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509. 3D Hydrogeological Modeling: How to Build Them 517. Machine Learning in Geosciences: Existing and
and Why? Wed., 22 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. PDT. and Thurs. Novel Tools to Mine Geologic Data. Fri., 1 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
23 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. PDT. US$35. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.8. PDT. US$35. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6. Instructors: Velimir Vesselinov,
Instructors: Tom Martlev Pallesen, I•GIS; Simon Boetker Los Alamos National Laboratory; Bulbul Ahmmed, Los Alamos
Rasmussen, I•GIS. Endorser: I•GIS. National Laboratory. Endorser: Computational Earth Science
Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
510. Introduction to Seismic Structural Interpretation.
Fri., 24 Sept., 8 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT. US$35. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.7. 518. Forensic Geochemistry: Contaminant
Instructors: Kellen Gunderson, Chevron Energy Technology Sources/Release Ages and Aquifer Continuity in Soil/
Company; Timothy Shin, Total E&P Americas LLC. Endorsers: Groundwater Systems Using Stable Radiogenic Isotopes of
GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Energy Strontium (Sr) and Lead (Pb). Mon., 4 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT.
Geology Division. US$35. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6. Instructor: Richard W. Hurst,
Hurst Forensics. Endorsers: GSA Hydrogeology Division;
511. Foundations in the Design and Teaching of Geoscience GSA Geoarchaeology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and
Courses Using Active Learning Strategies. Mon., 27 Sept., Geomorphology Division.
8 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT. US$45. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.7. Instructors:
Leilani Arthurs, University of Colorado Boulder; Chu-Lin Cheng, 519. Introduction to Structure from Motion
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Ming-Tsan Lu, The (SfM) Photogrammetry. Mon., 4 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT. US$35.
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Patrick Shabram, Front Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6. Instructors: Christopher Crosby, UNAVCO;
Range Community College. J Ramon Arrowsmith, Arizona State University; Chelsea Scott,
Arizona State University. Endorsers: OpenTopography; UNAVCO.
512. Find Your Voice: Hazards and Science Communication
in Crisis and Calm. Tues., 28 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. PDT. US$20 520. Resistivity Surveying: Getting the Best
professionals; US$10 students and early career professionals. and Making the Most from Electrical Resistivity Tomography
Limit: 50. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Elizabeth Westby, USGS and Induced Polarization Data. Tues., 5 Oct., 7 a.m.–1 p.m.
Cascades Volcano Observatory; Beth Bartel, Michigan PDT. US$35. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6. Instructors: Jimmy Adcock,
Technological University; Wendy Stovall, USGS Yellowstone Guideline Geo AB; Morgan Sander-Olhoeft, Guideline Geo
Volcano Observatory; Wendy Bohon, Incorporated Research Americas Inc. Endorser: Guideline Geo.
Institutions for Seismology.
521. New Approaches to Date Brittle and Ductile Deformation.
513. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes: Tues., 5 Oct., 6–9 p.m. PDT. US$20. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.3. Instructor:
Medical Geology Fundamentals. Tues., 28 Sept., 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Yu Wang, China University of Geosciences (Beijing).
PDT. US$45 professionals; US$25 students. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6.
Instructors: Laura Ruhl, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; 522. Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS.
Robert Finkelman, University of Texas at Dallas; Reto Gieré, Wed., 6 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT. US$25. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6.
University of Pennsylvania; Malcolm Siegel, University of New Instructor: Zoe Learner Ponterio, Cornell University. Endorsers:
Mexico. Endorsers: GSA Geology and Health Division; Spacecraft Planetary Image Facility; Cornell University.
International Medical Geology Association.
523. Teaching Quantitative Structural Geology. Wed., 6 Oct.,
514. An Introduction to Stratigraphic Data 9 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT. US$20. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6. Instructors: David
Analysis in R (SDAR), a Quantitative Toolkit to Analyze Pollard, Stanford University; Stephen Martel, University of Hawaii.
Stratigraphic Data. Wed., 29 Sept., 11–3 p.m. PDT, and Thurs.,
30 Sept., 11–3 p.m. PDT. US$35. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.4. Instructor:
John Ortiz, Colombian Geological Survey and Corporación PORTLAND IN-PERSON SHORT COURSES
Geológica ARES.
524. Sequence Stratigraphy for Graduate
515. Geosciences and Society: A Teaching Workshop. Thurs., Students. Fri.–Sat., 8–9 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. PDT. US$25 (those
30 Sept., 8–11 a.m. PDT. US$30. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.3. Instructors: who complete the course can get three free GSA e-books of their
Anne Marie Ryan, Dalhousie University; Carl-Georg Bank, choice). Limit: 55. CEU: 1.6. Instructors: Morgan Sullivan,
University of Toronto. Chevron Energy Technology Company; Bret Dixon, Tall City
Exploration. Endorser: Chevron Energy Technology Company.
516. 3D Printing for Geoscience and
Engineering: Emerging Technology in Education, Research, 525. Methods and Geological Applications in Geo-Thermo-
and Communication. Fri., 1 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT. US$35. Petro-Chronology I. Fri., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. PDT. US$40. Limit:
Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6. Instructors: Rick Chalaturnyk, University of 40. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: George Gehrels, University of Arizona;
Alberta; Sergey Ishutov, University of Alberta; Kevin Hodder, Kurt Sundell, University of Arizona; Sarah George, University of
University of Alberta; Gonzalo Zambrabo, University of Alberta. Arizona; Mauricio Ibanez, University of Arizona; Peter Reiners,
Endorsers: GeoPrint; Petroleum Institute of Mexico. University of Arizona; Allen Schaen, University of Arizona. 25