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                                                                                               GSA 2020


                                                                                               Renew at
          Bridging the Geosciences                                           
          and Public Policy

          DID YOU KNOW…                      GSA MEMBERS MEET WITH              representative, reflected, “I learned so
                                                                                much about geoscience policy, legislation,
                                             MEMBERS OF CONGRESS
          Five GSA Geographic Sections         GSA provides opportunities for its mem-  and how we, the scientists, can have a
                                             bers to meet with policy makers by holding   positive impact on the continuation of
          sponsored students to attend       Congressional Visits Days and associated   geoscience federal funding and support
          Congressional Visits Day in        training sessions. Participants begin with   from Congress members. This was an
          September 2018.                    an orientation workshop that covers rel-  amazing opportunity.”
                                             evant legislation, the structure of Congress,
                                             and strategies to build relationships
          HOW GSA MEMBERS CAN GET            between scientists and policy makers
          INVOLVED:                          before conducting congressional visits.
                                               GSA led the organization of Geo-
          Attend Congressional Visits Day.  sciences Congressional Visits Day in
                                             September 2018, during which 40 geosci-
          Advocate for science policy.
                                             entists from multiple scientific societies
          Simply paying your dues helps     conducted visits to 70 congressional
                                             offices. Five GSA Geographic Sections
          GSA to work in this area.
                                             sponsored students to attend, joining GSA
                                             leadership and scientists selected through
          Apply to be a GSA Science Policy   GSA’s online application process. Vanessa   GSA student representatives meet with Rep.
          Fellow or GSA-USGS Congressional   Swenton, the Cordilleran Section student   Suzanne  Bonamici  (D-OR)  during  Congres-
                                                                                sional Visits Day.
          Science Fellow.
                 From field camp to the
          halls of the U.S. Capitol,
          my journey as a profes-
          sional earth scientist was
          made possible by the op-
          portunities and the people
          of GSA.”—D. Szymanski              GSA Geology & Public Policy Committee members meet with Congressional
                                             Research Service staff.

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