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Short Courses
Learn and explore a new topic!
Early registration deadline: 7 Sept. and Wed., 29 Sept., 9–11 a.m. PDT. US$30. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6.
Registration after 7 Sept. will cost an additional US$30. Instructors: Lisa Park Boush, University of Connecticut; Maarten
Cancellation deadline: 13 Sept. Blauw, Queen’s University; Amy Myrbo, University of Wisconsin.
Endorsers: GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA Geochronology
Can I take a short course if I am not registered for the meeting? Division; GSA Continental Drilling Division; GSA Quaternary
YES! You’re welcome to—just add the meeting non-registrant fee Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Sedimentary
(US$55) by 7 Sept. to your course enrollment cost. Should you then Geology Division; EarthRates RCN.
decide to attend the meeting, your payment will be applied toward
meeting registration. 504. Introduction to Field Safety Leadership.
GSA K–12 teacher members: You are welcome to take short Thurs., 16 Sept., 8 a.m.–noon. PDT. US$45 professionals; US$25
courses without registering for the meeting or paying the non- students. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.6. Instructors: Kevin Bohacs,
registrant fee. ExxonMobil (retired); Kurt Burmeister, California State University,
Continuing education units (CEUs): Most professional Sacramento; Greer Barriault, ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated
development courses and workshops offer CEUs. One CEU Solutions. Endorser: ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions.
equals 10 hours of participation in an organized continuing
education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable 505. NASA Data Made Easy: Getting Started with Synthetic
direction, and qualified instruction. Aperture Radar. Thurs., 16 Sept., 10 a.m.–2 p.m. PDT. US$20
See (those who complete the course can get three free GSA e-books of
courses or contact Jennifer Nocerino,, their choice). Limit: 50. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Cynthia Hall,
for course abstracts and additional information. NASA Headquarters; Andrea Nicolau, Spatial Informatics Group;
Africa Flores-Anderson, NASA SERVIR; Heidi Kristenson, Alaska
The following short courses are open to everyone. Early registra- Satellite Facility.
tion is highly recommended to ensure that courses will run.
506. Your Thesis is Software: Tools for the Geoscientist to
ONLINE SHORT COURSES Help Write Better Code, from Version Control to Test-Driven
Development. Fri., 17 Sept., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT. US$10. Limit: 50.
501. Geophysics for Bedrock and Formation CEU: 0.6. Instructors: Simon Goring, University of Wisconsin;
Mapping. Tues., 14 Sept., 7–11 a.m. PDT. US$35. Limit: 50. Socorro Dominguez, University of Wisconsin–Madison. Endorser:
CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Jimmy Adcock, Guideline Geo AB; Throughput Database.
Morgan Sander-Olhoeft, Guideline Geo Americas Inc. Endorser:
Guideline Geo. 507. Ground-Penetrating Radar—Principles,
Practice, and Processing. Fri., 17 Sept., 7 a.m.–2 p.m. PDT.
502. Climate Adaptation Planning for Emergency Management. US$45. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Greg Johnston, Sensors
Tues., 14 Sept., 11 a.m.–3 p.m. PDT and Wed., 15 Sept., 11 a.m.– & Software; Troy De Souza, Sensors & Software. Endorser:
3 p.m. PDT. FREE. Limit: 45. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Jeff Rubin, Sensors & Software.
semi-retired emergency manager; Douglas Stolz, Cross Product
Atmospheric. Endorsers: GSA Geology and Society Division; 508. From Airborne Electromagnetic Method Data to 3D
GSA Marine and Coastal Geology Division; GSA Geology and Hydrogeological Conceptual Model. Mon., 20 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Health Division; National Disaster Preparedness Training Center PDT and Tues., 21 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. PDT. US$35. Limit: 50.
(NDPTC); Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Tom Martlev Pallesen, I•GIS; Thomas
Bager Rasmussen, I•GIS; Simon Boetker Rasmussen, I•GIS.
503. Age-Depth Modeling of Sedimentary Deposits. Wed., Endorser: I•GIS.
15 Sept., 9–11 a.m. PDT. and Wed., 22 Sept., 9–11 a.m. PDT.
GSA’s short courses offer sessions relevant to applied geoscientists.
Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:
Economic Geology Energy Engineering Hydrogeology and
Environmental Geology
24 GSA Today | June 2021