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              Un d e r s t a n d i n g  t h e  e n v i r o n m e n t a l  i m p a c t s  o f  s h a l e  d e v e l o p m e n t

            Daniel J. Soeder*, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701, USA; and Douglas B. Kent*,
            U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA

            ABSTRACT                           and constantly introduces new chemicals.   resulted in the production of economical                                  Photograph by Dan Soeder
              Development of shale gas and tight oil,   Geoscientists responding to questions   quantities of natural gas from the Barnett
            or unconventional oil and gas ( UOG) , has   about the risks of UOG should refer to   Shale, initiating modern shale-gas and                                                                                        Photograph by Dan Soeder
            dramatically increased domestic energy   recent, rigorous scientific research.  tight-oil development ( Soeder, 2017) . Most                                                       10
            production in the U.S. UOG resources are   INTROD UCTION              estimates suggest that many decades of                                          2                                                               * *RR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * * * *RR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  *RRJOHJOHJOHJJOHJ (D(D(DDUWKUWKUWKUU
            typically developed through the use of                                energy supplies are available from uncon-                                                            1
            hydraulic fracturing, which creates high-  Large-scale scientific and engineering   ventional oil and gas ( UOG)  resources at
            permeability flow paths into large vol-  investigations into the natural gas poten-  current usage rates ( USGS, 2015) .          7
            umes of tight rocks to provide a means for   tial of organic-rich shales began after the   The commercial development of shale
            hydrocarbons to move to a wellbore. This   1973–1974 OPEC oil embargo ( Soeder,   gas and tight oil requires drilling, frack-                  8
            process uses significant volumes of water,   2017) . The Eastern Gas Shales Project   ing, production, and transmission of oil/
            sand, and chemicals, raising concerns   ( EGSP)  was funded from 1977 to 1992 by   gas, management of waste streams, and                           12        3
            about risks to the environment and to   the U.S. Department of Energy ( DOE)    well-closure ( Fig. 1 # 1–7)  ( USEPA, 2016) .                                                6
            human health. Researchers in various dis-  with the goal of adapting engineered   The scale of development has raised ques-
            ciplines have been working to make UOG   hydraulic fracturing treatments, also   tions about possible risks to air, water,                                                                5
            development more efficient, and to better   known as “ fracking,”  to create flowpaths   landscapes, ecosystems, and human health                                                                                  Fa  lt  ul  au  t  11
            understand the risks to air quality, water   from natural fracture networks within the   ( Soeder and Kappel, 2009;  Soeder et al.,                                                                                F
            quality, landscapes, human health, and   shales to vertical wellbores. The EGSP   2014) . Large drill rigs ( Data Repository
            ecosystems. Risks to air include releases   field experiments showed that fracking   Fig. S1 )  are required to install the long,       9                              12
            of methane, carbon dioxide, volatile   alone was insufficient to produce econom-  deep laterals. The land-clearing and pad
            organic compounds, and particulate mat-  ical amounts of hydrocarbons from verti-  construction activities needed to accom-
            ter. Water-resource risks include excessive   cal wells ( Soeder, 2017) .  modate such equipment often modify
            withdrawals, stray gas in drinking-water   By the mid-1990s, technical advances in   landscapes and watersheds ( Fig. 1 # 10) .
            aquifers, and surface spills of fluids or   directional drilling for deep-water oil and   Fracking involves injection of large vol-                   4
            chemicals. Landscapes can be signifi-  gas, along with improvements in down-  umes of water ( ~ 0.1 to > 10 million liters)
            cantly altered by the infrastructure   hole bit navigation ( Rao, 2012) , enabled   with sand to prop the fractures open and
            installed to support large drilling plat-  Mitchell Energy to bore long, horiz ontal   chemical additives such as friction reduc-
            forms and associated equipment.    wells called “ laterals”  into the Barnett   ers, corrosion inhibitors, anti-scale agents,
            Exposure routes, fate and transport, and   Shale in the Fort Worth Basin of Texas.   and biocides ( USEPA, 2016;  https://fracfocus
            toxicology of chemicals used in the   These laterals, which contacted a much   .org/) . The water, sand, and additives are
            hydraulic fracturing process are poorly   greater volume of the shale formation than   pumped into wells under pressures that                                                                                Site or figure number
            understood, as are the potential effects on   vertical wells, were stimulated with a   exceed rock-strength to create fractures   4                                                                       1.  Well-pad construction
            terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and   series of staged hydraulic fractures care-  ( Figs. 1 # 3–4 and S2 [ see footnote 2] ) .   High-pressure                                                         2. Drilling
            human health. This is made all the more   fully spaced into discrete z ones along the   Many of the risks at each step of UOG     injection                                                               3.  and 4. Completion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      5.  Natural gas production
            difficult by an adaptable and evolving   lateral. The combination of horiz ontal   development are known while others            S an d nd                                                                6.  Crude oil production
            industry that frequently changes methods   drilling and staged hydraulic fracturing   remain poorly understood ( Table S1 [ see                                                                           7. Plugged and abandoned well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         illustrating leaking casing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8.  Wastewater disposal
            GSA Today, v. 28, Copyright 2018, The Geological Society of America. CC-BY-NC.                                           g u l P g u l P                             9.  Induced seismicity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      10.  Landscape disturbance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11. Potential upward transport pathway
                                                                                                                                               Proppant in fracture
                                                                                                                                               Proppant in fracture
            * Emails: dan.soeder@;  dbkent@                                                                                                                                                       12.  Water supply wells
            1  The term “ frack”  ( with the k)  is commonly used by shale gas opponents ( “ fracktivists” )  in reference to the entire drilling, stimulation, and production process. Pro-
            ponents use the spelling “ frac”  ( minus the k)  in reference only to the stimulation step. The word has no standard spelling, but for phonetics and consistency with similar
            words ( e.g., crack)  we have chosen to include the “ k”  but limit the use to the stimulation process.

            2  GSA Data Repository Item 2018251, six tables and eight figures with supporting information, is online at

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