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results and write journal articles, and present at sci-  an annual competition for the Richard Foster Flint   Graduate Research Opportunities at Purdue.
          entific meetings.                  Postdoctoral Fellowship. We welcome applicants   The Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Plane-
            Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. by the time of   with research interests in climatic processes, Ceno-  tary Sciences (EAPS) at Purdue University is look-
          appointment in a field relevant to Earth and Space   zoic paleoclimate, historical climate records, and   ing for enthusiastic and self-motivated graduate
          exploration, including (but not limited to) astro-  future climate predictions, using either archive- or   students for a variety of research projects in Geol-
          physics, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, and   modeling-based  investigations.  Specific  research   ogy and Geophysics, and Planetary, Environmental,
          engineering. Candidates must be within five years   areas  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  glaciology;   and Atmospheric Sciences. As a multidisciplinary
          from receipt of the doctoral degree.  climatology; atmospheric and oceanic circulation;   department within the College of Science, EAPS
            Desired Qualifications:  (1) research proposal   low-temperature geochemistry; paleobiological and   draws students from a variety of STEM back-
          that demonstrates relevance, interdisciplinary   paleoecological responses to climate change; and   grounds. We offer 4 years of guaranteed financial
          merit, and/or potential impact of the proposed   coupling between tectonic, climatic, environmen-  support and a variety of fellowships. Students with
          research activities to the overarching “big picture”   tal, and biotic processes. This postdoctoral posi-  demonstrated academic and research excellence are
          research questions in the field and to the mission   tion is awarded for two years and includes a sti-  invited to explore funded opportunities at http://
          of SESE; (2) a record of prior achievement and   pend ($60,000/yr) and research funds ($5,000/yr), Come see our
          experience demonstrating the potential to accom-  plus health-care benefits and limited expenses for   booth at AGU.
          plish proposed research objectives; (3) evidence of   relocation. Applicants should contact a sponsor in
          strong verbal and written communication skills.  the Department to discuss potential research proj-  Graduate Assistantship, New Mexico Highlands
            Application materials should be submitted as a   ects, and then submit a short (2–3 page) statement   University.  Graduate  assistantships are available
          single  PDF file. The  application, and any related   of research interests and a proposed research plan,   for students wishing to pursue an MS in Geol-
          questions, should be submitted by email to exppd@  a curriculum vitae with a full list of publications,   ogy - Environmental Science beginning Spring or
, addressed to the Exploration Fellowship   an endorsement letter from the sponsoring faculty   Fall 2020 term. The NMHU Environmental Geol-
          Committee. Applications will only be given full   member, and three confidential letters of reference.   ogy Program strengths are in Petrology, Environ-
          consideration  when  all  materials  described  above   Applications should be submitted online at http://  mental geochemistry, Water Resources & Water
          are received.             The deadline for receipt   Quality, Paleomagnetism, Volcanology, and col-
            Initial deadline for receipt of complete applica-  of all application materials is December 15, 2019,   laborative endeavors with the New Mexico Forest
          tions is 15 December, 2019; applications will con-  and successful candidates are expected to begin   and Watershed Restoration Institute. The Paleo-
          tinue to be accepted on a rolling basis for a reserve   their program at Yale between July 1 and December   magnetism-Rock Magnetism, Powder X-Ray Dif-
          pool. Applications in the reserve pool may then be   31, 2020. Yale University is an Affirmative Action/  fraction, and Water Chemistry laboratories support
          reviewed in the order in which they were received   Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values diversity   wide-ranging analytical and field research. The
          until the position is filled. Reference Job ID 14087.  among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly   NMHU campus is situated at the boundary of the
            More information about the Exploration Fellow-  welcomes applications from women, persons with   Great Plains and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
          ship can be found at   disabilities, protected veterans, and underrepre-  Campus is located within one to two hours from
          -fellowship.                       sented minorities.                 Cenozoic volcanic fields, Precambrian rock expo-
            More information about the department can be                        sures, glaciated valleys, desert terrains, and several
          found here:  OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS        world-renowned geologic features - the Valles Cal-
            Postdoctoral benefits can be found at: https://cfo                  dera and the Rio Grande Rift. A low student:faculty
    Graduate Student Opportunities, Case Western   ratio, state-of-the art laboratory facilities, and com-
            The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (https://  Reserve University. Students with backgrounds in   mitted  faculty  provide  students  with  a  superior
 at ASU values cultural   geology, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering,   learning experience. The graduate assistantship
          and intellectual diversity, and continually strives   and related fields are encouraged to apply for our   includes a nine-month stipend and tuition waiver
          to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment.   Ph.D. and M.S. programs in Earth, Environmental,   per academic year. Application review begins
          We are especially interested in applicants who can   and Planetary Sciences. Areas of active research   01/10/19 Spring and 01/02/20 Fall. For more infor-
          strengthen the College diversity of the academic   in the Department include planetary geology and   mation, contact Dr. Petronis, Environmental Geol-
          community.                         geodynamics, planetary materials, high-pressure   ogy, NRM Department, New Mexico Highlands
            Background check is required for employment.   mineral physics and geochemistry, core and mantle   University, Box 9000, Las Vegas, New Mexico
          Arizona State University is a VEVRAA Federal   processes, environmental science, sedimentary   87701, For disabled access or
          Contractor and an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative   geology, and sediment transport. For more infor-  services call 505-454-3513 or TDD# 505-454-3003.
          Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be   mation, please visit or write to   AA/EOE Employer.
          considered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, Financial assistance is
          national origin, disability, protected veteran status,   available. Application deadline: 1/15/2020.
          or any other basis protected by law: https://www
 .html and http://

            In compliance with federal law, ASU prepares
          an annual report  on campus security and fire
          safety programs  and resources. ASU’s  Annual   Webinar: GSA Research Grants—Steps to Success
          Security and Fire Safety Report is available   Tuesday, 19 Nov., 11 a.m.–noon (MST)
          online at   The Chair of the GSA Graduate Student Research Grant Committee and a recent student
          -Clery-Report.pdf. You may request a hard copy of   grant recipient will provide tips on how to write a successful grant proposal. The webinar
          the report by contacting the ASU Police Depart-  will focus on the GSA Graduate Student Research Grant program (http://www.geosociety
          ment at 480-965-3456.                  .org/GSA/Education_Careers/Grants_Scholarships/Research_Grants/GSA/grants/gradgrants
          Flint Postdoctoral Fellowship,         .aspx), but many of the strategies discussed would be beneficial when applying to other grant
          Department of Geology &                opportunities, including GSA’s Undergraduate Research Grants, as well as opportunities out-
          Geophysics, Yale University            side of GSA. Bring questions, and bring a friend! Register now at to
                                                 reserve your spot.
          The Department of Geology and Geophysics at
          Yale  University  (  announces

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