Page 13 - i1052-5173-29-9+FY19
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                            Who We Are …

                                  What We Do

          Our Mission                  14    Letter from the GSA President
          To advance geoscience
          research and discovery,
          service to society, stew-    15    Letter from the GSA Executive Director
          ardship of Earth, and the
          geosciences profession.      16    Thanks to These Outgoing Officers and Councilors
          Our Vision
          To be the premier geologi-   16    Student Representatives and the Student Advisory Council
          cal society supporting the
          global community in scien-         Awarding Excellence in the Geosciences
          tific discovery, communi-    16
          cation, and application of
          geoscience knowledge.        17    Focus on Ethics

                                       18    Bringing Members Together in Countless Ways

                                       20    Connecting the Geoscience Community

                                       22    Publications

                                       24    Communicating the Value of Geoscience

                                       26    Supporting Professional Excellence

                                       30    Bridging the Geosciences and Public Policy

                                       32    Serving Science and the Profession

                                       34    Broadening Corporate and Organizational Relationships

          Cover: Middle photo by NASA/JSC

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