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          GSA and its publications go way back—nearly as far back as the formation of GSA in 1888. The first article in the first
          issue of the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America in 1890 contained the proceedings from the 1889 meeting
          where GSA organized as a Society.


                     1890                  1934                              1957           1959
                    Bulletin of the       Proceedings of the Geological Society   Engineering   Map
                    Geological Society    of America (for 1933)             Geology Case    and Chart series
                    of America            Memoir book series                Histories series

                                          Special Papers book series
           1973                                   1969          1966                 1962            1961
          Geology                                Abstracts     The Geologist,       Reviews in      Bulletin gets a
          Memorials series—previous              with Programs  GSA’s first newsletter  Engineering    name change to
                                                                                                    Geological Society
          memorials to deceased members                                             Geology series  of America Bulletin
          appeared in the Bulletin or in
          Proceedings volumes.
           1974             1977                               1979                  1981         1985
          GSA Data         GSA Council establishes the Centennial   GSA News & Informa-  End of   First DNAG volume
          Repository       Planning Committee, a first step toward the   tion takes up where   microfiche  and Continent-
          established      creation of the Decade of North American   The Geologist left off      Ocean transects
                           Geology (DNAG) project
           1999                   1995                       1992               1991               1990
          Field Guide            Environmental & Engineering   Journals on CD   GSA Today takes   Journal subscriptions
          series                 Geoscience, co-published with   (expanded to DVD   over for GSA News   are “unbundled”
                                 the Association of Engineering   in 2010)     & Information      from GSA member-
                                 Geologists (previously published                                 ship, becoming an
                                 as the Bulletin of the Association                               optional purchase
                                 of Engineering Geologists)
           2000                  2004      2005                                     2008
          Journals are offered   Digital Map  The final piece of DNAG, Continent-Scale Map   The last Memorials bound volume is
          online (digitization of all of   and Chart   001, Geologic Map of North America, is published  printed—individual Memorials continue
          GSA’s journals and books   series  Geosphere                             to be produced, and all are posted open
          back to volume 1, issue 1                                                access on the GSA website
          of each continues for the        GeoScienceWorld launches, with GSA as a    GSA offers authors the option of making
          next decade)                     founding publisher                      their papers open access
          2014                                 2013                         2011                         2009
         The last Reviews in Engineering Geology    GSA partners with Geofacets, a   The first GSA calendar   Lithosphere
         volume is published; the series is formally   research tool using thousands of   is published, featuring
         retired in 2016                      georeferenced geological maps and   images from winners of a
                                              other content, including 80,000+   photo contest held at the
         Last print map produced; the Map and Chart   maps from GSA publications  2009 Annual Meeting in
         series is formally retired in 2016                                Portland, Oregon, USA
                  2015                                      2018
                 Last print volume of Abstracts with        GOLD  Geosphere and Lithosphere
                 Programs is produced—abstracts back to           become 100% open access
                 2000 are in a searchable online database  OPEN ACCESS

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