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                                             Applicants must have a doctoral degree in geology   Review of applications will begin on September
         BOOKMARK THE GEOSCIENCE JOB BOARD   or a related field with emphasis on structural geol-  1, 2021 and will continue until the position is filled.
                                             ogy, a strong commitment to excellence in teaching   SFA is an equal opportunity employer. This is a
         ( for up-to-the-  and a willingness to direct Master of Science geol-  security-sensitive position and will be subject to a
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also appear   ogy students in research. Preference will be given   criminal history check.
         in a corresponding monthly print issue of GSA Today.   to candidates with teaching and/or research experi-
         Send inquires to, or call   ence in structural geology and field camp. Teaching
         +1-800-427-1988 ext. 1053 or +1-303-357-1053.  responsibilities will include introductory courses,   HIRING?
                                             structural geology, field methods, summer field camp
                                             (co-taught), upper-level undergraduate and graduate   Find those qualified geoscientists to fill
                   POSITION OPEN             courses in the applicant’s specialty, and occasional   vacancies. Use GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
                                             weekend field-trip courses. The successful candidate
         Structural Geologist, Stephen F. Austin   will serve as director of the summer field camp. Other   ( and print issues of
         State University                    expectations include research, university service and   GSA Today. Bundle and save for best pricing
          The Department of Geology at Stephen F. Austin   continuing professional development.  options. That unique candidate is waiting to
         State University invites applications for a tenure-track   To apply and submit required documents, please   be found.
         position at the assistant (or associate) professor level.   visit:

                                                                 GSA Member Community,
                  Paleozoic Stratigraphy and
              Resources of the Michigan Basin                             Powered by You

                      Edited by G. Michael Grammer,
                  William B. Harrison III, and David A. Barnes
                                                                GET CONNECTED...
                      Paleozoic Stratigraphy and                “One of many, information-packed short videos! Consider
                     Resources of the Michigan Basin
                  Edited by G. Michael Grammer, William B. Harrison III, and David A. Barnes  subscribing to this channel. Thanks for sharing.” —Chris Bonds
                                                                “I can’t wait to see what other material you have to show!”
                Edited by G.M. Grammer, W.B. Harrison III, and D.A. Barnes
                                                                —James Heller
                                                                “I would like to thank you very much for the help I have been
                                                                given.” —Klauss-Peter Rettcher

                                          Special Paper         “Thank you! These are really helpful videos—lots of detail,
                                              531               clear 360° footage, and excellent annotation. I’m creating my
                Paleozoic Stratigraphy and Resources of the Michigan Basin
                                                                igneous rock lab this week. These will really help.”
                                                                —Jeff Simpson
                         Special Paper 531
                                                                                            ….IN THE COMMUNITY
              This volume provides significant new insights into the
              Michigan Basin to both academic and applied geo­   Interact with Your Peers Today—Sign up Now
              scientists. It includes  papers that discuss various aspects
              of the sedimentology and stratigraphy of key units within
              the basin, as well as papers that analyze the diverse distri­
              bution of natural resources present in this basin.

                  SPE531 •  339 p.  •  ISBN 9780813725314
                             NOW $20.00                     

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