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          The GeoTeachers™ Program and Related K–12 Activities
            The GeoTeachers Program was created to provide professional development workshops
          and field experiences for K–12 teachers with little to no geoscience background. During
          the summer of 2018, field workshops were held in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, and Colorado
          Springs, Colorado, USA, engaging 38 educators. At the 2018 Annual Meeting in
          Indianapolis, a one-day field workshop engaged six educators. Due to the relatively small
          number of teachers reached and the limited resources available, GSA decided in late
          2018 to discontinue the GeoTeachers program. GSA is seeking input from its Education
          Committee to determine how best to serve the K–12 and 2-year-college (2YC) communi-
          ties moving forward. This may involve GSA using new and existing partnerships, as it is
          doing at the 2019 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, where it is collaborating
          with the National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) to host a one-day work-
          shop for educators. This workshop and partnership may serve as a new model for GSA to   Graduate Student Research Grants
          serve K–12 and 2YC educators via its Annual Meetings.                   GSA’s Graduate Student Research
                                                                                Grants Program continues to be one of the
                                                                                largest and most prestigious funding pro-
          AGeS2 (Awards for Geochronology Student Research 2) Program           grams for graduate students in the geosci-
            In 2018, GSA partnered with Becky Flowers (University of Colorado Boulder) and   ences. The goals of the program are to
          Ramón Arrowsmith (Arizona State University) to apply for and obtain a three-year,   • Support graduate student research in the
          cross-programmatic award from the NSF to support the AGeS2 (Awards for   geosciences and ultimately enhancement
          Geochronology Student research 2) program, which expands the AGeS1 program into    of the geoscience workforce;
          a wider initiative. AGeS offers opportunities for graduate students to develop the scien-  • Provide career-development opportuni-
          tific rationale for projects involving geochronology and then provides them with hands-  ties for students by gaining experience
          on experience acquiring data in labs, all while being mentored by geochronologists.   with grant writing, project development,
          This grants program is available to GSA student members and is separate from, but   and research; and
          complementary to, GSA’s long-standing Graduate Student Research Grants program.   • Increase the diversity of the geosciences
          The AGeS2 student awardees will participate in teleconferences with the cohort of   through opportunities for students from
          funded AGeS students over a two-year interval. Each awardee will also receive an   underrepresented communities to
          additional US$500 to attend an AGeS cohort workshop preceding the 2020 or 2021   achieve success in research.
          GSA Annual Meeting, and will be encouraged to present their results at the meeting.   In collaboration with the Research
          Learn more at                                Grants Committee, GSA staff developed
                                                                                an anti-plagiarism strategy to help edu-
                                                                                cate students about writing research pro-
                                              Short Courses                     posals that meet ethical standards.
                                                GSA offers Short Courses at each of   2019 was the third and final year of
                                              our Geographic Section Meetings and at   GSA’s latest three-year NSF grant; GSA
                                              Annual Meetings. The courses are taught   staff is currently working on writing a
                                              by professional geoscientists and enable   new proposal to seek NSF funding to sup-
                                              attendees to learn new topics, build   port the program through 2022.
                                              skills, and network. If you plan to run a
                                              field trip or a field camp, consider taking
                                              our Field Safety Leadership Course at
                                              our next Annual Meeting. An attendee
                                              last year said it was an “excellent short     RENEW BY
                                              course that should be mandatory for all   1 NOV. TO SAVE
          “This course blew my expectations out of the  field camp directors, faculty teaching   15% OFF DUES*
          water.”                             field camp, and any field geologist!”


                                                                                        *Applies to those in high
                                                                                       income country/territories

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