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            Thanks to dozens of individuals, Associated Societies, GSA Geographic Sections, and corporate sponsors for continuing to help
          advance On To the Future (OTF), GSA’s flagship diversity-enhancing program. We are pleased to report that the Foundation was
          able to fully fund 75 students to attend the OTF program at the GSA 2019 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 22–25 Sept.

                                     FIELD CAMPS               GEOCAREERS
                                       Our donors, recognizing   Corporate partnerships supported a sixth year of the GSA
                                     how vital it is to help students   GeoCareers Program, now including year-round resources for
                                     attend field camp, responded   students and early career professionals and a presence at GSA
                                     so strongly to a campaign we   Geographic Section Meetings.
                                     ran that we were able to pro-
                                     vide 15 scholarships to help   PARDEE LEGACY CIRCLE
                                     students attend field camps of           Also in 2018, the Foundation unveiled newly
                                     their choice. We are expand-           branded materials with updated messaging for
                                     ing our efforts to secure              our Pardee Legacy Circle, which recognizes
          Amy Moser, GSA Field Camp   funding on a continuing basis         those who have included the Foundation in
          Scholarship recipient.     for this purpose.                      their estate plans. New members of the Legacy
                                                                            Circle have been included on recent donor
                                                               visits to steward and cultivate this group.
            In 2018, the Foundation was inspired to recognize our 1,133   The Foundation is pleased to help donors support GSA pro-
          student donors by naming their unique giving circle Tektonikos.   grams and priorities important to them. Looking forward, the
          The accompanying tagline, “Building the Future,” conveys their   Foundation and GSA are collaborating to carry out even more
          important role in the geosciences.                   effective resource-building strategies. With your help we will
                                                               shape a strong future for GSA.

                                                                We encourage every member to avail themselves of the opportu-
                                                               nity to serve GSA and to support the Foundation in their combined
                                                               efforts to ensure the dynamism and strength of the geosciences.
                                                               Please visit the Foundation’s website (
                                                               for information and ideas regarding ways you can make a philan-
                                                               thropic impact for GSA and the geosciences.

                                                                John W. Hess               Wesley Ward
          Tektonikos student donor receiving a thank-you gift.  President GSA Foundation   Chair GSA Foundation
                                                                                           Board of Trustees
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