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1980s focusing on the origin of the Mima   1890). On the other hand, the Mima mound   tion: Geological Society of America Special Paper
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         mounds within periglacial settings, conclud-  controversy cautions that sometimes research-  Logan, R.L., and Walsh, T.J., 2009, Mima Mounds
         ing that such a model was insufficient for   ers may be biased by their specialty. To   Formation and Their Implications for Climate
         explaining the  Puget  Lowland  mounds and   advance, we must be prepared to consider   Change:  Northwest  Scientific  Association,  81st
         other sites (Washburn, 1988). With the abun-  data beyond our field of expertise and inte-  Annual Meeting, p. 38–39.
         dance of competing models, some have pro-  grate it into our own.      Paeth, R.C., 1967, Depositional Origin of the Mima
         posed a polygenetic approach, yet even these                             Mounds [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Ore-
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