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Focus on Ethics

                             Over the past year, GSA has stepped up   Which parts of the ethics program is GSA implementing
                           its focus on ethics, becoming a leader in   right away?
                           driving positive culture changes in the   Right after the May 2019 Council meeting, GSA implemented
                           geosciences. On 31 August 2019, GSA   two new initiatives. One is a complaint-handling policy known
                           hired Nan Stout as its first Ethics &   as the “Policy & Procedures for Handling Potential Ethics
                           Compliance Officer. We are pleased to   Violations,” which sets forth the rules GSA will follow to pro-
                           share the following interview with Nan.   cess possible ethical violations. This policy was designed to bal-
             Nan Stout     Read on to hear what Nan has to say   ance GSA’s goal of promoting ethics and integrity and to be fair
             Ethics and    about her new role and the steps GSA is   to members alleged to have engaged in wrongdoing by providing
         Compliance Officer  taking to advance professional ethics.  them reasonable due process and an opportunity to be heard.
                                                               (A copy of the policy is available online: go to www.geosociety
          How did you get started in Ethics & Compliance?      .org, click on the “About” tab, and then click on “Ethics.”) GSA
            I started my career as an employment attorney. I did a lot of   also recently updated its bylaws to underscore the importance of
          trial work early on, but what I loved most was helping clients get   ethics. Going forward, the bylaws make it clear that all members
          ahead of problems by developing sustainable practices to do busi-  must comply with GSA’s Code of Ethics and may be disciplined,
          ness the right way, both legally and ethically. I began dedicating   up to and including termination, for failing to do so. Finally,
          myself to this kind of work in 2004, when I became head of global   GSA has updated many of its internal documents to ensure that
          business conduct and ethics for a large multinational company.   it continues to select qualified candidates for leadership posi-
          Since then, I’ve continued to work in the ethics field. I was drawn   tions, honors, and awards—and that the individuals in these
          to GSA because of its mission and passion for making a difference   roles embody the Society’s high  ethical standards.
          in the way people are treated and welcomed into the profession.
          Prior to taking on my current assignment here at GSA, I was a   What changes are on the horizon?
          clinical professor in business ethics at Colorado State University.   One of the most exciting things GSA is doing is replacing its
                                                               aspirational Code of Conduct—adopted in the late 1990s—with
          Why did the Society create the Ethics & Compliance Officer   a new enforceable Code of Ethics. GSA’s new Code of Ethics
          role?                                                will describe the professional ethical standards of conduct GSA
            Adding the Ethics & Compliance Officer role reflects GSA’s   expect of its members, together with examples of prohibited
          longstanding commitment to promoting greater diversity, inclu-  behavior that may result in a member’s discipline, suspension, or
          sion, integrity, and professionalism in the geosciences. GSA has   termination from the Society. An ad hoc committee has begun
          had a Code of Conduct since the late 1990s, and the Society first   drafting the new Code of Ethics based on an outline approved by
          published its Diversity Position Statement in 2010. In 2016, GSA   the GSA Council. Once the committee has completed an initial
          launched the Events Code of Conduct through the Respectful   draft, members will be invited to review and submit comments.
          Inclusive Scientific Events (RISE) program. In concert with all   We plan to submit a final draft to the GSA Council at the GSA
          these efforts, in 2018, based on the recommendations of an Ad   2019 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Council also
          Hoc Ethics Committee, the GSA Council recognized that it   approved the idea of a Fellows revocation policy, so this will be
          wanted to be a leader in promoting professional ethical conduct   coming sometime next year.
          and removing barriers to full participation of all talent within our
          profession. GSA invested in a dedicated Ethics & Compliance   Does GSA work with other societies on these issues?
          Officer to jump-start this process and quickly begin adding   Yes! In addition to having periodic conversations with other
          resources to weave ethics and integrity into everything it does.  societies to learn about their practices and provide assistance
                                                               when appropriate, GSA has joined two external groups to
          Where have you focused your efforts since you started as   advance ethics and diversity more broadly. GSA is a partner in
          Ethics & Compliance Officer?                         the American Geophysical Union’s Ethics and Equity Center.
            Initially, I spent a lot of time researching best practices and   And, I am particularly proud that GSA has been named to serve
          learning about GSA’s structure and operations so that I could   on the Leadership Council in the Societies Consortium on
          tailor my recommendations to GSA’s needs. I conducted a gov-  Sexual Harassment in science, technology, engineering, math-
          ernance and operations risk assessment to prioritize my efforts.   ematics, and medical fields (STEMM). The Consortium is a
          This work helped me build specific ethics recommendations     collective effort of 103 scientific and medical societies. It aims
          related to policies, bylaws, complaint-handling, communication   to advance professional and ethical conduct, climate, and culture
          and training, leadership, and governance. In May 2019, I pre-  across the STEMM fields and to remove barriers that previously
          sented a comprehensive report to the GSA Council. I’m happy to   have prevented full participation.
          report that Council signed off on all of my recommendations.
          GSA is implementing some of them right away, and other rec-
          ommendations will take a little more time to develop.

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