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SCIENTIFIC DIVISIONS               Geoinformatics & Data Science      Limnogeology (established in 2002)
            GSA has 21 Scientific Divisions to help   (established in 2006) advances “Data to   encourages research on both ancient and
          you stay connected with your colleagues   Knowledge,” providing GSA members   modern lakes around the world, the col-
          worldwide and receive specific informa-  with an opportunity to participate in the   laboration of scientists from all disciplines
          tion related to your area of interest.   emerging field of cyberinfrastructure.   on lake research, and the fostering of stu-
          Divisions provide opportunities for lead-                             dent research and careers in lake studies.
          ership and service, offer awards and sup-  Geology and Health (established in
          port for students, and help develop the   2005) focuses on the intersection of natu-  Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology,
          GSA meeting technical program. Join    ral or anthropogenic geological conditions   and Volcanology (established in 2009)
          one or more when you renew for 2020.   with health, disease, pathology, and death     promotes awareness, teaching, and research
          Students get one free Division with    in modern and fossil humans, animals,   in these fields, and stimulates discussion
          their membership.                  and plants.                        about the knowledge, ideas, research results,
                                                                                and problems regarding these fundamental
          Continental Scientific Drilling (estab-  Geology and Society (established in   areas of the earth sciences.
          lished in 2017) focuses on continental sci-  2003) advances the concept of “geology
          entific drilling and coring research tools   working for society” by providing GSA   Planetary Geology (established in 1981)
          used in many GSA Scientific Divisions   members with opportunities to bring   fosters interactions among planetary
          and fields.                        together multiple fields of geoscience to     scientists, facilitates the presentation and
                                             address important societal issues.   discussion of their research and ideas,
          Energy Geology (established in 1954)                                  stimulates communication with other
          encourages energy research and inter-  Geophysics and Geodynamics     earth scientists, and promotes planetary
          change of scientific information about   (established in 1971) facilitates the pre-  geology to a broad audience.
          energy resources and related issues within   sentation and discussion of the ideas of
          the wide range of their geologic signifi-  scientists interested in geophysics and   Quaternary Geology and
          cance, and to act as an organized group    geodynamics, fosters communication   Geomorphology (established in 1955)
          in promoting these objectives within the   among geophysicists and other earth    facilitates communication among scien-
          GSA framework.                     scientists, and promotes research    tists in these fields and the presentation
                                             and publication.                   of their research and ideas to the wider
          Environmental & Engineering                                             scientific community.
          Geology (established in 1947) seeks to   Geoscience Education (established in
          advance the ability of geologists to iden-  1991) fosters the active participation of   Sedimentary Geology (established in
          tify, characterize, and mitigate adverse   GSA members in all aspects of earth-   1985) works to ensure the presentation of
          geological and environmental conditions   science education.          sedimentary-related topics and sessions at
          and hazards affecting human safety and                                GSA meetings and actively nurtures the
          the built environment.             History and Philosophy of Geology   work of students.
                                             (established in 1976) works to encourage
          Geoarchaeology (established in 1977)   the study and communication of the   Soils and Soil Processes (established in
          provides a forum for the presentation and     philosophy and history of geology.   2017) works on issues with particular
          discussion of papers on archaeological                                solutions that include land stewardship,
          geology in order to stimulate and promote   Hydrogeology (established in 1959)   water quality and quantity, carbon cycling
          research and teaching within this field.   focuses on the geologic aspects of   and paleoclimate reconstruction.
                                               hydrogeology, the role of geology in the
          Geobiology & Geomicrobiology       hydrologic cycle, and the importance of   Structural Geology and Tectonics
          (established in 2001) promotes interdisci-  hydrogeology to society and science.   (established in 1980) focuses on the
          plinary research focusing on the interplay                            geometry and mechanisms of natural and
          between the biosphere, lithosphere,   Karst (established in 2014) studies karst   experimental deformation at all scales
          hydrosphere, and atmosphere.       terranes, which necessarily involves a   and works to promote the research of
                                             wide variety of subjects and specialties,     scientists in these fields and to facilitate
          Geochronology (established in 2018)   spanning almost every Division in GSA   communication and discussion at all
          aims to represent geochronologists of all   and scientific disciplines outside of      levels of the earth sciences.
          types, as well as the many geoscientists   GSA’s purview.
          who use geochronological data.

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