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          teaching philosophy, a current curriculum vitae,   System. Mizzou is one of only five universities   and coastal evolution. The research of successful
          and a statement describing the candidate’s poten-  nationwide with law, medicine, veterinary medi-  applicants may concentrate on either chemical or
          tial to further our progress in building a diverse   cine, and a nuclear research reactor on one campus.   clastic sedimentary rocks and may use data from
          and inclusive academic community (to be evalu-  With a population of ~125,000, Columbia is   outcrops, cores, modern environments, the subsur-
          ated without regard to the candidate’s personal   located midway between Missouri’s largest cities,   face, or experimental or modeling studies. Integra-
          demographics); (2) a list of names and e-mail   St. Louis and Kansas City. Money magazine, For-  tion of geophysical data, petrographic observations,
          addresses for at least three individuals who can   tune magazine, U.S. News & World Report, and   and facies analysis is particularly encouraged.
          provide prompt letters of recommendation; and   others have named Columbia one of the best places   The successful candidates will be expected to
          (3) pdf files of up to three publications.   in the United States to live and among the top 10   build active collaborations within and outside the
            Review of applications will commence on Novem-  college towns because of its high quality of life.   university, to develop internationally recognized,
          ber 11, 2019, and continue until the position is filled.   Columbia is home to nationally renowned public   externally funded research programs, to teach grad-
          For additional information, please see https://www   schools, including two top-ranked high schools.   uate and undergraduate level courses that bridge
 surficial or write   The city provides many opportunities for art, cul-  theory and practical applications in the geosciences,
          to WVU is an   ture, and music enthusiasts, and has been recog-  and to use their research to enhance experiential
          EEO/ Affirmative Action Employer and welcomes   nized as a bike-friendly community with many   learning at UH.
          applications from all qualified individuals, including   parks and trails.  The University of Houston is an equal oppor-
          minorities, females, individuals with disabilities, and   To apply. Please apply on line at: http://hrs    tunity/affirmative  action  employer.  Minorities,
          veterans.                 (Job Opening   women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are
                                             ID 31617). Use the online application to upload (i)
          Assistant Professor in Geological   a letter of application that describes your teaching   encouraged to apply.
                                                                                  The University of Houston is responsive to the
          Sciences (Mineralogy/Petrology),   and research experience; (ii) a CV; (iii) a state-  needs of dual career couples. Furthermore, we
          University of Missouri             ment describing research and teaching interests   welcome candidates whose experience in teach-
          The Department of Geological Sciences at the   and a plan for  attracting students,  including  stu-  ing, research, or community service has prepared
          University  of  Missouri  invites  applications  for  a   dents  from  demographic  groups  who  tradition-  them to contribute to our commitment to diversity
          tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Pro-  ally have been underrepresented in the geologi-  and excellence. More information about the depart-
          fessor in the fields of mineralogy and petrology.   cal sciences; and (iv) a statement of inclusion and   ment can be found at
          Potential areas of research interest could include   diversity. Three reference letters are required and   earth-atmospheric/. Candidates must have a Ph.D.
          igneous and/or metamorphic petrology, volcanol-  should be sent (electronically or hard copy) to   or equivalent in earth science or a related field at the
          ogy, meteoritics, planetary geology, geochemistry,   Dr. James Schiffbauer (schiffbauerj@missouri   time of the appointment.
          mineral surface chemistry, and/or other related   .edu), Chair of the Search Committee. Applicants   Review of applications will begin on October
          areas of expertise. This position has an anticipated   may  contact  the  Chair  of  the  Search  Committee   31st, 2019, and continue until the positions are
          Fall 2020 start date. As a minimum qualification, a   with questions about the job duties. Please contact   filled. Candidates should submit: 1) a statement
          Ph.D. in geological sciences or related field by the   Human Resource Services (   of teaching and research interests, 2) a curriculum
          time of appointment is required. The successful   with any questions about the application process.   vitae, 3) a list of at least three possible references
          candidate will be expected to teach across the cur-  Review of application materials will begin on Tues-  and their contact information. Applications should
          riculum, including mineralogy and courses within   day, December 17th, 2019. To ensure full consid-  be  submitted  online  through  https://jobs
          their expertise, and to build an externally funded   eration, applications should be complete (including   A background check is required prior to inter-
          research program that complements the existing   reference letters) on or before this date. The posi-  viewing. Questions about these positions may be
          strengths in paleobiology, geochemistry, structural   tion will remain open until filled.  directed to search committee chair Julia Wellner
          geology, and geophysics. Applicants will be evalu-  The University of Missouri and the Department   (
          ated on their ability to conduct independent research   of Geological Sciences are fully committed to   Notes to Applicant: Official transcripts are
          and effectively teach students across the curriculum   achieving the goal of a diverse and inclusive aca-  required for a faculty appointment and will be
          at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Informa-  demic community of faculty, staff, and students.   requested upon selection of the final candidate. All
          tion about our department and our undergraduate   The University of Missouri is an Equal Opportu-  positions at the University of Houston are security
          and graduate curricula can be found at our depart-  nity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled &   sensitive and will require a criminal history check.
          ment website [].   Veteran Employer. To request ADA accommoda-
            Our department occupies a building dedi-  tions, please contact the Office of Accessibility
          cated to Geological Sciences, and houses numer-  & ADA Education at 573-884-7278 or CheekA@  Assistant (Tenured-Track) or Associate
          ous analytical facilities [       (Tenured), Professor in Igneous and/
          research-facilities] including a new X-ray Tomo-  Three Positions in Sedimentary   or Metamorphic Petrology, The
          graphic and Scanning Electron Microscopy lab-  Geology, University of Houston  University of Texas at Austin
          oratory [] as one of the MU   The  University  of  Houston  Department  of  Earth   The Department of Geological Sciences at The
          Research Core Facilities, and a high-performance   and Atmospheric Sciences invites applications for   University of Texas at Austin seeks to hire a faculty
          computing cluster. Elsewhere on campus is a wide   three tenure-track positions in the general field of   member in the field of igneous and/or metamorphic
          variety of geochemical  instrumentation at  the   sedimentary geology. Hiring will be at the assistant   petrology at the Assistant (tenure-track) or Associ-
          MU Research Reactor [] and at   professor level with up to one hire at the associate   ate Professor (tenured) level. We seek an outstand-
          other research core facilities [research.missouri   professor level. Experience and qualifications will   ing scientist who will establish an innovative, world
          .edu/about/cores].                 be used to determine the appropriate title of assis-  class, externally funded research program in the
            About the University and Columbia, Missouri.   tant or associate. This is a cluster hire that will focus   petrological evolution of the Earth and possibly
          The University of Missouri (also known as Mizzou   on interpretation of records of changing environ-  other terrestrial bodies. We seek a candidate who
          or MU) is located in Columbia, Missouri. As Mis-  ments on Earth’s surface.  will take advantage of the extensive analytical and/
          souri’s largest public research university, Mizzou   We are particularly interested in researchers with   or computational capabilities of the Jackson School
          has an enrollment of ~30,000 students, is a Research   a focus on the areas of paleoclimate, paleoceanog-  and complement our existing research strengths. A
          I designated institution, is a member of the Associa-  raphy, paleogeography, biogeochemistry, carbon   Ph.D. is required by the expected start date.
          tion of American Universities, and is the flagship   cycles and proxies, the role of tectonics in building   The Department of Geological Sciences is part
          campus of the four-campus University of Missouri   the sedimentary record, source to sink processes,   of the Jackson School of Geosciences (JSG), which

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