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and tenure-track geoscientists, with considerable   epscor for further information. Contributing to the   Assistant Professor, Geology, Marine
          facilities and resources. Water-related research is   boreal fire component and the ability to integrate   and Coastal Science, Western
          a priority for the Geosciences and other STEM   across the coastal margins component is central to   Washington University
          departments, with multiple opportunities for cross-   the project.    The Geology Department and the Marine and
          disciplinary collaborations.         Applicants  must  hold  a  Ph.D.  in  geological   Coastal Science (MACS) program at Western
            The application package for this position   sciences or a closely related discipline, and pref-  Washington University (WWU) invite applications
          should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, 3   erably have post-doctoral and teaching experi-  for two tenure-track, assistant professor positions
          peer-reviewed publications, separate research and   ence. The position requires research, teaching,   with specialties in one of three fields:
          teaching statements,  and the  names and contact   and service components that support UAA’s mis-  Coastal Geomorphology/Coastal Geohaz-
          information of 3 references. Submit the applica-  sion. The successful candidate will be expected   ards. The ideal candidate will enhance our exist-
          tion package electronically via Interfolio (http://  to teach core  courses and/or develop specialty   ing strengths in geoscience teaching and research
          apply ).     courses for the graduate (M.S.) and undergradu-  by developing new courses and research avenues
            If there are questions please contact the chair of   ate  academic  programs,  develop  a  vigorous   in coastal geomorphology, coastal tectonics and
          the search committee, Dr. Joe Yelderman ( email:   externally funded research program, and mentor   geo-hazards. Broad areas of interest include, but
 ). Faculty will also be   graduate students. Interested applicants should   are not limited to, coastal erosion and sediment
          available to discuss the position at the AGU meeting   submit a statement of interest that outlines their   transport, delta evolution, beach/tidal morpho-
          in San Francisco.                  qualifications for this position and includes a   dynamics, marine geohazards, and tectonic pro-
            Salary is commensurate with experience and   research  plan,  teaching interests, curriculum   cesses that impact coastal zones, including uplift,
          qualifications. Applications will be reviewed begin-  vitae, and the names and contact information of   subsidence, and tsunami generation and impacts.
          ning 11/01/2019 and will be accepted until the posi-  at least three references. Applications must be   Paleoceanography/Paleoclimate. The ideal
          tion is filled. To learn more, please visit these links:   submitted to Job #512846 at alaska .edu/jobs/. For   candidate will enhance our existing strengths in
, https://www   questions about this position, please contact Dr.   geoscience teaching and research by developing new
      Lee Ann Munk, Chair of the Search Committee,   courses and research avenues in paleoceanography/
            Baylor University is a  private  not-for-profit   at Review of applications   paleoclimatology. Broad areas of interest include,
          university affiliated with the Baptist General Con-  will begin November 8, 2019 and will continue   but are not limited to, oceanic circulation and heat
          vention of Texas. As an Affirmative Action/Equal   until the position is filled.  transport, micropaleontology/paleoecology, the car-
          Opportunity employer, Baylor is committed to   UAA is an AA/EO Employer and Educational   bon cycle, and geochemical processes that are related
          compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination   Institution. Applicant must be eligible for employ-  to climate variations on geological timescales. Tools
          laws, including those regarding age, race, color,   ment at the time of initial appointment under the   and techniques used to address these problems can
          sex, national origin, marital status, pregnancy sta-  immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986   include geochemical or sedimentological proxies of
          tus, military service, genetic information, and dis-  and subsequent amendments. Your application for   climate  variations, paleontological  proxies/indica-
          ability. As a religious educational institution, Bay-  employment with UAA is subject to public disclo-  tors of climate variations, physical oceanographic
          lor is lawfully permitted to consider an applicant’s   sure under the Alaska Public Records Act.  data, or other appropriate techniques.
          religion as a selection criterion. Baylor encourages                    Marine Geologist.  The ideal candidate will
          women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with   Igneous Petrology, Western   enhance our existing strengths in geoscience teach-
          disabilities to apply.             Washington University              ing  and  research  by  developing  new  courses  and
                                             The Geology Department at Western Washing-
          Tenure Track Assistant Professor   ton University (WWU) invites applications for a   research avenues in marine geology with a focus on
                                                                                crustal/lithospheric evolution and/or tectonic pro-
          Position in Earth Surface Processes,   tenure-track, assistant professor position with spe-  cesses. Broad areas of interest include, but are not
          University of Alaska Anchorage     cialty in Igneous Petrology to begin Sept 16, 2020.   limited to, formation of the oceanic lithosphere and
          The Department of Geological Sciences at the   We seek individuals who are enthusiastic about   crustal evolution, geodynamics of the ocean basins,
          University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) (www   teaching and who will establish a vigorous research   hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges, geo-
 geology/) seeks applications from   program, and are particularly interested in those   chemistry of rock-water interactions, submarine
          exceptional  candidates  for  a  tenure-track  faculty   who will combine field and analytical, experimen-  volcanic systems, or tectonic processes associated
          position at the Assistant Professor level in the broad   tal or modeling approaches in their research, and   with oceanic plate boundaries. Tools and tech-
          area of Earth Surface Processes, with a start date of   who will involve undergraduate and Masters-level   niques used to address these problems can include
          August 2020. We aim to complement existing areas   students in their research.  geochemical analyses, geophysical methods, geo-
          of research expertise in hydrology, environmental   The ideal candidate will enhance our existing   spatial analysis,  textural  rock  analysis,  numerical
          geochemistry, structure, and stratigraphy. The suc-  strengths in geoscience teaching and research by   models, or other appropriate techniques.
          cessful candidate is expected to teach undergraduate   developing new courses and research avenues in   These positions will begin Sept 16, 2020. As
          and graduate courses to a diverse student body in the   igneous petrology. Broad areas of interest include,   members of the group of initial faculty hires into
          B.S. and M.S. programs in geological sciences.  but are not limited to, the timescales of magmatic   the MACS program, the successful applicant will
            Although all areas of  Earth  Surface  Processes   processes, the evolution of the continental crust,   foster an interdisciplinary approach to teaching
          will be considered, expertise in modeling of geo-  mantle, oceanic lithosphere/ocean island/mid-ocean   and research in geology and marine science. We
          morphological, coastal, cryospheric, and/or marine   ridge processes, the recycling of elements and   seek individuals who are enthusiastic about teach-
          processes is desired. The position is associated with   volatiles within arc magmas and subduction sys-  ing and who will establish a vigorous research pro-
          a $20 million, 5-year National Science Foundation   tems, and links between tectonic and magmatic   gram, and are particularly interested in those who
          EPSCoR (Established Program to Stimulate Com-  processes.             will combine field, experimental, and/or modeling
          petitive Research) grant that supports interdisci-  For details about the position, application infor-  approaches in their research program, and who will
          plinary research in the State of Alaska. During the   mation and instructions, go to the WWU Employ-  involve undergraduate and Masters-level students
          first three years at UAA, the successful applicant   ment  website  http://employment.wwu .edu/ cw/en-us/   in their research.
          will serve as a member of the EPSCoR team for   job/497184/assistant-professor-of-igneous-petrology.  To apply, and for further details regarding qual-
          the project “Fire and Ice: Navigating Variability   Review of applications begins December 15, 2019   ifications and position responsibilities, please see
          in Boreal Wildfire Regimes and Subarctic Coastal   and continues until position is filled. Please contact
          Ecosystems.” Applicants are encouraged to consult   the search committee chair, Susan DeBari (debari@  assistant-professor-geology-marine-and-coastal
          the Alaska EPSCoR website at for questions about this position.  -science.

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