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416. Exploring an Eccentric Era of Explosivity and Extension 421. Upper Grand Coulee—New Views of a Channeled Scabland
in the Central Oregon Cascades Arc: The Deschutes Formation Megafloods Enigma. Thurs.–Sun., 14–17 Oct. US$728. Endorser:
Ignimbrite Flare-up. Thurs.–Sat., 14–16 Oct. US$640. Leaders: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division. Leaders:
Bradley W. Pitcher, Vanderbilt University; Anita L. Grunder; Richard Waitt, Cascades Volcano Observatory; Brian F. Atwater;
Adam J.R. Kent. Jim O’Connor; Isaac J. Larsen; Michelle A. Hanson; Bruce N.
Bjornstad; Karin E. Lehnigk.
417. Flood Basalts, Rhyolites, and Subsequent Volcanism of
the Columbia River Magmatic Province in Eastern Oregon. 422. Accessible Field Geology of the Columbia River and
Thurs.–Sun., 14–17 Oct. US$615. Leaders: Emily Cahoon, Mount Hood. Thurs., 14 Oct. Apply at
Washington State University; Martin J. Streck; Mark L. Ferns. sFWB3nxzLWw1CFrz5. Endorsers: International Association
for Geoscience Diversity; GSA Geoscience Education Division;
418. Mount St. Helens—Four Decades of Geologic, National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT); GSA
Geomorphic, Ecologic, and Engineering Insights and Committee on Diversity. Leaders: Anita Marshall, University of
Challenges Since its 1980 Eruption. Thurs., 14 Oct. US$335. Florida; Nancy Riggs; Leah Miller; Kreeya Olson; Christopher
Endorser: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division L. Atchison.
(Kirk Bryan Field Trip). Leaders: Jon Major, U.S. Geological Survey
Cascades Volcano Observatory; Scott Burns; Patrick Pringle. 423. Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Tectonic Evolution
of the Western Klamath Mountains and Outboard Franciscan
419. Stream Corridor Enhancement: Techniques Complex, Northern California–Southern Oregon. Fri.–Mon.,
for Bringing Greater Stream Function into the City. Thurs., 15–18 Oct. US$625. Endorser: GSA Structural Geology and
14 Oct. US$245. Endorser: Clean Water Services. Leaders: Anne Tectonics Division. Leaders: Alan Chapman, Macalester College;
MacDonald; Matthew Brennan; Dennis O’Connor. Todd A. LaMaskin; J. Douglas Yule; William L. Schmidt.
420. The Mount Hood Fault Zone—Active Faulting at the 424. Terroir of Wine of the Columbia Gorge—Relationship of
Crest of the Dynamic Cascade Range. Thurs.–Fri., 14–15 Oct. Wine Flavor to Geology/Soils. Fri., 15 Oct. US$300. Leader:
US$515. Leaders: Ian Madin; Scott Bennett; Ashley R. Streig. Scott Burns, Portland State University.
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22 GSA Today | June 2021