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          Thanks to These Outgoing Officers and Councilors

          All GSA Officers and Councilors are highlighted in the July GSA Today.

            Christopher     Mary J. Kraus    Frank J. Pazzaglia  Tyler King    Isabel P. Montañez   Mark Little ends his
         (Chuck) M. Bailey  (Divisions Liaison)               (Student Advisory   (Immediate Past   term as Councilor-at-
                                                               Council Chair)      President)   Large, but will continue
                                                                                                  as a Councilor for
                                                                                                   the final year of
                                                                                                  his four-year term.

          Student Representatives and                                           Awarding

          the Student Advisory Council                                          Excellence

                                                                                in the
            GSA is dedicated to remaining relevant and responsive to its large student member-
          GSA’s Student Advisory Council (SAC) is composed of student representatives serving  Geosciences
          ship and to providing leadership opportunities that will ensure future career success.
          on behalf of Divisions, Sections, and most GSA Committees. SAC gives voice to stu-
          dent issues and concerns in a consequential way.                        In support of its mission to advance the
            SAC is a dynamic and influential committee that is empowered with a direct line of   geoscience profession, GSA honors out-
          communication with GSA Council. SAC selects a chair each year from among its    standing scientific achievement each year
          members who serves a concurrent term as a full voting member of the GSA Council   at the awards ceremony held during the
          and contributes a valuable student voice to the leadership of GSA.    Annual Meeting. The three highest
            Interested students should contact their chosen Division or Section and express an   awards are the prestigious Penrose
          interest in being selected as a student representative. A simple email to the chair, secre-  Medal, the Arthur L. Day Medal, and
          tary, or other officer will suffice to begin the process. To apply as a student representa-  the Young Scientist Award (Donath
          tive on a GSA Committee, complete the nomination form at  Medal). Awardees are highlighted in the
          GSA/About/sac.aspx.                                                   July GSA Today and are online at www
                                                                       (click on “About” and
                        Members by Membership Category                          then “Honors & Awards”).
                        MEMBERSHIP DEMOGRAPHICS
                                                                                Other awards include:
                                            Affiliates, 328
                   K–12 Teachers                                                • President’s Medal of the Geological
                   398                                   Honorary Fellows, 55    Society of America
                                                                                • Randolph W. “Bill” and Cecile T.
                                                                                 Bromery Award for Minorities
                                                                                • Doris M. Curtis Outstanding Woman in
                                                                                 Science Award
                          Students               Professionals                  • GSA Florence Bascom Geologic
                          6,489                  8,133                           Mapping Award
                                                                                • GSA Distinguished Service Award
                                                                                • GSA Public Service Award
                                                                                • John C. Frye Award
                             Early Career                                       • AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell
                             Professionals   Seniors                            • Honorary Fellows
                             2,674           3,847                              • GSA Fellowship
                                                                                • GSA Scientific Division Awards
                                                                                • GSA International Initiatives

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