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also includes two research units, the Institute for   department [  As part of your application, you will be asked to
          Geophysics and the Bureau of Economic Geology.   faculty-interests/ ] and the university in tecton-  complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is
          With over 190 research scientists and faculty, the   ics, seismology, rock mechanics, mineral deposits,   voluntary. Any information directly related to you
          Jackson School of Geosciences is one of the larg-  machine learning, and high-performance comput-  is  confidential  and  cannot  be  accessed  by  search
          est academic earth science schools in the country.   ing, and enhance the long-standing tradition of   committees or human resources staff. Results will
          The University is located in a thriving metropolitan   excellence in pure and applied geophysics research   be aggregated for institutional planning purposes.
          area with a dynamic, multicultural community of   in the Faculty of Arts & Sciences.  For more information, please see
          over 1 million people. The department is interested   Candidates must provide evidence of research   All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply;
          in building a culturally diverse intellectual commu-  excellence as demonstrated by a  record of sus-  however, Canadians and permanent residents will
          nity and we strongly encourage applications from   tained high-impact contributions and publica-  be given priority.
          all underrepresented groups. The University of   tions in top-ranked and field relevant journals,   Tenure-Track Assistant Professor,
          Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer   the submitted research statement, presentations at
          with a commitment to diversity at all levels.  significant conferences, distinguished awards and   Solid Earth Processes in the
            Review of applications will begin December 17,   accolades, and other noteworthy activities that   Lithosphere, Florida State University
          2019, and continue until the position is filled. Inter-  contribute to the visibility and prominence of the   The Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric
          ested applicants should submit a cover letter; CV;   discipline, as well  as strong endorsements from   Sciences (EOAS) at the Florida State University
          research statement; teaching statement; statement   referees of high standing.   (FSU) seeks a Solid Earth Geologist with prefer-
          addressing past and/or potential contributions to   Evidence of excellence in teaching will be pro-  ence  for  a  Metamorphic  petrologist  for  a  tenure-
          diversity through research, teaching, and or service;   vided through teaching accomplishments, the   track Assistant Professor position. The ideal can-
          and a list of at least three individuals who would be   teaching dossier submitted as part of the applica-  didate will employ “process” oriented research that
          able to provide letters of reference. Submit copies   tion including a strong teaching statement, sample   provides insight into the transfer of heat and mass in
          of these materials through Interfolio’s “Apply Now”   course syllabi, and the teaching evaluations, as   the lithosphere by integrating natural observations,
          option: Further instructions can be found at: apply   well as strong letters of reference. The successful   analytical methods, and complementary numeri-
 .            candidate will be expected to teach introductory   cal modeling. Research areas could include but are
            The University of Texas at Austin, as an equal   geoscience courses and graduate and upper level   not limited to fluid-rock interactions, interaction of
          opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies   undergraduate courses in fields related to their spe-  lithosphere and exosphere, volatile sequestration,
          with all applicable federal and state laws regarding   cialization, including field-based teaching of under-  and time-scales and rates of lithospheric processes
          nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The Uni-  graduate and graduate students.  approached from a petrological perspective.
          versity is committed to a policy of equal opportu-  Toronto is a centre of activity for international   Candidates must  hold a  doctorate  from  an
          nity for all persons and does not discriminate on the   geophysical exploration, and many companies spe-  accredited institution or the highest degree in Earth
          basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital sta-  cialising in exploration technology are located in   Science or a related field. The appointee is expected
          tus, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender   the area. The Teck Chair will be expected to take   to develop and maintain a vigorous externally
          expression, disability, religion, or veteran status in   advantage of industry and industry-focussed gov-  funded research program and to teach at the under-
          employment, educational programs and activities,   ernmental research funding to establish and lead   graduate and graduate levels. The appointee is also
          and admissions.                    a vigorous programme of research and graduate   expected to contribute to the department’s strong
          Applied Geophysics, University of   study in the field of exploration geophysics. The   commitment to field-based undergraduate educa-
                                                                                tion, which includes FSU’s Geology field course.
          Toronto                            successful candidate will be expected to enhance   Applicants  should  submit  a  cover  letter,  cur-
          The Department of Earth Sciences [http://www   the Department’s links with the Department of   riculum vitae, statement of research and teaching
] in the Faculty of Arts & Science   Physics and the Lassonde programme in the Faculty   interests, and contact information for three refer-
          at the University of Toronto invites applications   of Applied Sciences & Engineering.  ences using FSU’s electronic submission system at
          for a full-time tenure stream position in the area of   Salary  and  rank will be commensurate with Applications should be submit-
          Applied Geophysics. The appointment will be at   qualifications and experience.   ted to job opening # 46341. Review of applications
          the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, and   All qualified candidates are invited to apply   will begin Nov 18, 2019. The deadline for receipt
          will commence on July 1, 2020, or shortly there-  online by clicking the link below. Applicants must   of applications is Jan, 2, 2020. Inquiries may be
          after. The successful candidate will be appointed   submit a cover letter; a current curriculum vitae;   addressed to the chair of the search committee,
          as the endowed Teck Chair in Exploration Geo-  statements describing their research program and   Prof. Mainak Mookherjee,
          physics for a five-year term, renewable following   teaching philosophy (of no more than 5 pages   FSU is An Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirma-
          a favourable review.               each); and a teaching dossier to include a teach-  tive Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer. FSU’s
            Applicants must have earned a PhD degree   ing statement, sample course syllabi and teaching   Equal Opportunity Statement can be viewed at:
          in  geophysics,  physics,  or  a  related  area,  with  a   evaluations.
          demonstrated exceptional record of excellence in   Applicants must also arrange to have three letters   EEO_Statement.pdf. Diversity, equity, and inclusion
          research and teaching. Candidates will have an   of reference sent directly by the referee via email (on   are core values at FSU and the Department of Earth,
          established international reputation and  will be   letterhead and signed) to   Ocean and Atmospheric Science. Our excellence can
          expected to sustain and lead innovative and inde-  by the closing November 18, 2019.   only be fully realized by faculty, students, and staff
          pendent research at the highest international level   Submission guidelines can be found at http://  who share our commitment to these values. Success-
          and to maintain an outstanding, competitive, and  We  recommend  combining   ful candidates for our faculty positions will demon-
          externally funded research program. The success-  attached documents into one or two files in PDF/MS   strate evidence of a commitment to advancing equity
          ful candidate is expected to establish and maintain   Word format. If you have any questions about this   and inclusion through their research, teaching, and/
          research programs that utilize and develop geo-  position, please contact  or service.
          physical  tools  (e.g.,  seismic,  magnetic,  electrical,   The University of Toronto is strongly committed
          gravitational, and electromagnetic methods) for   to diversity within its community and especially   Assistant Professor, Environmental
          applications in (but not limited to) exploration and   welcomes applications from racialized persons /   Volcanology/Petrology, North
          management of natural resources, environmental   persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal  Carolina State University
          engineering, architecture and civil engineering. We   People of North America, persons with disabilities,   The Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric
          seek candidates whose research program and teach-  LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to   Sciences (MEAS) at North Carolina State Univer-
          ing interests complement existing strengths of the   the further diversification of ideas.   sity intends to fill a tenure-track assistant professor

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