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Hadean                                   Archean                          0 km   Modern continental crust                       0 km
                                                                                                                                                            10 km
                                    hydrosphere                      hydrosphere                                                      sedimentary
                                                                     clastic, volcanic                                                    dominated
                            volcanic & chem     felsic crust  0 km   & chem seds                 TTG                                         succession
                                   seds                                                 mafic crust                                                 Granite
                                    mafic crust

                                                                     reworked                         10 km       granite
                                                                      Hadean                                 schist
                                      amphibolite             10 km  amphibolite                             gneiss
                                    granulite                                                                amphibolite
                                                                                                      20 km                                                 20 km

                                                              20 km                                          felsic

                                                                                        mantle        30 km                                                 30 km

                                                                                                                               mafic                        Moho
                                                                                                                               granulite                    40 km


                            Figure 2. Schematic sections of Hadean, Archean, and modern continental crust. Hadean and Archean sections adapted from Kamber et al. (2005) and modern
                            crust from Hawkesworth and Kemp (2006). TTG—tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite.

GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2016  species are marine (Mora et al., 2011), marine fossils dominate the   and continental collision decrease, but the chances of the resultant
                            fossil record. Mineral deposits that form at or near Earth’s surface  igneous rocks being preserved is high. Thus, ages from late stage
                            (e.g., epithermal silver-gold deposits) have a lower long-term pres-  subduction- and collision-related magmatic rocks are likely to be
                            ervation potential than deeper deposits (orogenic gold; Wilkinson     better preserved than those generated more generally above
                            and Kesler, 2007).                                                    subduction zones, and this results in peaks of ages coincident with
                                                                                                  the ages of supercontinents. One implication is that the supercon-
                              It has similarly been argued that the peaks and troughs of crys-    tinent cycle tends to bias the rock record (Cawood et al., 2013;
                            tallization ages that characterize the continental crust (Fig. 1)     Hawkesworth et al., 2009).
                            reflect the better preservation of igneous rocks generated in some
                            tectonic settings compared to others. The peaks of ages are there-      Crustal reworking is accentuated by continental collision, and
                            fore thought to reflect a biasing of the continental record, appar-   the degree of crustal reworking has changed with time. The
                            ently linked to the development of supercontinents (Cawood et         temporal distribution of crystallization ages of zircons with Hf
                            al., 2013; see also Condie et al., 2011; Hawkesworth et al., 2009,    model ages greater than their crystallization ages can be used as a
                            2010). The implication is that they should not be taken as prima      proxy for the degree of crustal reworking, and the periods of
                            facie evidence that in any global context the history of the conti-   increased crustal reworking are those of supercontinent assembly
                            nental crust is marked by pulses of magmatic activity. Rather,        (Dhuime et al., 2012). Similarly, there are peaks and troughs in
                            magmatic rocks generated in different tectonic settings have          �18O values in zircons through time, and the periods of elevated
                            different likelihoods of being preserved over long periods. This is   �18O are also those of supercontinent assembly (Fig. 1; Dhuime et
                            most marked in the contrast between the preservation of igneous       al., 2012; Roberts and Spencer, 2014; Spencer et al., 2014). Elevated
                            rocks generated in continental and oceanic settings. However,         �18O values indicate reworking of sedimentary material, and this
                            these differences in preservation are also a feature of rocks gener-  is most readily achieved in sections of thickened crust in response
                            ated in subduction and collision-related tectonic environments in     to continental collision. Thus, this is independent evidence that
                            the continents.                                                       the peaks of U-Pb crystallization ages are associated with periods
                                                                                                  of crustal thickening, of continental collision, and the develop-
                              Along subduction zones, high volumes of magma are generated,        ment of supercontinents.
                            but a number of studies have highlighted that the continental
                            crust is destroyed by erosion, subduction, and in some areas            An alternative view is that peaks of ages reflect pulses of
                            delamination, at rates similar to, or greater than, those at which    magmatic activity, and that as such, they might be associated with
                            new crust is generated (Clift et al., 2009; Scholl and von Huene,     mantle plumes (Albarède, 1998; Arndt and Davaille, 2013;
                            2007, 2009; Stern, 2011). Island arcs have higher average rates of    Condie, 1998; Parman, 2015; Rino et al., 2004). However, the
                            magma generation than Andean margins, yet island arcs are more        composition of the continental crust appears to be dominated by
                            readily subducted and so they are even less likely to be preserved    minor and trace element features that are characteristic of
                            than continental margins (Condie and Kröner, 2013). In contrast,      subduction-related magmas (Rudnick and Gao, 2003), and even
                            the volumes of magma generated in the final stages of convergence     for the relatively young age peaks, when the rock record is better

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