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                                     2020–2021 GSA-USGS

                        Congressional Science Fellowship

                                          Application deadline: 15 Jan. 2020

                         Bring your science and technology expertise to Capitol Hill to work at the interface between
                       geoscience and public policy. The GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellowship provides a rare
                       opportunity for a geoscientist to spend a year working for a member of Congress or congressional
                       committee. If you are a geoscientist with a broad scientific background, experience applying
                       scientific knowledge to societal challenges, and a passion for helping shape the future of the geo-
                       science profession, GSA and the USGS invite your application. The fellowship is open to GSA
                       members who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. A Ph.D. at the time of appointment or a
                       master’s degree in engineering plus five years of professional experience is required.

                 Learn more at or by contacting Kasey White, +1-202-669-0466,

               Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and                                   Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and

                                                                                    Provenance: ACelebration of the
                 Provenance: A Celebration of the                             Edited by R.V. Ingersoll, T.F. Lawton,   Career of William R. Dickinson
                                                                             and S.A. Graham
                                                                                 Edited by Raymond V. Ingersoll, Timothy F. Lawton, and Stephan A. Graham
                  Career of William R. Dickinson
                            Edited by Raymond V. Ingersoll,
                     Timothy F. Lawton, and Stephan A. Graham                A Celebration of the Career of William R. Dickinson  Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and Provenance:

               Through a remarkable combination of intellect, self-confi dence, engaging humility,
               and prodigious output of published work, William R. Dickinson infl uenced and chal-  Member Price
               lenged three generations of sedimentary geol ogists, igneous petrologists, tectonicists,   $70.00
               sandstone petrologists, archaeologists, and other geo scientists. A key fi gure in the
               plate- tectonic revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, he explained how the distribution of
               sediments on Earth’s surface could be traced to tectonic processes, and is widely rec-  Special Paper 540
               ognized as a founder of modern sedimentary basin analysis. This volume consists of 31
               chapters related to Dickinson’s research interests; many of the authors are his former
               students, their students, and their students’ students, demonstrating his continuing pro-
               found infl uence. The papers in this volume are an impressive tribute to the depth and
               breadth of Bill Dickinson’s contributions to the geosciences.

               SPE540, 757 p., ISBN 9780813725406  toll-free 1.888.443.4472
               $99.00, member price $70.00         1.303.357.1000, option 3           Special Paper 540
                               Buy online at

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