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also by other geologists, archaeologists, biologists, atmospheric      questions on the concept, basis, and stratigraphic utility of the                    GSA TODAY |
chemists, and social scientists. Finally, it must be noted that with   unit, such as those raised here and by Finney (2014), Head and
1945 as the beginning, it would be a geologic time unit that pres-     Gibbard (2015), and Walker et al. (2015). It must consider the
ently has a duration of one average human life span.                   rank of the unit in light of the fact that its duration is that of an
                                                                       average human lifespan. Lastly, such a proposal should recognize
POLITICAL STATEMENT                                                    that events of a proposed Anthropocene are those directly
                                                                       observed and precisely dated with human chronometers and
  When we explain the fundamental difference of the                    calendars, and would not be interpreted from its marginal and
Anthropocene from the chronostratigraphic units established by         impoverished stratigraphic record. The fundamental question
the International Commission on Stratigraphy to proponents for         that should be addressed in the proposal is this difference between
its recognition, they often reply that the human impact on the         the character of the Anthropocene and that of the chronostrati-
Earth system must be officially recognized, if for no other reason     graphic units of the ICS chart.
than to make the public and governmental agencies aware of that
impact. Or, as the editorial in Nature (2011) argued, official recog-    Consideration of a proposal by the ICS Subcommission on
nition would encourage cross-disciplinary science and a                Quaternary Stratigraphy and possibly then by the entire ICS will
“mindset” to understand and to take control of the current trans-      involve extensive discussion among voting members. Such discus-
formation. However, it is political action that is required to meet    sions educate the voting members as they study the proposal, and
the ultimate goals of ameliorating human impact, which raises the      such discussion can and should be open to those who are not
question of the ICS making a political statement. Pope Francis has     voting members. Indeed, this was the nature of the discussion in
spoken out about the human-induced impact on the Earth                 2008–2009 that preceded the ICS vote on definition of the
system—so too have leaders of many nations, the United Nations,        Quaternary System and redefinition of the Pleistocene series. It is
and numerous non-governmental organizations. In California,            hoped that the audience of this article becomes interested and
Governor Jerry Brown has initiated and promoted many legisla-          contributes to the discussion. All opinions are welcome, but all
tive actions with the goal of ameliorating human-induced impact.       positions and arguments are subject to challenge. It is in this
Is the role of the ICS to make such a political statement? Would       manner that the ICS will give careful consideration to a formal
official recognition of the term Anthropocene as a unit of the ICS     proposal when submitted.
Chart realistically have any effect on promoting cross-disciplinary
science or recognizing that we are in the driver’s seat as Nature      ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
editorialized? Or, is that not already the case?
                                                                         Brian Pratt and Phillip Gibbard provided reviews of the
  The evolution of vascular land plants and their spread across        submitted manuscript. Earlier drafts were reviewed by Phillip
the continents from late in the Devonian to early in the Permian       Gibbard, Martin Head, and Mike Walker. We appreciate their
completely altered Earth’s surface, left a significant stratigraphic   thorough reviews and valuable suggestions. This article has been
record, and dramatically altered CO2 and O2 concentrations in          peer reviewed and approved for publication consistent with USGS
the atmosphere and oceans far greater than humans are projected        Fundamental Science Practices (
to do (Berner and Canfield, 1989; Berner, 1998). Yet there is no
drive to name a unit in the ICS Chart that formally recognizes         REFERENCES CITED
that profound and irreversible change to the Earth system.
Perhaps promotion of the Anthropocene is anthropocentric as            Al-Rousan, S., Pätzold, J., Al-Moghrabi, S., and Wefer, G., 2004, Invasion of
well as political?                                                           anthropogenic CO2 recorded in planktonic foraminifera from the
                                                                             northern Gulf of Aquaba: International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 93,
  The “Atomic Age,” a term coined by The New York Times jour-                p. 1066–1076, doi: 10.1007/s00531-004-0433-4.
nalist William L. Lawrence in September 1946, has an identical
boundary and content to the Anthropocene proposal of                   Berner, R.A., 1998, The carbon cycle and CO2 over Phanerozoic time: The role
Zalasiewicz et al. (2015). By rights, the Atomic Age has nomencla-           of land plants: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London,
tural priority. If the Anthropocene is not a political statement,            Series B, Biological Sciences, v. 353, p. 75–82, doi: 10.1098/rstb.1998.0192.
those who value priority should prefer the Atomic Age.
                                                                       Berner, R.A., and Canfield, D.E., 1989, A new model of atmospheric oxygen
CONCLUSIONS OR THE WAY FORWARD                                               over Phanerozoic time: American Journal of Science, v. 289, p. 333–361,
                                                                             doi: 10.2475/ajs.289.4.333.
  No formal, written proposal has yet been submitted by the
Anthropocene working group to the ICS Subcommission on                 Crutzen, P.J., 2002, Geology of mankind: Nature, v. 415, p. 23, doi: 10.1038/
Quaternary Stratigraphy. Until that happens, the ICS and the                 415023a.
Quaternary Subcommission have nothing to consider, in spite of
all that has been published by the members of the working group        Finney, S.C., 2014, The “Anthropocene” as a ratified unit in the ICS
and by others in the scientific and public media. Assuming a                 International Chronostratigraphic Chart: Fundamental issues that must
formal proposal is made that recommends approval of an                       be addressed by the task group, in Waters, C.N., Zalasiewicz, J., Williams,
Anthropocene unit and boundary definition, that proposal will                M., Ellis, M.A., and Snelling, A., eds., A Stratigraphical Basis for the
have to provide a detailed description of the stratigraphic content          Anthropocene: The Geological Society, London, Special Publication 395,
of the unit and show correlation of the lower-boundary GSSP to               p. 23–28.
lake cores, ice cores, and other stratigraphic records from
geographically widespread locations. It should also address            Head, M.J., and Gibbard, P.L., 2015, Formal subdivision of the Quaternary
                                                                             System/Period: Past, present, and future: Quaternary International, v. 383,
                                                                             p. 4–35, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.039.

                                                                       Lewis, S.L., and Maslin, M.A., 2015, Defining the Anthropocene: Nature, v. 519,
                                                                             no. 7542, p. 171–180, doi: 10.1038/nature14258.

                                                                       Marshall, W.A., Gehrels, W.R., Garnett, M.H., Freeman, S.P.H.T., Maden, C.,
                                                                             and Xu, S., 2007, The use of “bomb spike” calibration and high-precision
                                                                             AMS 14C analyses to date salt marsh sediments deposited during the last

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