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“By GSA investing in my field camp experience,
I feel they have invested in me.”
GSA is dedicated to enriching the geosciences by investing in Park to the Alaskan wilderness. “Field camp served as a capstone
student success. A critical component to this—and to geoscience experience for my geology studies and is absolutely essential to a
education in general—is fieldwork. In the field, students are able to well-rounded geoscience education. It is one thing to learn about a
apply the concepts they learn in the classroom while gaining valu- geologic phenomenon in the classroom, but actually having to iden-
able, practical experience they will carry forward throughout their tify it in the field is an exercise that solidifies concepts. The experi-
careers. Increasingly, however, the financial cost of pursuing field- ence reinforces classroom learnings, develops interpretation skills,
work can be prohibitive. and cultivates a greater sense of independence. I feel much more
Through GSAF’s J. David Lowell Field Camp Opportunity confident in my understanding of geologic principles.”
Fund, you can help provide crucial financial support for aspiring While these experiences left a lasting impression, they were not
geoscientists so they can develop their field skills. Two 2019 without cost. Both Holly and Cody expressed immense gratitude for
GSA Field Camp Scholars—Holly Olivarez, a first-year Ph.D. the financial support provided by the Field Camp Scholarships. For
student at the University of Colorado Boulder, and Cody Keith, Cody, the award allowed him to “stay afloat” with college expenses.
a student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks pursuing a dual His eight-week course was an expensive endeavor, with the timing
B.A. in geoscience and petroleum engineering—described how and location making summer employment impossible. “The Field
their GSA-supported fieldwork grounded and enriched their Camp Scholarship helped to bridge this gap, allowing me to enjoy
classroom experiences while providing important training they the field camp experience with less economic stress. The economic
would not have received otherwise. commitment for the student is daunting but worthwhile, and sup-
For Holly, who participated in the University of New Mexico’s port from outside individuals and organizations helps make this
field geography course, the experience of getting into the field was valuable opportunity possible for students.” In Holly’s case, the
life altering. “Field camp changed my life in many ways! My appre- scholarship allowed her to pay for camp and to purchase the neces-
ciation for fieldwork and instruments has grown exponentially. To sary tools. In the end, she hopes that “individuals will support field
be able to interpret what the rock, geomorphology, structural fea- camp opportunities for students because of the direct impact a
tures, fossils, vegetation, and more are telling us is a skill I will donation makes. Because of the GSA Field Camp Scholarship, from
never forget. It was the only course in my undergraduate studies day one I approached field camp knowing I had the support of GSA
that really taught me how to understand what the geology of an area behind me!”
is telling us—a skill not learned in a classroom. The fieldwork, Will you support aspiring geoscientists like Holly and Cody?
the team effort, and the perspective gained during field camp are Your generosity helps countless students gain the field experience
invaluable to my future. By GSA investing in my field camp experi- and training necessary to pursue careers addressing events that
ence, I feel they have invested in me, and believe I have what it impact people, the environment, societies, and economies around
takes to one day be an experienced geologist.” the world. If you would like to support the J. David Lowell Field
This echoes Cody’s field camp experience—an eight-week Camp Opportunity Fund, please contact Debbie Marcinkowski at
course in geologic mapping that took him from Denali National +1-303-357-1047 or via email at
From Left: Cody Keith during his
field camp experience at Denali
National Park, Alaska, USA. Holly
Olivarez on the first day of her
fieldwork in the San Pedro Moun-
tains, New Mexico, USA. 45