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          position in environmental volcanology/petrology.  postings/10400. The position ID is F00174P. A com-  Ohio Wesleyan University, a private liberal arts
            Desirable expertise includes research employ-  plete application includes: 1) curriculum vitae,  2)   college located 20 miles north of Columbus, in Del-
          ing observation, experiments, and modeling to   summary of current and proposed research (max.   aware, Ohio, promotes and celebrates an inclusive
          investigate the origin of magmatism in different   two pages), 3) statement of teaching interests (max.   environment free from constraints in areas of cul-
          tectonic  settings, the  role  of volatiles in volca-  one page), and 4) names and email addresses of   ture, race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender
          nic eruptions and short and/or long-term climate   three references. Question regarding this position   identity and/or expression, age, religion, family
          change, and/or geohazards. The anticipated start   may be directed via email to Dr. Majie Fan, Search   relationship, or economic barriers. Applications
          date is August 16, 2020.           Committee Chair at, or departmen-  by  members  of  all  underrepresented groups are
            Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in Earth   tal administration at   encouraged as OWU is an equal opportunity insti-
          or  related  sciences.  The  successful  candidate   Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track,   tution and has a strong commitment to supporting
          must demonstrate strong potential for outstanding   Emory University  diversity, equity and inclusion.
          accomplishments in research, research supervi-  Location: Atlanta, Georgia; Salary: Open; Type:   Completed application packets will include:
          sion, and teaching. Enthusiastic engagement in NC                     (1)   Cover Letter
          State’s undergraduate and graduate degree pro-  Full Time—Entry; Required Education: Doctorate  (2)   Resume or Curriculum Vitae
          grams in Earth, marine and atmospheric sciences   The Department of Environmental Sciences at   (3)   Three Letters of Recommendation
          is expected. Course offerings may include under-  Emory University, Atlanta, GA, seeks applicants   (4)   Statement on teaching philosophy
          graduate  or  graduate  classes  in  mineralogy,  hard   for a full-time, nine-month tenure-track Assistant   (5)   Statement on research interests and how under-
          rock petrology, or other classes commensurate with   Professor position with a focus on biogeochemis-  graduate students would be involved in that research
                                             try, beginning fall semester 2020. Research may
          the candidate’s interest and expertise. MEAS places   address any aspect of biogeochemical cycling,   (6)   Statement on diversity and inclusiveness that
          a high value on excellent instruction and the use of   with a preference for work focused on anthropo-  describes how your teaching, scholarship, mentor-
          innovative teaching methods.       genic environmental change and/or novel trans-  ing and/or service might contribute to a liberal arts
            Initial review of applications is expected to begin                 college that has diversity and inclusiveness as part
          by December 1, 2019, with on campus interviews   disciplinary integration. The successful candidate   of its core values
                                             will demonstrate a clear trajectory for excellence
          scheduled for early 2020. Further details are avail-  in both research and teaching and a commitment   Please submit all application materials as PDF’s
          able at Applica-  to enhancing inclusion and diversity. Full descrip-  to:
          tions must be submitted online at http://jobs.ncsu   tion and application submission at: https://apply   The application deadline is December 1, 2019.
          .edu/postings/121811 or search for position number  Application review will begin immediately and will
          00001313.  Applications  from  women,  minorities,   Review begins on November 11, 2019, but appli-  continue until the position is filled.
