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Serving Geoscience and the Profession
The mission of the Geological Society GSAF was thrilled to kick off the
DID YOU KNOW… of America Foundation is to develop and Death Valley Rendezvous, the first in
AmazonSmile is a simple and provide funds to support the goals and what we hope will become a series of one
programs of the Geological Society of to two trips per year, with 25 participants
automatic way for you to support America. These funds are distributed from coast to coast. Some attendees were
the GSA Foundation every time you according to the needs of the Society and longtime friends of the Foundation, and
in a manner consistent with the desire of some we were meeting for the first time;
shop, at no additional cost to you,
the donors. some were students, some current profes-
on (the same The responsibilities of the Foundation sional geologists across disciplines, others
products as on are twofold: (1) to support GSA programs, retired from long careers, and some were
and (2) to preserve the Foundation’s assets family members of geologists attending.
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price for the future. The trip held interest for all, from a fasci-
of your purchases to GSAF when nating spectrum of geology to a presenta-
you designate us as the charitable 2018–2019 Highlights tion on the local ecology with a Nature
Conservancy naturalist. Trip leader
organization of your choice. Darrel Cowan led lively, rich discussions
VENTURING INTO DEATH VALLEY at each site. One of the students, a Wright-
WITH GSAF Troxel Research Grant recipient, gave an
Camaraderie over happy hour after evening presentation on his research
dusty days in the field, friendships forged focused on a nearby site.
under hot desert sun, new personal and Feedback from participants was so
professional connections—although these positive, and the slots filled so quickly,
HOW GSA MEMBERS CAN GET things may not be what lured attendees to that we are encouraged to hold similar
INVOLVED: GSAF’s first-ever Rendezvous in April Rendezvous trips in the future. Keep on
2019, they are the kinds of experiences the lookout to see where our next desti-
Support students, research, and had and connections made after a six-day nation will be.
education through a contribution trip based in Shoshone, California, USA.
to the GSA Foundation when you
renew your 2020 membership.
GSA, in the forms of
inspiring programs, grants
and awards, and beauti-
ful rocks, has been there
to help guide me along my
winding path.” —M. Richards
32 | FY2019 GSA Annual Report