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                    T ectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and
            and S.A. Graham
                                                         Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and Provenance:                                                                                                     26°S
                     Provenance:  A Celebration of the
                                                         A Celebration of the Career of William R. Dickinson
                     Career of William R. Dickinson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 edited by Suzanne Mahlburg Kay, Víctor A. Ramos, and William R. Dickinson
             Edited by R.V. Ingersoll, T.F. Lawton,
                Edited by Raymond V. Ingersoll, Timothy F. Lawton, and Stephan A. Graham
                                                         Edited by Raymond V. Ingersoll, Timothy F. Lawton, and Stephan A. Graham
                                                         Through a remarkable combination of intellect, self-confidence, engaging humility,   Temper Sands in Prehistoric Oceanian   Net Dextral Slip, Neogene San   Backbone of the Americas: Shallow
                                                         and prodigious published work, William R. Dickinson influenced and challenged   Pottery: Geotectonics, Sedimentology,   Gregorio–Hosgri Fault Zone, Coastal   Subduction, Plateau Uplift, and Ridge
                                                         three generations of sedimentary geologists, igneous petrologists, tectonicists,   Petrography, Provenance    California: Geologic Evidence and         and Terrane Collision
                                                         sandstone petrologists, archaeologists, and other geoscientists. A key figure in the   By William R. Dickinson     Tectonic Implications         Edited by Suzanne Mahlburg Kay, Víctor
                                                         plate-tectonic revolution of the 1960s–1970s, he explained how the distribution of                            By William R. Dickinson, Mihai Ducea,   A. Ramos, and William R. Dickinson
                                                         sediments on Earth’s surface could be traced to tectonic processes, and is widely   SPE406, ISBN 9780813724065, 160 p., $10.00
                                                         recognized as a founder of modern sedimentary basin analysis. A tribute to the depth                           Lewis I. Rosenberg, H. Gary Greene,   MWR204P, ISBN 9780813712048, 278 p., $9.99
                                                         and breadth of his geoscience contribution, this volume presents 31 chapters related                          Stephan A. Graham, Joseph C. Clark,
                                                         to Dickinson’s research interests. Many of the authors are his former students, their                        Gerald E. Weber, Steven Kidder, W. Gary
                                                         students, and their students’ students, demonstrating his profound influence.                                       Ernst, and Earl E. Brabb
            Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and Provenance:
          A Celebration of the Career of William R. Dickinson
                                                         SPE540, 757 p., ISBN 9780813725406                                                                              SPE391, ISBN 0813723914, 43 p., $10.00
                                                         $99.00  |   member price $70.00
         540                     Special Paper 540
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            plate tectonics,
                                                                                      Special Paper 533                                                                                                                   sedimentary geology,
                                                                        Tectonosedimentary Relations of                                                                                                                   the Colorado Plateau,
                                                                        Tectonosedimentary Relations of
                                                                        Tectonosedimentary Relations of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Pacific Oceania
                                                                         Pennsylvanian to Jurassic Strata
                                                                         Pennsylvanian to Jurassic Strata
                     Tectonosedimentary Relations of Pennsylvanian to    Pennsylvanian to Jurassic Strata                                                                                                                  geology, and more!
                                                                             on the Colorado Plateau
                                                                             on the Colorado Plateau
                              Jurassic Strata on the Colorado Plateau        on the Colorado Plateau
                                               By William R. Dickinson
        William R. Dickinson (1931–2015) retired in 1991, but didn’t stop working, researching,
            and writing. His detrital-zircon studies, including those with George Gehrels that
            found much of the Colorado Plateau Pennsylvanian to Jurassic sandstone to be
             derived from the orogenic belt of the Appalachian Mountains, led Dickinson to
             his work on identifying key aspects of the sedimentary and tectonic history of
           Colorado Plateau Mesozoic strata. Dividing the strata into 7 depositional systems,
             he completed writing on only the lower 5 (Moenkopi, Chinle, Glen Canyon, San
            Rafael, Morrison) before his death in July 2015. However, his treatment of upper                                                            Kinematics of Transrotational     Tectonic Setting of Faulted Tertiary
          Paleozoic strata and the lower five Mesozoic “deposystems” was comprehensive,                                                             Tectonism in the California Transverse   Strata Associated with the Catalina
                  and an abstract and conclusion by Jon Spencer complete the volume.                                                                    Ranges and Its Contribution to    Core Complex in Southern Arizona
                                          SPE533, 184 p., ISBN 9780813725338                                                                            Cumulative Slip Along the San           By William R. Dickinson
                                              $60.00  |   member price $42.00                                                                          Andreas Transform Fault System       SPE264P, ISBN 0813722640, 106 p., $9.99
                                                                                                                                                            By William R. Dickinson
                                                                                       By William R. Dickinson                                          SPE305P,  ISBN 0813723051, 46 p., $9.99

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