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          On To the Future Program                                              Northeast Urban Travel Award
                          Expanding diversity and inclusivity is critical to innovation,    The Northeast Urban Travel Awards
                        scientific advancement, and solving tomorrow’s geoscience chal-  Program provides financial assistance to
                        lenges. GSA’s On To the Future (OTF) program supports students   non-traditional students attending urban
           The Geological Society of America ®
                        from a diversity of backgrounds to attend their first Annual   universities in GSA’s Northeastern
                        Meeting. In 2018, the Society funded 68 students to attend the   Geographic Section. Non-traditional
                        Annual Meeting. There, students were paired in mentorships,    students are those who have delayed
          met with GSA leadership, and learned about participation in internships, scholarships,   enrollment in post-secondary education
          and research opportunities.                                           associated with caring for dependents
            OTF students also participated in a full-day professional development workshop   and/or working full-time, and who, due
          sponsored by the National Science Foundation. This partnership with the University of   to competing non-academic priorities,
          Arkansas, Fayetteville, helped fund 20 OTF alumni to attend the Annual Meeting and   are unable to participate in multi-day
          go to the joint South-Central, North-Central, and Rocky Mountain Section Meeting in   field or meeting experiences critical to
          spring 2019. The workshop focused on helping students define their career goals and   geoscience education and training. This
          identify and begin an application for an internship and/or research experience to aid   year, seven students were awarded schol-
          their transition into the geosciences workforce.                      arships grants. Since 2014, a total of 31
                                                                                students have received this award.
                                             Minority Scholarships              GSA Foundation Field Camp
                                               GSA awards six scholarships to under-  Scholarships
                                             graduate students, one from each of the   The GSA Field Camp Scholar Award
                                             Society’s Geographic Sections, who are   is a US$2,000 award to undergraduate
                                             from minority backgrounds. In addition   students to attend a field camp of their
                                             to the award, the students receive compli-  choice. In 2019, 15 students were awarded
                                             mentary membership and registration for   scholarships based on their economic and
                                             the Annual Meeting.                financial need, merit, and diversity.
          Recent Minority Student Scholarship recipi-
          ents. From left to right: David Davis, Lisa
          Duong, and Nora Soto Contreras.

           BY THE NUMBERS
                                                                                In 9 years, US$90,000 was
                                                      143                     awarded to geology field camps
                                                    recruited                      In 2019, 297 people
               1 hammer = 8 projects                 for 2019
                       GeoCorps positions                                    attended short courses
                                                                                 56    %   of these were
               44 filled in 2019
                           Over 15 years since the program’s
                           creation, 28,500+ EarthCaches
                                                                                               68 OTF
                           were developed in 205 countries                392 Graduate      students were
                                                                        Student Research       funded to
                                                                         Grant proposals      attend the
                       $                                   AGeS2          were funded        2018 Annual
                                                                             in 2019
                               US$812,000 was            20 proposals                          Meeting.
                                                         funded with
                   awarded overall for Graduate           US$8,186
             Student Research Grants. The                  average                  693 students were
              average grant amount was US$2,071          grant amount
                                                           awarded                mentored by 135 mentors

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