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each awardee with a Brunton Orange Standard Transit in a person- CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE
alized leather case. To better serve our community and achieve our mission, GSA is
launching two centers, the Center for Professional Excellence and the
Expanding Representation in the Geosciences Center for Geoscience Discovery, Integrity, and Rigor. Each Center
Scholarships fosters collaboration across all of GSA and facilitates partnerships
Six diverse undergraduate students were each provided a with our organization. In spring 2022, staff began to shape the Center
US$1,500 ERG scholarship, a GSA student membership, and full for Professional Excellence, which supports the growth and excel-
meeting registration for GSA Connects 2022. lence of geoscientists throughout their career trajectory. The goal is
to begin widely publicizing this center at GSA Connects 2022.
Student Advisory Council
Fiscal year (FY) 2022 Student Advisory Council (SAC) Chair successfully helped facilitate the GSA online GeoHealth
Yueyi Che (Stanford University) has been leading a variety of Brainstorming Sessions in partnership with the National Science
efforts to improve student member engagement within GSA. Foundation. FY22 SAC Chair-Elect Miguel Valencia (Florida
During GSA Connects 2021, SAC held an in-person mixer for International University) created an SAC webinar handbook to
students to get to know each other and student representatives at guide the student representatives in hosting their own webinars.
the meeting. Shortly after GSA Connects 2021 and at the begin- Student representatives have been actively hosting webinars and
ning of the spring of 2022, SAC held two meetings to discuss creating a mentorship program within their Sections/Divisions.
how GSA could make its student resources more accessible and Finally, SAC is busy preparing for the upcoming GSA Connects
student leadership opportunities more equitable. Led by Che, 2022. We hope to provide more support for first-time attendees
SAC is proposing structural changes to GSA Council related and create physical space at the meeting for students to meet
to students and student leadership in GSA. SAC is also recon- peers and have a sense of belonging at the meeting. We look
necting with the campus reps. In March, members of SAC forward to the rest of the year and wish to see you in Denver.
GSA 2023 Membership
Being an engaged member will help you advance your career.
Renew by 1 November—Save up to $15 off dues*
* applies to those in high income country/territories
May June Special Paper 554
In FY22, GSA
New Developments in
38 members were granted Fellowship; the Appalachian-Caledonian- published 12,439
Variscan Orogen
two others were granted Honorary Caledonian-Variscan Orogen New Developments in the Appalachian- pages written by
Fellowship. 3,352 authors
from 53 countries
141 professionals, 91 early-career representing 119
professionals, 821 students, 23 K–12 Edited by Yvette D. Kuiper, J. Brendan Murphy, R. Damian Nance, disciplines and
Robin A. Strachan, and Margaret D. Thompson
teachers, and 66 affiliates were elected subdisciplines.
to membership.
Thirty undergraduate students were Council approved the standardizing of scientific Division dues
each provided US$2,000 via the J. David as recommended by the Division Leaders Working Group that
Lowell Field Camp Scholarship Fund to derived from suggestions from the Division members survey.
attend the field camp of their choice.
22 Annual Program Report | FY 2022