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           Marie Jimenez at work during her
           2018 National Park Service Geo-
           scientists-in-the-Parks position at
           Fossil Butte National Monument.


          GeoCorps  America and the National Park Service Geoscientists-in-the-
          Parks Program
                                        GSA is driven to provide young scientists with
                                      real-world experiences that enable their learning and
                                      contributions beyond the classroom. Through part-
                                      nerships in GeoCorps America and the National
                                      Park Service Geoscientists-in-the-Parks program
                                      (NPS-GIP), GSA supports our community’s
          involvement in science-driven projects that help meet the current scientific questions,
          management needs, and stewardship goals of public lands nationwide. GSA partnered
          with federal agencies, including the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and the
          Bureau of Land Management, and other organizations, including the Stewards Individual
          Placement Program and Aerotek Inc., to engage more than 185 participants through these
          programs in FY2019.                                                   “I am hugely grateful that this sort of recogni-
                                                                                tion exists.”

          The EarthCache™ Program                                               GSA/ExxonMobil Field Camp
                         The EarthCache program, a longstanding partnership between   Programs
                        GSA and Geocaching HQ (, is now in its 15th year.   The GSA/ExxonMobil Field Camp
                        This educational program gets members of the public outdoors to   Excellence Award is given annually to a
                        experience geology in the field, thus increasing their knowledge    geology field camp that demonstrates safety
           The Geological Society of America ®
                        and support of the geosciences. At the 2018 Annual Meeting, GSA   awareness, diversity, and technical excel-
                        hosted a series of presentations about Indiana geology aimed at the   lence. In May 2019, the US$10,000 award
          geocaching community, educators, and the general public, with the goal of engaging   went to the University of California
          more people in the Earth-Cache program and in the geosciences. In February 2019,   Riverside.
          14 members of the volunteer review team joined GSA and Geocaching HQ staff for a   The GSA/ExxonMobil Bighorn Basin
          teleconference to discuss the program, which resulted in some positive updates to the   Field Award offers students and faculty
          guidelines for participants. There are more than 28,500 EarthCaches in 205 countries.  an introduction to integrated basin and
                                                                                petroleum systems analysis and is taught
                                                                                by ExxonMobil staff. In August 2019,
                                                                                three faculty, seven graduate students,
                                                                                and 15 undergraduate awardees headed
                                                                                to the Bighorn Basin.

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