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Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office Systems, Remote Sensing or other specialty courses Ocean on a beautiful 656-acre campus in the his-
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the in the candidate’s area of expertise. Demonstrated toric port city of Wilmington, North Carolina, on the
issue in which they are to be published. (Note: Combined experience with data collection and analysis using Cape Fear River. The University currently enrolls
March/April issue releases on March schedule.) Print ads will
also appear on the Geoscience Job Board to coincide with the modern instrumentation is expected. Preferred approximately 17,000 students. For further informa-
month of print issue. Contact:, qualifications include demonstrated success with tion about UNCW, please visit
+1-800-472-1988 ext. 1053, or +1-303-357-1053. Email corre- external funding, established ties to research UNCW actively fosters a diverse and inclusive
spondence should include complete contact information institutions, industry or government agencies and working and learning environment and is an equal
(including phone and mailing address). Rates are in U.S. dollars.
interest in developing intradepartmental and cross- opportunity employer. Qualified individuals from
Per line each
Per Line for addt’l month campus collaborations. At Cal Poly Pomona we cul- all racial, ethnic, or other minority groups, veter-
Classification 1st month (same ad) tivate student and faculty success through a diverse ans, and individuals with disabilities are strongly
Positions Open $9.35 $9.30 culture of experiential learning, discovery, and encouraged to apply.
Fellowship Opportunities $9.35 $9.30 innovation. Cal Poly Pomona is committed to being
Opportunities for Students Assistant Professor—Surficial
First 25 lines FREE $5.00 the model for an inclusive polytechnic university Processes Department of Geology &
Additional lines $5.00 $5.00 that inspires creativity and innovation, embraces
local and global challenges, and transforms lives. Geography, West Virginia University
POSITIONS OPEN The position is open until filled. First consideration Job Number: 13110
will be given to completed applications received no The Department of Geology & Geography at
Igneous and/or Metamorphic later than December 30, 2019. Full position descrip- West Virginia University invites applications for
a tenure-track assistant professor position start-
Petrology, Sonoma State University tion and application procedure: http://www.cpp ing in August 2020. A Ph.D. or equivalent degree
(SSU) .edu/~faculty-affairs/open-positions/. in Geoscience or a related field is required at the
The Department of Geology at SSU is seeking a Assistant Professor, Paleontology, time of appointment. We seek applications from
highly motivated and dynamic teacher/scholar to University of North Carolina individuals with expertise in the study of surficial
teach and conduct research with undergraduate stu- Wilmington processes. Relevant specialties might include land
dents in geology, with expertise in igneous and/or The Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences at surface dynamics, landscape evolution, geohaz-
metamorphic petrology. The successful candidate the University of North Carolina Wilmington seeks ards, tectonic geomorphology, critical zone studies,
will be encouraged to initiate and maintain research a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Paleontol- fluvial systems, stream restoration, and land-use
activities that involve undergraduate students, to ogy to begin August 2020. We seek an individual dynamics. The successful applicant will demon-
seek grant funding for scholarly work, and to make with expertise in Conservation Paleobiology whose strate potential to establish a vigorous externally
substantive and documentable contributions to their research integrates paleoecological, paleoclima- funded research program, publish scholarly work,
discipline. This candidate will also be working with tological, and geochronological methods, with a mentor graduate students, contribute to diversity
a diverse team of faculty, staff, and students. To strong potential to utilize UNCW’s coastal setting and inclusion, and teach at the undergraduate and
apply, go to, select “Exter- within the Atlantic Coastal Plain in their research graduate levels to support our Geology, Geography,
nal Applicant,” and search for the “Geology Tenure and teaching. Candidates must have completed and Environmental Geoscience programs (includ-
Track Faculty” position. Review of applications will a Ph.D. in geology, geoscience, or a related field. ing a junior-senior level course in Geomorphology).
begin on December 2nd, 2019. Please contact the The successful candidate will: (1) be committed to Those with the ability to carry out big-data analyt-
search committee chair, Matty Mookerjee, matty exceptional teaching at the introductory level (e.g., ics and modeling are encouraged to apply., with any questions about physical and historical geology, natural disasters, West Virginia, with its steep topography, nar-
this position. environmental geology), including oversight of row valleys, frequent floods and landslides and a
Tenure Track Assistant Professor laboratory sections, as well as upper-level under- history of anthropogenic landscape change, offers
graduate and graduate courses (e.g., vertebrate and/
endless research targets. The WV GIS Technical
in Remote Sensing/Geospatial or invertebrate paleontology, paleoecology, con- Center ( in the Department provides
Technology, California State servation paleobiology), (2) support the established opportunities for collaboration, as does the WVU
Polytechnic University, Pomona undergraduate and graduate degree programs Institute for Water Security and Science (iwss.wvu
The Geological Sciences Department at California within the Department of Earth and Ocean Sci- .edu). In addition to working with colleagues in
State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly ences by advising majors and by actively recruiting Geology and Geography, the new hire will also have
Pomona) invites applications for a tenure-track, and mentoring students, and (3) establish and main- the opportunity to collaborate with scientists in
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR position, beginning tain a vigorous research program with a significant WVU’s Davis College of Agriculture and Natural
in the 2020–2021 academic year. We invite appli- field component that involves both undergraduate Resources and the Statler College of Engineering.
cations from geoscientists whose research incor- and graduate students, and complements and inter- WVU ( is a comprehensive land-
porates data from ground-based remote sensing faces with our emerging directions and strengths in grant university that enrolls about 29,000 students.
or observations from unmanned aerial vehicles or coastal and marine processes and hazards, climate/ It is classified as “R1-very high research activity”
satellites, and the position is open to a broad range paleoclimate studies, volcanic processes/hazards, by the Carnegie Foundation. WVU is located in
of research specializations, such as natural hazards, crustal dynamics, tectonics of orogenic systems, Morgantown ( which is
active tectonics, environmental geoscience, and/or and water resource issues. ranked in the Top 100 Best Places to Live in Amer-
climate change. A Ph.D. in geology, geophysics, To apply, please visit ica. The immediate region has a diverse popula-
environmental geoscience or a directly related sci- postings/15779. Priority consideration will be tion of about 200,000 residents. The community
ence or engineering discipline is required. The suc- given to applications received by November 15, lies within a high technology corridor that includes
cessful candidate will have the potential for excel- 2019, but applications will be accepted until the several federal research facilities such as DOE’s
lence in undergraduate and graduate teaching, and position is filled. For questions about the posi- National Energy Technology Laboratory, as well as
for developing an externally-funded research pro- tion, contact search committee chair Dr. Todd resource-based industries. The city is readily acces-
gram that will involve undergraduate and Master’s LaMaskin ( For questions sible to Pittsburgh and Washington, DC.
students. Teaching responsibilities will typically regarding the online application system contact To apply for this position, visit https://careers
include a mix of geoscience courses at the lower Human Resources at UNCW. (, navigate to the position title listed
division, upper division, and graduate levels, and hr/employment.html). above, and submit, (1) a single PDF file including
will incorporate classes in Geographic Information UNCW is located five miles from the Atlantic a statement of research interests, a statement of 37