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                                                                          The GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition was held
                                                                          in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, in November 2018.

          Connecting the

          Geoscience Community

                                               GSA offers a variety of meetings to   and abroad. There is something for every-
          DID YOU KNOW…                      geoscientists—from small research   one at the GSA Annual Meeting.
                                             forums, to moderate specialty confer-  GSA’s Geographic Section Meetings
          Fifty-eight countries were
                                             ences, to the large Annual Meeting. These   are unique venues for interdisciplinary
          represented by attendees of the    forums, conferences, and meetings are   science and are an important hub for dis-
          2018 Annual Meeting & Exposition.  held around the globe throughout the   cussing and presenting current research.
                                             year. GSA provides a platform for scien-  They provide an excellent opportunity for
                                             tists to share their latest research, build   both professionals and students to attend
          MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS                upon current knowledge, and network   and participate in technical sessions, field
          INCLUDE:                           with peers. GSA strives to keep meetings   trips, and short courses close to home.
                                             cost-effective yet provide the latest tech-  The 2019 Section Meetings brought
          Members enjoy reduced meeting     nology platforms for scientific exchange.  together more than 2,900 attendees.
          registration rates.                  In fiscal year 2019 (FY19), GSA   Meetings were held in Portland, Maine,
                                             hosted six meetings and conferences,   USA (GSA Northeastern Section);
                My advice to all geo-        bringing together thousands of geosci-  Manhattan, Kansas, USA (joint GSA
          science students is to             ence professionals and students. The   North-Central, South-Central, and Rocky
          attend GSA annual and              GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition    Mountain Sections); Charleston, South
                                                                                Carolina, USA (GSA Southeastern
                                             was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA,
          section meetings, apply for        in November 2018.                  Section); and Portland, Oregon, USA
          student and conference                                                (GSA Cordilleran Section).
          travel grants, and to be an        2018 ANNUAL MEETING BY THE         GSA PENROSE CONFERENCE
          active member. You never           • 5,600 attendees                  AND THOMPSON FIELD FORUMS
                                                                                  GSA Penrose Conferences and
          know when you are going            • 58 countries                     Thompson Field Forums are GSA’s pre-
                                             • More than 3,500 abstracts
          to meet someone who can            • 17 Scientific Field Trips        miere small-group meeting and field-trip
          help you.”                         • 18 Short Courses                 venues for collaborative research around the
                                             • More than 200 companies, organiza-  world. In FY19, GSA held one Thompson
                                              tions, and universities exhibited  Field Forum: “Architecture and Evolution
                                                                                of the Crust during Continental Arc
                                               Hundreds of volunteers participate   Magmatism: A Transect through the Coast
                                             yearly in the GSA Annual Meeting—  Mountains Batholith, British Columbia.”
                                             from local organizing committee mem-  GSA is now working to revitalize the
                                             bers and the Joint Technical Program   Penrose Conferences and the Thompson
                                             Committee, to the hundreds of session   Field Forums rolling out in the future,
                                             conveners from every geoscience disci-  with the goal of hosting one of each in 2021
                                             pline and the hundreds of student volun-  (see enclosed flyer).
                                             teers from campuses across the Americas

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