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          It’s Time for the Rollout of

          GSA’s Decadal Strategic Plan

                                  In May 2019, GSA Council     1–2-YEAR PRIORITIES:
                                approved the Decadal Strategic Plan   • Begin implementing the DSP, putting extra effort into marketing
                                (DSP), a satisfying result of 20   and advertising what the Society currently provides, as some
                                months of effort. This process began   members may not be aware of the many services and benefits
                                in August 2017 with gathering   available to them.
                                thoughts, desires, creative ideas, and   • Evaluate Annual and Section Meetings on timing, location,
                                other valuable input from members—  content, field trips, and technology; lay the groundwork for
                                young and old, student and emeritus,   future enhancements.
                                industry and academic, government   • Create the GSA Center for Earth & Planetary Discovery,
                                and independents, managers, deans,   to include programs and initiatives surrounding geoscience field
          associated societies, donors, and, importantly, staff. Our desire was   experiences, innovation, and incubation of multidisciplinary
          that GSA be proactive and intentional about our future.   research and revised and new publications.
                                                               • Create the GSA Center for Professional Excellence, to address
          PLANNING PROCESS                                      professional development needs in the geoscience community,
            After acquiring input from the GSA community in a wide variety   including student and early career programs, service to non-
          of ways, with the guidance of a strategic planning expert and facili-  academic members, and expanded research grants, mentoring,
          tator, a strategic planning team assembled the data.  professional ethics, and diversity initiatives.
                                                               • Develop strategies for membership development and global
          FIVE STRATEGIC ASPIRATIONS EMERGED:                   partnerships.
          • Advancing Scientific Discovery, Rigor, and Integrity  • Build effective coalitions in the public-policy arena—possibly
          • Supporting Early Career Professionals and Students  developing a think-tank with previous GSA Congressional
          • Hosting Premier Conferences and Meetings            Science Fellows and Policy Fellows and/or sharing policy staff
          • Influencing Geoscience Policy and Linking Geoscience to Society  with other organizations.
          • Providing a Sense of Community and Venues for Networking  • Evaluate the GSA headquarters campus and plan ahead for needed
                                                                building and facilities development.
            A larger planning team composed of more than 60 GSA members,
          plus many headquarters staff, was then engaged and divided into   GSA FOUNDATION ALIGNMENT IN THE FIRST TWO
          Program, Finance, and Development Task Forces. Each task force   YEARS:
          was charged with sorting through the ideas to modify and enhance   • Campaign planning for funding the two GSA Centers for
          existing, or develop new, GSA activities and to set priorities.  Excellence identified above.
            The Program Task Force looked at current programs and future   • Develop a science communications intern endowment.
          initiatives through the lens of the five GSA aspirations, resulting in
          some 77 new or revised initiatives. The Task Force then prioritized   ROLLOUT OF THE DSP
          initiatives into those to be accomplished in the next 1–2 years, the   GSA staff members are developing tactical plans—reorganizing
          following 3–5 years, and finally those that will stretch into the final   within headquarters as needed, and engaging feasibility consultants
          6–10 years. The DSP is dynamic and will require updating in   where required—to implement the DSP. GSA leadership has com-
          response to GSA’s changing situation. The final plan, facilitation,   mitted to participate in outreach, ad hoc committees, and review
          and progress will undergo annual review by Council.   panels to reach its goals. The Programmatic Overview Committee
            The Program Task Force results were followed by the Finance   (POC) is reorganizing to become the Strategic Plan Overview
          Task Force review. This group had the daunting task of identifying   Committee, with the aim of keeping the DSP vibrant and dynamic.
          the required resources to implement the program planning as well
          as proposing the allocation of GSA’s internal capital and capacity to   DESIRED EFFECT
          fund new initiatives and/or modified programs or to recommend   GSA leadership expects that the DSP will enable our organiza-
          suspension of programs or initiatives.               tion to “jump the curve” by providing the best of benefits and value
            That accomplished, the DSP was presented to the Development   to members, affiliates, and to society at large for the decade ahead.
          Task Force. Relying on their evaluation of existing fundraising
          capacity, this group translated the plan into a prospectus for future
          investment and support. And finally, they created a strategy to fund
          the aspirations and strategic directions that required additional out-
          side funding to succeed.                             Robbie Rice Gries
                                                               GSA President, 2018-2019

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