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THE JOURNALS AND BOOKS             American Geology volumes and maps,
          DID YOU KNOW…                      TODAY                              Engineering Geology Case Histories,
          GSA’s 20 science editors, along      The peer-reviewed journals GSA Bulletin,   Penrose Field Guides, and numerous
                                             Geology, Geosphere, and Lithosphere are   non-series books. Memorials to deceased
          with about 160 associate editors   published at, through    GSA members are open access at www
          and editorial board members and    the aggregate GeoScienceWorld, and on an
                                             annual DVD. GSA Bulletin and Geology
          hundreds of reviewers, determine
                                             are also available in print. Geosphere,   VOLUNTEERS MAKE IT HAPPEN
          the content of GSA journals and    Lithosphere, and GSA Today are 100% open   GSA’s 20 science editors, along with
          books.                             access, and Geology is free online for all   about 160 associate editors and editorial
                                             GSA members. Early career professional   board members and hundreds of review-
                                             members, student members, and K–12   ers, determine the content of GSA jour-
          MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS                teacher members also get free online access   nals and books. GSA publications could
          INCLUDE:                           to GSA Bulletin.                   not exist without these hard-working and
                                               Published jointly by the Association of   dedicated volunteers.
          Subscribe to premier publica-     Environmental and Engineering Geologists
          tions when you renew your 2020     and GSA, Environmental & Engineering   HELP FOR NEW AUTHORS
          membership.                        Geoscience (online at GeoScienceWorld)   An early-career publishing workshop,
                                             contains peer-reviewed papers on new the-  held at GSA Annual Meetings and led by
          All members get free online       ory, applications, and case histories illus-  GSA science editors, covers many aspects
          Geology with membership.           trating the dynamics of environmental and   of the process of preparing research for sub-
                                             applied disciplines.               mission to scholarly journals, including the
          Supercharge your research with      The society publishes three peer-  importance of contributing as a reviewer.
          Geofacets—a web-based tool to      reviewed book series in print and online
          access thousands of georeferenced   ( Special Papers (seven   GSA STORE
          maps—included with membership.     volumes in fiscal year 2019 [FY19]) are for   Along with providing a storefront for
                                             state-of-the-art treatments of evolving sub-  GSA books, educational materials, spe-
                 GSA Membership              jects; Memoirs (one volume in FY19) are   cialty tools, and the Map and Chart collec-
          means being part of a              intended to remain authoritative references   tion, the GSA Store offers e-versions of
          greater team and com-              for a number of years; and Field Guides   hundreds of previously unavailable or out-
                                                                                of-print publications to researchers and
                                             (four volumes in FY19) feature guides from
          munity which values the            GSA or GSA-related field trips.    citizen scientists alike.
          importance of Earth                  Also online (and at the GSA Store) is
          science across the world.”         the complete suite of Decade of North

            2020           JULY 2019      VOL. 47 NO. 7                      2018 JOURNAL IMPACT FACTOR
            CALENDAR  JULY/AUGUST 2019Y/AUGUST 2019Y/AUGUST 2019 ONLY $ 9 .95  ISSN 0091-7613   JULY 2019     VOL. 47  NO. 7     P. 593–688  (WEB OF SCIENCE GROUP, 2019)
              ISSN 0016-7606
              ISSN 0016-7606  VOL. 131  NO. 7/8VOL. 131  NO. 7/8VOL. 131  NO. 7/8
              ISSN 0016-7606
            BUY ONLINE }
                                                                          JOURNAL            2019       5-YEAR
        THE  GEOLOGICAL  SOCIETY  OF  AMERICA  BULLETIN, VOLUME  131,  NO.  7/8,  P.  1057–1408

                                                                         Geology             5.006       5.406
                   N THIS                                                GSA Bulletin        3.970       4.708
                   Stylolites decipher burial
                    depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 1239
                   No terrane boundary along the  • IN THIS SSUE E •  } The Eruptive Link to an Ice Age, p. 600
                   IN THIS ISS SUE • • IN TH
                    Salt Ranges thrust . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 1095
        JULY/AUGUST 2019
                    Active low-angle normal faulting,
                    SE Papua New Guinea . . .  p. 1333
                                     } Are Meteorite Airbursts Overrated?
                                      p. 609
                       N THIS ISSUE • I THIS ISSU
                                      p. 682
                BUY ONLINE }
               toll‑free 1.888.443.4472 | +1.303.357.1000, option 3 |  ISSU  INSIDE:  } Pining for the Timing of Fjord Formation,   22–25 Sept. GSA 2019 Annual Meeting & Exposition–25 Sept. GSA 2019 Annual Meeting & Exposition  Geosphere  2.847  2.989
                                                                         Lithosphere         2.486       2.961
                                                             VOL. 29, NO. 8  |  AUGUST 2019
                       ISSN 1941-8264  |   VOLUME 11  |   NUMBER 3  |   JUNE 2019
                                                                         Environmental       0.844       0.761
                                                                         & Engineering
                                                      The Larsen Ice Shelf System,   Geoscience
                                                        Antarctica (LARISSA):
                                                        Polar Systems Bound
                                                       Together, Changing Fast
                       Slipping down the subduction surface 322
                        Granitoid chemistry in eastern Tibet 333
                       Chasing volcanism in Permian Antarctica 386
                                                                                      | 23
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