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         526. Methods and Geological Applications in Geo-Thermo-Petro-  531. Applying Virtual Microscopy to Geoscience.
         Chronology II. Sat., 9 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. PDT. US$40. Limit: 40.   Sat. 9 Oct., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. PDT. US$100 professionals; US$50
         CEU: 0.8. Instructors: George Gehrels, University of Arizona; Kurt   students. Limit: 25. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Christopher Prince,
         Sundell, University of Arizona; Sarah George, University of Arizona;   PetroArc International; Suzanne Kairo, Indiana University.
         Mauricio Ibanez, University of Arizona; Peter Reiners, University of   Endorser: PetroArc International.
         Arizona; Allen Schaen, University of Arizona.
                                                               532. How to Create your Own 3D Videogame–Style Geologic
                      527. Introduction to Drones (sUAS) in the   Field Trip and Host it Online: Accessible, Immersive Data
         Geosciences. Sat., 9 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. PDT. US$112. Limit: 24.   Visualization for Education and Research. Sat., 9 Oct., 9 a.m.–
         CEU: 0.8. Instructor: Gregory Baker, Colorado Mesa University.   5 p.m. PDT. US$70. Limit: 20. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Mattathias
         Endorsers: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geoarchaeology   (Max) Needle, University of Washington; John F. Akers, University
         Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division.  of Washington; Juliet G. Crider, University of Washington.
                                                               Endorsers: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA
                      528. Talking Science: A Communicating    Geoinformatics Division; GSA Geoscience Education Division.
         Science Workshop. Sat., 9 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. PDT. US$150.
         Limit: 30. CEU: 0.8. Instructor: Steven Jaret, American Museum   533. Improv to Improve the Geoscience Community. Sat., 9 Oct.,
         of Natural History. Endorser: GSA Planetary Geology Division.  1–5 p.m. PDT. US$20. Limit: 20. CEU: 0.4. Instructor: Erik
                                                               Haroldson, Austin Peay State University (APSU). Endorsers:
         529. Quantitative Analysis, Visualization, and Modelling of   APSU Department of Geosciences; APSU College of STEM;
         Detrital Geochronology Data. Sat., 9 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. PDT.   APSU Diversity Committee.
         US$75 professionals; US$50 students. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.8.
         Instructors: Joel Saylor, University of British Columbia;   534. Stormwater Infiltration in Washington State Using
         Kurt Sundell, University of Arizona; Glenn Sharman, University   Deep Underground Injection Control Wells. Sat., 9 Oct., 1–5 p.m.
         of Arkansas.                                          PDT. US$100. Limit: 20. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Jay Chennault,
                                                               Associated Earth Sciences Inc.; Curtis Koger, Associated Earth
                      530. Geodynamic History of the Middle Part of   Sciences Inc.; Jennifer Saltonstall, Associated Earth Sciences Inc.
         the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt. Sat., 9 Oct., 9 a.m.–5 p.m.   Endorser: Associated Earth Sciences Inc.
         PDT. US$112. Limit: 20. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Abdollah Saidi,
         Deputy for the Middle East Sub-Commission; Akram Shahhosseini,
         Geological Survey of Iran.

                   Be a Mentor & Share Your Experience

          Graduate students, early career professionals, professionals,    ONLINE MENTORING
         and retirees are welcome to serve as mentors. Complete this    Networking Event Mentor. The networking event is a gathering
         form to indicate your interest in any mentoring opportunity:   of students, early career professionals, and mentors. Mentors                  answer questions, offer advice about careers plans, and comment
                                                               on job opportunities within their fields in breakout sessions.
         IN-PERSON MENTORING                                   About 20 mentors are needed.
          GSA will provide a safe environment for participants by following
         health and safety guidelines as outlined by the Oregon Convention   Women in Geology Mentor. Mentors from a variety of sectors
         Center in addition to using plexiglass partitions and other interven-  answer career questions and offer advice in breakout sessions during
         tions to reduce transmission risk.                    the Women in Geology Program. About 20 mentors are needed.

         Drop-in Mentor. This one-on-one mentoring activity takes place   On To the Future Mentor. On To the Future (OTF) mentors are
         in the GeoCareers Center. Students have 30 minutes to ask ques-  paired with students who are part of the OTF program that sup-
         tions and seek advice. About 28 mentors are needed.   ports students from diverse groups who are attending their first
                                                               GSA Connects. Mentors will meet with their mentee each day of
         Résumé or CV Mentor. Résumé mentors are matched with a stu-  the meeting (either virtually or in person), introduce the mentee to
         dent on site to review the student’s résumé or CV. Consultations   five contacts, and share their professional experiences in the geo-
         take place for 30 minutes in the GeoCareers Center in a one-on-  sciences. Matching will be completed using an online platform.
         one format. About 28 mentors are needed.              Learn more at
                                                               About 75 mentors are needed.

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