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          Supporting Professional Excellence

                                               Earth-science education and outreach   Mentoring
          DID YOU KNOW…                      activities are at the core of GSA’s mission   Participating in a mentorship program
                                             to increase appreciation of Earth’s history,   can be a valuable experience for both
          GSA partnered with federal
                                             processes, and resources.          mentors and mentees. Mentees report that
          land management agencies                                              they receive good advice related to their
          and organizations to engage        EXPLORE CAREERS                    career or academic pathway and are intro-
                                                                                duced to other professionals in their area
          more than 185 participants                                            of interest. Mentors report altruistic gains
          through GeoCorps  America                                             when helping others as well as enjoyment
                                                                                in meeting promising young scientists.
          and the National Park Service
                                                                                GSA has operated mentor programs since
          Geoscientists-in-the-Parks         The GeoCareers Program             1996 and recruits new mentors and men-
          programs in 2019.                    GeoCareers disseminates career infor-  tees every year for the following:
                                             mation, develops resources, and connects   • Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in
                                             the geoscience community through webi-  Applied Geoscience
          MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS                nars, mentoring, networking, and work-  • John Mann Mentors in Applied
          INCLUDE:                           shops at Annual and Geographic Section   Hydrogeology
                                             Meetings and throughout the year. With a   • GeoCareers Center
          Student and early career profes-  goal of increasing knowledge of geosci-  • Drop-in Mentoring in the GeoCareers
          sional members qualify for reduced   ence career pathways, GSA works with the   Center
          membership dues.                   geoscience community at all career levels.   • Résumé Mentoring in the GeoCareers
          Some grants, such as AGeS2,       Webinars                           • GeoCareers Panel Luncheon
          are only open to GSA members.        Two career-focused webinars were   • On To the Future
                                             offered in the spring to students and
                GSA has offered me           early career professionals in collaboration   Networking
          numerous ‘firsts’—                 with GSA’s Scientific Divisions and   Developing relationships at meetings,
          presentation, grant,               Associated Societies. The webinars were   workshops, and networking events is
                                             introductions to career pathways in some
                                                                                essential to building social capital in a
          GeoCorps, committees.              of today’s most popular fields. “Exploring   field and provides critical connections to
          GSA is more than just              a Career in the Environmental Industry”   the profession. Networking programs
          a membership. It is a              and “Exploring a Career in the     offer students and early career scientists
                                                                                the opportunity to work on networking
                                             Paleontology Field” were attended by
          community of learners              more than 1,300 individuals, counting   skills with practicing geoscientists from
          and scientists ... and a           both the live webinars and those viewed   a variety of employment sectors.
                                                                                • Early Career Professionals Coffee
                                             at a later time. The recordings of these
          way for me to be a                 webinars are online—just go to www   • Networking Reception
          leader.”—T. Rivera       , hover over “Education &   • Women in Geology Career Pathways
                                             Careers,” and click on “GeoCareers.”  Reception
                                                                                • Geoscience Career Workshops at
                                                                                 Section and Annual Meetings
                                                                                • GeoCareers Day

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