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idea of serving in a congressional briefing or hearing. All of the This manuscript is submitted for publication by Caitlin
scientists with whom I worked during my fellowship year were Keating-Bitonti, 2018–2019 GSA-USGS Congressional Science
academics with limited to no policy experience, and they were Fellow, with the understanding that the U.S. government is autho-
all invaluable to the legislative drafting process. I sincerely rized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental use.
appreciated all of the time and energy they took to work with The one-year fellowship is supported by GSA and the U.S.
me, and I hope that they found a sense of accomplishment in Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, under Assistance
applying their science to the legislative process. Award no. G18AP00098. The views and conclusions contained in
this document are those of the author and should not be inter-
preted as necessarily representing the official policies, either
expressed or implied, of the U.S. government. Keating-Bitonti
works in the office of Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and can be
contacted by e-mail at
2019–2020 GSA-USGS Congressional
Science Fellow Announced
GSA and the U.S. Geological Survey are improve our understanding of how fast and how deep climate
pleased to announce that Mike O’Connor change–induced permafrost thaw will occur in Alaska. The field-
will serve as the 2019–2020 GSA-USGS work was conducted out of Toolik Field Station on the Alaskan
Congressional Science Fellow. He will North Slope, and was partially supported by GSA grant funds.
spend a year in the office of Representative O’Connor served as a graduate research fellow within Oak
Paul Tonko (D-NY) working on energy Ridge National Laboratory’s Climate Change Science Institute,
and environmental issues. working closely with a team of environmental system modelers.
O’Connor is a hydrologist with an He also served as an intern for both the Texas Senate Committee
extensive background in water resources on Agriculture, Water, and Rural Affairs (spring 2015) and in
Mike O'Connor and cold regions. While at the University the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural
of Texas working with Bayani Cardenas, Resources (summer 2017), where he helped communicate
O’Connor used fieldwork and numerical models to substantially policy-relevant science to lawmakers and their staff.
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Out-of-Print Books
Geoscience Books (now including Pegmatites)
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