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                    GSA Science Policy Fellow
                     Laura Szymanski began a
                     one-year term as the in-
                     house fellow in September
                     2018, working in GSA’s
                   Washington, D.C., office to
          bring science and scientists into the policy
          process. Laura assisted with planning and
          facilitation of Congressional Visits Day,
          wrote blog posts (Speaking of Geoscience,
 to keep   Above from left: Stephen Moysey discusses virtual reality technology with congressional
          GSA members updated on policy, repre-  staff at the Coalition for National Science Funding Exhibition. GSA Director for Geoscience
          sented GSA at hearings on relevant geosci-  Policy Kasey White presents the 2018 USGS Coalition Leadership Awards to Rep. Vicente
          ence legislation and programs, and devel-  Gonzalez (D-TX).
          oped resources for GSA members to
          engage in policy.                  GSA TESTIFIES IN SUPPORT OF GEOSCIENCE FUNDING
                                               GSA Director for Geoscience Policy Kasey White testified before the House
          GSA-USGS CONGRESSIONAL             Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies in
          SCIENCE FELLOW                       support of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). GSA also submitted testimony for
                    Each year, GSA and the U.S.   increased funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Aeronautics
                     Geological Survey jointly   and Space Administration (NASA) for fiscal year 2020. GSA is an active member of
                     sponsor a geoscientist to   coalitions that submitted testimony and letters in support of these and other geoscience
                     spend a year working in   agencies, including the Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF), the Coalition
                     the office of a member of   for Aerospace and Science, USGS Coalition, the Energy Sciences Coalition, and the
                   Congress or congressional   Task Force on American Innovation.
          committee. Caitlin Keating-Bitonti, an
          earth scientist with expertise in paleon-  GSA ON THE HILL
          tology, spent 2018–2019 working in the   GSA showcased geoscience research via Capitol Hill exhibits that drew hundreds of
          office of Senator Tom Udall (D-NM).   congressional members, staff, and executive branch leaders. At the 25th Annual CNSF
          Caitlin earned her B.S. in geology from   Exhibition, in support of NSF research, Stephen Moysey, East Carolina University, and
          Syracuse University, her M.S. in geology   Kelly Best Lazar, Clemson University, presented “Virtual Reality Geoscience Field
          from the University of Wisconsin–  Trips: Bringing the World into the Classroom” to members of the National Science
          Madison, and her Ph.D. in geological   Board, congressional staff, and other policy leaders.
          and environmental sciences from      The 2018 USGS Coalition Leadership Awards were presented to Reps. Doug
          Stanford University.               Lamborn (R-CO) and Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) on 12 Sept. 2018. USGS Director
                                             James Reilly, Dept. of the Interior Assistant Secretary for Water and Science Tim Petty,
          VISITING SENIOR POLICY             congressional staff, USGS representatives, and scientists were in attendance.
                   Dr. Monica E. Gowan spent   GEOSCIENCE AND SOCIETY SUMMIT
                     two weeks in Washington,   GSA was a cosponsor of the Geoscience and Society Summit in Stockholm, Sweden,
                     D.C., contributing to    in March 2019, which created an interactive forum for scientists and users of scientific
                     and assisting the GSA   information to tackle global and local challenges around sustainability of natural
                     Geoscience Policy Office   resources and systems, global health, and resilience.
                    in representing the shared
          interests of the geoscience community   NEW AND UPDATED POSITION STATEMENTS
          in the federal policy process, collabo-  GSA Council adopted minor revisions to three statements: “Managing U.S. Coastal
          rating and providing advice on current   Hazards,” “Integrating Geoscience with Sustainable Land-Use Management,” and
          and emerging science policy issues   “The Role of the Geoscientist in Assuring the Safety and Integrity of Infrastructure.”
          impacting the geoscience community
          and society at large, and leveraging   STATE AND LOCAL POLICY ENGAGEMENT
          opportunities for improving science   Kasey White attended the National Conference of State Legislators Legislative
          advice to policy makers.           Summit in August 2018. Laura Szymanski led district visits to the Maine delegation
                                             for participants attending the 2019 Northeastern Section Meeting.

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