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                                                       The Geological Society of America ®

                               Portland EarthCache Sites

          While you’re in Portland, take advantage of the chance to visit
         EarthCache sites in the area.
          EarthCaching, a 17-year collaboration between GSA and
         Geocaching Headquarters, is a GPS-based outdoor activity that
         brings people to sites of geological interest. The program is
         designed primarily for the general public, and GSA encourages
         geoscience professionals and students to get involved as well by
         visiting EarthCache sites and by developing additional sites.
          To find relevant sites in Portland, create a free account at and consider this list of EarthCaches (
         earthcaches_portland). You can also search via the GC-code
         associated with a specific EarthCache. Below you’ll find some
         information on the EarthCache sites closest to the Oregon
         Convention Center, including their GC-codes and comments from
         people who have visited and “logged” these sites at
         More details are online at  Core sample and geologic timeline permanently displayed along the wall
                                                               of the eastbound platform of the Washington Park station of the MAX light
                                                               rail system, in Portland, Oregon. Credit: Ulmanor at en.wikipedia, https://
         “ANCIENT WALLS” (GC38GYB)                   
          Enjoy the first part of a walking tour that explores the building
         stones in downtown Portland. It starts at Pioneer Place and ends at   “TUALATIN MOUNTAINS GEOLOGIC HISTORY”
         First Congregational Church.                         (GC3W7G0)
          From the logs: “The fossils at Pioneer Place are the reason this   Travel west from downtown Portland to Washington Park, home
         gets a favorite. We had several shoppers ask us what we were doing;   to the deepest underground transit station in North America, to
         there were four of us on the floor with magnifying glasses and tak-  see an interpretive exhibit with a core sample that illustrates the
         ing measurements, so we had the opportunity to explain geocach-  geologic history of the Tualatin Mountains, including the ca. 16
         ing. Thanks again for a fun EarthCache.” —middleagespread  Ma Grande Ronde Basalt formation.
                                                                From the logs: “As someone who thought that they were going to
         “ANCIENT WALLS II” (GC3E2HB)                         become a geologist one day, this is super cool!! I love that there's a
          Continue a walking tour that explores downtown Portland’s   core here, and that there's interpretation around it!” —ohkpond
         building stones. This segment begins at the PacWest Center and
         ends near Nordstrom.                                 “WILLAMETTE RIVER SEDIMENTATION
          From the logs: “This may have been the best time I have had   EARTHCACHE” (GC23BW6)
         geocaching! I have always loved old brick buildings and carved   Take in a view of the Willamette River from the Eastbank
         stone, but now I have a huge appreciation and newfound love for   Esplanade and learn about the river’s geological history and
         stones!!! Thank you so much for putting this together—truly    relationship with humans.
         awesome, informative and FUN!!” —WindyMatters          From the logs: “Thanks for the information and the time to
                                                               ponder our surroundings in a way that we don’t normally. Looking
                                                               into the past, and at what the area would be like without human
                                                               interventions.” —mudder91

                                      The Geocaching logo is a registered trademark of Groundspeak, Inc.
                                               DBA Geocaching. Used with permission.
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