          and persons with disabilities are encouraged.                         Assistant Professor, Hydrology and
                                             cations received up to 30 days after review begins
          Tenure-Track Assistant Professor   will be given full consideration. Questions related   Surface Processes, Baylor University
          in Geohazards or Environmental     to the position (but not application materials) should   Baylor University is a private Christian university
          Health, The University of Texas    be addressed to: Emory is   and a nationally ranked research institution, con-
                                                                                sistently listed with highest honors among The
          Arlington                          an EEO/AA employer.                Chronicle of Higher Education’s “Great Colleges
          The Department of Earth and Environmental Sci-  Assistant Professor of Geology, Ohio   to Work For.” The University is recruiting new
          ences at the University of Texas Arlington invites   Wesleyan University  faculty with a deep commitment to excellence in
          applications for a tenure-track faculty position in   The Department of Geology and Geography at   teaching, research and scholarship. Baylor seeks
          broadly construed areas related to geohazards or   Ohio Wesleyan University invites applications for a   faculty who share in our aspiration to become a
          environmental health at the level of Assistant Pro-  full-time (tenure-track) Assistant Professor of Geol-  tier one research institution while strengthening
          fessor.  Faculty  candidates  for  higher  ranks  with   ogy with an expertise in Tectonics and Structural   our distinctive Christian mission as described in
          exceptional track records will also be considered.   Geology to begin in Fall 2020. Applicants should   our strategic vision, Pro Futuris,
          We seek a broadly-trained geoscientist or envi-  possess a PhD in Geology with an expertise in Tec-  profuturis/ and academic strategic plan, Illuminate
          ronmental scientist who complements the interdis-  tonics and Structural Geology and a strong commit- As the world’s largest
          ciplinary nature of our earth and environmental   ment to teaching. ABD applicants within one year   Baptist University, Baylor offers over 40 doctoral
          science program. While candidates from all sub-  of completion of their PhD with a similar expertise   programs and has more than 17,000 students from
          disciplines of earth and environmental sciences are   and teaching commitment will be considered. The   all 50 states and more than 85 countries.
          encouraged to apply, we are particularly interested   successful candidate  will  be  expected:  to  teach   Baylor seeks to fill the following tenure-track
          in candidates with expertise in one of the follow-  approximately 9 contact hours per semester focus-  faculty position within the Department of Geosci-
          ing areas: geohazards, processes leading to earth-  ing on Physical and Environmental Geology, Tec-  ences, College of Arts and Sciences:
          quakes, rock strength change, landform response to   tonics, Structural Geology, Geological Techniques;   Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Surface
          disturbances, climate change and its impact, data   to develop new courses in their expertise that   Processes. The Baylor University Department of
          analytics, dynamical or statistical modeling, the   complement the existing curriculum; to contribute   Geosciences seeks a dynamic scholar in hydrol-
          exposome, biomarkers, and metabolics.   to the interdisciplinary majors (for example, Plane-  ogy and surface processes beginning August
            Applicants should have a doctoral degree in earth   tary Science, Environmental Science) that Geology   2020. Candidates should possess a Ph.D. in a geo-
          and environmental sciences or a related field. Suc-  participates in; and to develop a research program   science, hydrology, or closely related discipline.
          cessful  candidates are  expected to  demonstrate a   that  engages  undergraduate  students.  Ohio  Wes-  We seek an innovative scientist with demonstrated
          commitment to diversity and equity in education   leyan places significant value of teaching, expects   research excellence. Specific areas of interest
          through their scholarship, teaching, and/or service.   excellence and innovation in the classroom, and   could include water connections within anthropo-
          We  are  deeply  committed  to  increasing  diversity   close educational interaction between faculty and   genic and natural systems, ecohydrology, remote
          and especially encourage applications from women   students. The University also values and expects   sensing, climate change, fluvial geomorphology,
          and minority scholars.             scholarly research and active engagement with pro-  and intersections between water and energy, all at
            Review of applications will begin immediately   fessional activities. The Geology and Geography   scales ranging from the local watershed to global.
          and  continue  until  the  position  is  filled.  For  full   department currently has  5  tenure-track  faculty   We welcome candidates who bring new perspec-
          consideration, applications should be submitted   positions (3 in Geology and 2 in Geography). Fur-  tives and a commitment to teaching and mentor-
          by November 16th, 2019. Full position description   ther information about the department can be found   ing of undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral
          and application are at https://uta.peopleadmin .com/  at   students. Our  department  includes 17  tenured

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