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            Please contact the search committee chair,   research in top quality journals; (iii) teach under-  and science education. Anticipated start date for the
          Bernie Housen ( for ques-  graduate and graduate courses in Earth Materials;   position is July 2020. Incoming Fellows will receive
          tions about these positions. Review of applications   (iv) mentor graduate students; (v) take a leadership   an annual stipend of $65,000 with health benefits,
          begins October 14, 2019 and continues until the   role in the GeoAnalytical Laboratory; (vi) work with   plus $12,000 per year in discretionary research
          positions are filled.              faculty and mentor students from a wide range of   funds. A relocation allowance will be provided. The
          Assistant Professor, Earth Materials,   backgrounds; and (vii) serve university and profes-  initial appointment is for one year with subsequent
          School of the Environment          sional organizations. To learn more and apply, visit:   annual renewal for up to a total of three years, con-
                                     WSU is
          Washington State University        an EO/AA Educator and Employer.    tingent upon satisfactory performance, the needs of
          The School of the Environment at Washington                           the university, and availability of resources.
                                                                                  Interested candidates should contact two faculty
          State University invites applications for an Assis-                   members in SESE to discuss potential collaborative
          tant Professor in Earth Materials, to begin August   FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES  research topics and determine whether they would
          2020, with an emphasis in petrology, mineralogy,
          volcanology, magmatic processes, or  tectonic   2020 Exploration Fellowship in Earth   agree to serve as an Exploration Fellow mentor.
          processes. The candidate will take a leadership   and Space Science, Arizona State   When a topic of mutual interest between the appli-
          role in developing and funding research initia-  University           cant and potential faculty mentors is identified, the
          tives that take advantage of WSU’s Peter Hooper   The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE)   applicant  should  submit  a  research  proposal  as  a
          GeoAnalytical Laboratory and the Radiogenic   in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Ari-  single PDF that includes: (1) a cover letter identify-
          Isotope and Geochronology Laboratory, which   zona State University invites applications for the   ing the proposed research topic and the names of the
          maintain state-of-the art capabilities in whole rock   postdoctoral research scholar position of Explora-  two faculty mentors, (2) a current CV, (3) a research
          and micro-scale major and trace element analysis,   tion Fellow. The mission of the postdoctoral fellow-  proposal not longer than five pages (including fig-
          geochronology, and radiogenic and stable isotope   ship is to foster SESE’s interdisciplinary research   ures and references), and (4) one paper exemplify-
          geochemistry. Lab facilities include current gen-  program by attracting and supporting outstanding   ing the applicant’s research. Applicants should
          eration electron microprobe, X-ray fluorescence,   early-career scientists and engineers to pursue inde-  arrange for three letters of reference to be submit-
          inductively-coupled  plasma  mass  spectrometer,   pendent research in collaboration with SESE fac-  ted separately. Preference will be given to propos-
          and laser ablation facilities (https://environment   ulty. Research areas within SESE encompass theo-  als that include interdisciplinary research spanning
  retical and observational astrophysics, astrobiology,   multiple research areas within SESE.
            The successful candidate will: (i) develop an   cosmology, earth surface processes, planetary sci-  Essential duties of the position: The successful
          externally funded research program; (ii) publish   ence, instrumentation and  systems  engineering,   applicant will conduct original research, document

                The Geological Society of America Foundation

                                     Seeks to Hire a President

            The mission of the Geological Society of America Foundation   • Executive or board experience, especially not-for-profit
          (GSAF) is to develop and provide funds to support the goals and     experience, is highly desirable.
          programs of the Geological Society of America (GSA). GSAF   • Demonstrated skill and success in several critical aspects,
          provides over $1 million annually to the Society.     including fund-raising. organizational management and
            The president of the Foundation is the principal officer and     supervision, and scientific literacy.
          oversees the conduct of the fund-raising activities and reports to   • Other credentials or experience may also be valuable and will
          the GSAF Board of Trustees. Duties include preparation and   be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
          execution of the Foundation Operations and the Foundation-to-
          Society Transfer budgets, supervision of Foundation Operations   Contact for further information.
          Manager and Director of Development, implementation of stra-
          tegic initiatives, and other directives approved by the Board of   Salary range is US$70,000 to US$75,000. Benefits include
          Trustees. The president also maintains close relations with the   403(b) and PTO (20 plus hours/week for PTO). Applications
          GSA Executive Director and attends Society scientific or orga-  accepted until 1 Dec. 2019 (or until filled); expected hiring
          nizational meetings as necessary.                    April 2020, with reporting date in June 2020 to allow overlap
            The position is part-time (0.5 FTE) and is located at GSA   with the incumbent.
          Headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, USA. For the right candi-  Submit cover letter, résumé, and three professional references.
          date, business may be conducted remotely with some time   The cover letter must detail why the applicant is a perfect fit for
          required on-site.                                    this position, include examples of fundraising, and not-for-profit
                                                               experience if applicable. Please submit your application to
          Key Qualifications                          no later than 1 Dec. 2019.
          • Geoscientific expertise and credentials are mandatory (BS/BA   Equal Opportunity Employer: minority/female/disability/veteran.
           in geoscience required, MS/MA or higher preferred, profes-
           sional experience demonstrated).

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