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          GSA INTERNATIONAL                                    ASSOCIATED SOCIETIES
            GSA is active within the international geoscience community   GSA has a long tradition of collaborating with a wide range of
          in the belief that science knows no borders. The GSA worldwide   partners (first Associated Society: Geochemical Society, 1956;
          member community spans 118 countries outside of North   most recent: Geobiology Society, June 2019; 76 total as of that
          America; most reside in the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan,   date) in pursuit of our mutual goals of advancing the geosciences,
          Germany, and China.                                  enhancing the professional growth of society members, and pro-
            The purpose of GSA International is to promote, create, and   moting the geosciences in the service of humanity. As GSA looks
          enhance opportunities for international cooperation, provide a   to the future, it will continue to build strong, meaningful partner-
          forum for science and policy discussions that are international   ships with societies and organizations around the world in service
          in scope and relevance, build collaborative relationships with   to members and the larger geoscience community.
          GSA Scientific Divisions and Associated Societies on interna-
          tional issues, and strengthen cooperation with international
          geoscientific societies.                             GSA COMMITTEES
            GSA International encourages and hosts international geosci-  GSA provides opportunities for every member to actively par-
          ence and environmental-related discussion topics through the   ticipate in its leadership. One of the most effective ways to do
          online GSA Member Community platform and promotes meet-  this is by serving on a GSA Committee. GSA Committees are
          ings, exchanges of visiting scholars/lecturers, organizes Annual   advisory to Council and directly impact the direction of the
          Meeting topical sessions, and helps organize and promote    Society. Serving on a committee allows members to network
          field workshops.                                     with fellow scientists, contribute ideas to science and education,
            GSA International evaluates and recommends international   and support the profession. Self-nominations are welcome, as
          awardees for the GSA Honorary Fellow, the International   well as nominations of other qualified student and professional
          Distinguished Career Award, the James B. Thompson Jr.   members. Learn more by going to and
          Distinguished International Lectureship, and the Farouk El-Baz   clicking on “About” and then on “Committees.”
          Student Research Grant. It also recommends travel grant awards
          for international students and early career professionals to attend   Academic and Applied Geoscience Relations
          the GSA Annual Meeting.                              Ad Hoc—Ethics
                                                               Ad Hoc—Membership
                                                               Annual Program
                                                               Arthur L. Day Medal Award
                                                               Bascom Mapping Award
                                                               Congressional Science Fellowship Selection
                                                               Diversity in the Geosciences
                                                               Doris M. Curtis Memorial Fund for Women in Science Award
                                                               External Awards
                                                               Geology and Public Policy
                                                               GSA International
                                                               Joint Technical Program
                                                               Membership and Fellowship
                                                               Penrose Conferences & Thompson Field Forums
          Ein Avdat, Israel.        GSA 2020                   Penrose Medal Award
                                                               Professional Development
                                                               Programmatic Overview
                                                               Public Service Award
                                                               Research Grants
                                    Renew at
                                                               Student Advisory Council
                                                               Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal)

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