, 2017.
work with department faculty and staff to develop        Environmental Sciences undergraduate program,
connections to WWU departments and programs in           developing and maintaining robust programs of            Graduate Student Opportunities, University of
marine and environmental sciences and allied fields.     research and scholarship, and providing service          Akron. The Dept. of Geosciences, Univ. of Akron,
The faculty member will be expected to participate       to the department, the School of Science, and to         Ohio has MS assistantships available starting in fall
in service activities, including departmental commit-    Rensselaer.                                              2017 for students who have the drive and curiosity
tees and student advising.                                  Rensselaer has recently initiated several bold, new   to succeed in graduate school. Examples of the
   Required Qualifications: Earned doctorate by hire     initiatives; the successful candidate should interface   on-going research include studies in geobiology,
date in the geosciences with an emphasis and expe-       with one or more of these areas. Examples of these       structural and environmental geology, studies of the
rience in stable isotope geochemistry; Record of or      include the Rensselaer Institute for Data Exploration    climate record contained in lake sediments and caves,
potential for high quality undergraduate teaching;       and Applications (IDEA;, the        and studies in karst terrains. Interested students may
Commitment to establishing a vigorous research           Darrin Fresh Water Institute (DFWI), a comprehen-        contact Dr. John Peck for more
program involving graduate and/or undergraduate          sive freshwater ecological field station and Institute-  information and apply online at http://www.uakron
students; Ability to establish an externally-supported   wide research effort that hosts The Jefferson Project    .edu/gradsch/apply-online/
research program; Demonstrated commitment to             at Lake George (
working effectively with a diverse student body          In addition, the Institute is conceptualizing a new,     Jonathan O. Davis Scholarship, University of
   Preferred Qualifications: Post-doctoral research      broader initiative that will bring together research     Nevada, Reno. The Jonathan O. Davis Scholarship
experience in the geosciences; Experience teaching in    and education activities in water, environment,          supports graduate students working on the Quater-
a BS and/or graduate program; Ability and interest to    ecology, and sustainability.                             nary geology of the Great Basin. The national schol-
work with other interdisciplinary programs in mate-         The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. or         arship is $7,500 and the University of Nevada, Reno
rials science, marine and environmental science;         foreign degree equivalent in geoscience or related       stipend is $7,500. The national scholarship is open
Experience or demonstrated ability managing              discipline, along with the ability to demonstrate,       to graduate students enrolled in an M.S. or Ph.D.
geochemistry research lab.                               through accomplishments achieved over a post-            program at any university in the United States. The
   Application Instructions: Applications must           graduate academic career of seven or more years,         Nevada stipend is open to graduate students enrolled
include (1) a detailed cover letter that addresses the   an international reputation and record of excellence     in an M.S. or Ph.D. program at the University of
required and preferred qualifications and describes      in scholarship, along with a sustained level of high     Nevada, Reno. Applications must be post-marked
the applicant’s background and interest in joining       quality educational activities including teaching        or submitted electronically by February 17, 2017.
the department, (2) a statement outlining the candi-     and advising, and a significant level of professional    Details on application and submission requirements
date’s plans and approaches for teaching and course      service.                                                 can be found at
development at WWU, including a statement on                To apply, applicants must submit as single            Opportunities/JonathanDavis. Proposals will not
how the applicant’s background and experiences           pdf document a curriculum vitae, a statement of          be returned.
(academic and non-academic) have prepared them           research accomplishments and goals, a description
to effectively teach increasingly diverse students

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