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GSA Council Extends Bigger Discounts

                       on Publication Fees for Members

          We have great news for our member authors! Beginning with   article processing charge. Gold open access papers are made freely
         papers and chapters submitted on or after 1 March 2021, GSA mem-  available to the public and the worldwide geologic community
         bers can expect to receive the following discounts on publication   immediately upon publication.
         fees and open-access fees for their articles in GSA publications.  For more information, visit our “Publications Fees at a Glance”
          GSA members will receive a discount of US$200 (previously   webpage at or
         US$100) off publication fees for papers accepted for publication in   email
         Geology and Geosphere*. (There is no charge for color figures for
         articles published in either of these journals.)       *No article is rejected for an inability to pay. Authors who are
          GSA members publishing in Geology, GSA Bulletin, and GSA   unable to pay the Geology or Geosphere publication fee may apply
         books who want their papers or chapters to be gold open access   for a waiver.
         will receive a discount of US$500 (previously US$100) off the

                  SCIENTISTS IN PARKS

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             Questions? Contact us at

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