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          Communicating the

          Value of Geoscience

                                             MEDIA RELATIONS                    SCIENCE COMMUNICATION
          DID YOU KNOW…                        Supporting its strategic aspiration to   FELLOWSHIP
          GSA Division websites include      link geoscience to society, GSA engages   For the past two years, GSA’s communi-
                                             in media relations activities to enlarge    cations team has included a Science
          community features so Division     the footprint of member research and   Communication Fellow, thanks to gener-
          members can interact with one      publications.                      ous support from the GSA Foundation’s
                                               GSA issues 50–60 press releases each   Bruce and Karen Clark Fund. This part-
          another. If you are a member
                                             year, highlighting peer-reviewed research   time, non-resident position is an opportu-
          of a particular Division, you’ll   published in GSA’s journals and books,    nity for a science writer, journalist, or sci-
          automatically be placed in that    as well as new findings presented at GSA   entist with a passion for communicating to
                                             meetings. These are distributed to an   spend 10 months gaining experience and
          group’s online community.          extensive list of science journalists and   professional contacts, working in concert
                                             posted on the American Association for   with GSA communications and member
          WAYS TO STAY CONNECTED:            the Advancement of Science (AAAS)   leaders. The goal of the fellowship is to
                                             online science news service, EurekAlert.   help improve the communication of geo-
          Join the community page.          In addition, GSA encourages and assists   science knowledge between the members
                                             public information officers at universities   of GSA and the non-scientific community.
          Follow GSA on social media.       and government agencies to write their
                                             own releases about their GSA-published   SCIENCE COMMUNICATION
          Visit GSA's website, www          research or presenting authors and then   INTERNSHIP
, to stay up to date   augments distribution of those releases   Each year GSA accepts a small number
          on news and communication.         for wider reach.                   of geoscience students who are interested
                                               GSA invites journalists to attend   in science communication as a possible
                 GSA membership              Annual and Section Meetings with com-  alternative career path to collaborate with
           has enriched my life              plimentary registration, and hosts a news-  the GSA Science Communication Fellow
           professionally and                room at the Annual Meeting.        during the Annual Meeting. Selected stu-
                                               As a result of these efforts, our science
                                                                                dents work under the tutelage of the GSA
           intellectually.”—S. Stover        gets considerable press coverage, rang-  communications staff and GSA’s Science
                                             ing from top-tier outlets like Science,    Communication Fellow with the goal of
                                             Nature, National Geographic, Forbes,   building their confidence and skills for
                                             The Economist, LiveScience, CNN,   conveying scientific subject matter in
                                                                                compelling ways.
                                             Newsweek, and others, to more niche
               RENEW BY
                                             audiences in trade publications, blogs,
            1 NOV. TO SAVE                   and syndicated websites. Go to www
             15% OFF DUES*
                                   , click on the “News”
                                             tab, and select “GSA in the News” to
                                             learn more.

                    *Applies to those in high                                                     Science Communica-
                    income country/territories
                                                                                                  tion interns collaborate
                                                                                                  with Science Commu-
                                                                                                  nication Fellow Sarah
                                                                                                  Derouin at the GSA
                                                                                                  2018 Annual Meeting
                                                                                                  in Indianapolis.

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