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Each year, we work with donors to create a number of new funds
that often support research grants or awards. An example of a less- How Members Can Get Involved:
common fund in the past year is the Christopher I. and Irene N. Support students, research, and education through a
Chalokwu Travel Grant for Students in Africa. GSA International voluntary contribution to the GSA Foundation when
oversees selection of the grant, which aims to support high-quality you renew your 2023 membership.
research by students on the African continent, bring African geol-
ogy into focus for U.S. professionals and institutions, shine a light Help others be part of our GSA member community.
on studies that are underreported, and broaden participation at The Membership Assistance Program and Fund
GSA Connects and beyond. With the introduction of this fund, enables those who cannot afford the cost of
Dr. Chalokwu and his wife, Dr. Irene N. Chalokwu, provide an out- membership, or who experience difficulty in
standing example of how individuals can create opportunity across transferring funds from their country to the USA, to
geopolitical borders and realize impacts far beyond a single place or become members. Support and spread the word.
time. We hope that this vision and generosity inspires others who
also support international scientific exchange.
After two years of postponement due to the pandemic, the sec- We encourage every member to avail themselves of the oppor-
ond Death Valley Rendezvous took place in the spring of 2022. tunity to serve GSA and to support the Foundation in our com-
Participants included geologists and their guests. Darrel Cowan bined efforts to ensure the dynamism and strength of the geosci-
led us throughout the region, looking at the Kingston Peak ences. Please visit the Foundation’s website (www.gsa-foundation
Formation, stromatolites as an early record of microbial life on .org) for information regarding ways you can make a philanthropic
earth at different times in the Proterozoic, Tecopa lake beds, pup impact for GSA and the geosciences.
fish, and more, including a day with Nature Conservancy natural-
ist Len Warren talking about birds of the area. Since the trip was
once again in high demand, it will also run in Spring of 2023. Debora B. Marcinkowski
The Foundation is pleased to help donors support GSA pro- Executive Director
grams and priorities important to them. Looking forward, we are GSA Foundation
eager to maintain the increased annual funding level achieved in
the last several years and to work with GSA in identifying engag- Jeffrey Oslund
ing and effective resource-building strategies. With your help, Chair
we will continue to shape a strong future for GSA. Foundation Board of Trustees
Annual Program Report | FY 2022 27