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followed again in the next system, with “the most remarkable of record is the past. It is studied in order to interpret past events in

                              these zones of least life being the two that separate the Palaeozoic Earth’s history, and these interpretations require the application

                              from the Mesozoic and the Mesozoic from the Cenozoic.”                   of stratigraphic techniques, concepts, and principles. In spite of

                              Nowhere does Phillips (1860) mention a mass extinction as                this detachment of the Anthropocene from the concept and use of

                              marking the beginning of the Triassic, and Phillips actually used chronostratigraphic units, the term Anthropocene may have

                              his compilation of fossil data to argue against the theory of            utility. It is popular among a diverse scientific community, social

                              natural selection proposed the previous year by Charles Darwin. scientists, and the media. It does raise awareness that, as with

                              Yet, Waters et al. (2014b) cites Phillips (1840) to assert that          anthropogenic climate change, the human impact on the Earth

                              human-induced changes to the stratigraphic record, although              system is global, and that human impact may have initiated a
                              they are still yet to be recorded, are reason enough for officially      cascade of events that will greatly alter Earth’s surface, oceans,

                              recognizing the Anthropocene as a new unit on the geologic time and atmosphere.

                              scale. In fact, many, if not most, of the ratified GSSPs are at strati-  The term Anthropocene is of similar character to the term

                              graphic levels that do not represent major changes to the Earth          Renaissance. Both refer to richly documented, revolutionary,

                              system, whether geologic or biologic. For example, the bases of the human activities that are dated in the Gregorian calendar. Both

                              Ordovician, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian systems are carry significant connotation. Although a precise date in calendar

                              placed at the lowest occurrences of single graptolite or conodont years is not specified for the Renaissance, the term is established

                              species. They were chosen at stratigraphic levels within boundary and conveys a singular meaning of the content of that period,

                              intervals that offered the best potential for reliable, worldwide        where it began, how it evolved, and how it spread. The same

                              correlation. Waters et al. (2014b) also stated that units have histor- applies to Anthropocene if its concept is the human impact on

                              ically been defined on significant events, when in reality it is the     Earth’s surface. Without doubt, scholars have argued over the
                              lack of definition of boundaries that has long plagued long-             singular human creation, whether in literature, architecture, or

                              distance correlation of chronostratigraphic units. It is of concern art, that initiated the Renaissance, but there is no need to define

                              that the history and nature of chronostratigraphic units have not its beginning, because the dates and locations of the creations are

                              been fairly conveyed.                                                    well established. Furthermore, it would be contrary to current

                              Justification for defining the Anthropocene with a GSSA is               practice to define its beginning at a single point in time because it

                              found in the Holocene and the Precambrian. Repeated statements is a cultural movement that is not tied to a single date. The same is

                              by Zalasiewicz et al. (2008, 2011, 2015) that the Holocene was           true for the Anthropocene, whether it is a hydroelectric dam

                              defined by a GSSA are misleading. A formal definition of the             constructed in the Italian Alps, a gold mine in South Africa, the

                              Holocene with its base (beginning) defined by a GSSA was never dramatic increase in carbon combustion during the Industrial

                              approved by ICS nor ratified by IUGS; a numerical age of 10,000          Revolution, the growth of a megacity, the clearing of rain forests,
                              14C yr B.P. was simply adopted by convention by the INQUA                or the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere and the resulting
                              Holocene Commission, but it was then considered temporary                increase in global surface temperatures. Is putting an official

                              (Walker et al., 2015). For the Precambrian, ICS adopted a set of         beginning on the Anthropocene any more advantageous than on

                              numerical ages for the definition of boundaries between Archean the Renaissance? The only reason appears to be to give it credence

                              and Proterozoic Eons and between their constituent eras (Remane as a unit of the geologic time scale.

                              et al., 1996). However, during these eons and eras, voluminous           The year 1945, proposed as the beginning of the Anthropocene,

                              stratigraphic records accumulated and extensive bodies of                was selected because it marks the first atomic bomb explosion

                              plutonic and metamorphic rock were generated. Rock-based                 that initiated a period of atmospheric testing, the results of which

                              temporal classifications were established for each shield area long are seen in radionuclides in ice cores and lake cores. The radio­

                              ago, but global units defined by isotopic ages allowed for a global nuclides in cores can be taken as the stratigraphic signal that most

                              standard time scale. The GSSAs were set at large round numbers, closely coincides with what has been termed the great acceleration

                              but those exact values cannot be located precisely in stratigraphic of human impact on the Earth system (Steffen et al., 2007). That

                              sections. Remane et al. (1996) considered them as theoretical            stratigraphic signal first becomes evident in deposits from 1952 to

                              postulates and pointed out their status only for boundary defini- 1960, the years of extensive atmospheric testing of nuclear bombs

                              tion in the Precambrian. Today, the ICS Subcommission on                 (Waters et al., 2015). Clearly, much of the human impact used as

                              Precambrian Stratigraphy is striving to replace the units defined evidence of the Anthropocene predates 1945 (e.g., Zalasiewicz et

                              by GSSAs with units defined by GSSPs, considering the latter to be al., 2011; Waters et al., 2014b). The same would be the case with

GSA TODAY | MARCH/APRIL 2016  more useful (Van Kranendonk et al., 2008). It is of concern that the term Renaissance, if it was arbitrarily but objectively defined

                              proponents of the Anthropocene do not fully explain the origin by the year 1500, when the influence of the Renaissance spread

                              and concept of GSSAs.                                                    from Italy to the rest of Europe. It would result in the first works

                              THE NATURE AND UTILITY OF THE ANTHROPOCENE                               of the Renaissance being relegated to the Middle Ages. In this
                                                                                                       vein, Ruddiman et al. (2015) questioned whether or not it makes

                                The Anthropocene, as currently popularized, is fundamentally           sense to define the start of the human-dominated time long after
                              different from the chronostratigraphic units that are the charge of      deforestation and agriculture changed the landscape and after
                              the ICS. It is the present and future versus the past. Events and        greenhouse gases had been rising due to agricultural and indus-
                              effects and impact are observed, measured, and documented by             trial emissions. Proponents of the Anthropocene are thus left with
                              humans as they occur and are dated with the Gregorian calendar           the question of whether or not a beginning of the Anthropocene
                              (Wolff, 2014), and geologic events are too (e.g., 1906 San Francisco     should be set and, if so, when. They must also consider how this
                              earthquake, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens). The stratigraphic        affects the utility of the term as used not just by stratigraphers but

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