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Education & Outreach

         EXPLORE CAREERS                                        GSA CONNECTS 2021 SHORT COURSE STATS

         GeoCareers & Mentoring                                      24               47%                22
          Throughout the year, GSA members had access to Mentoring365,   short courses    of participants   participants
         a virtual three-month mentoring program. GSA’s networking and   (6 in person;    were students  per course,
         mentor programs engaged 540 mentees and 141 mentors.      18 online)                        on average
          For GSA Connects 2021, our GeoCareers Corner was back in                    13%
         person. Drop-in and résumé/CV mentoring were available, and   531       of GSA Connects       US$27
         jobs were posted for attendees to view. The following programs   short-course   attendees   average cost
         remained online: Early Career Networking Event, Networking   participants  participated in    per course
         Event, Women in Geology Panel, GeoCareers Résumé Workshop,               a short course
         GeoCareers Company & Agency Information Session, and the
         GeoCareers Career Pathways Webinar.
          Three of the four Section Meetings were in person in 2022.    development opportunities, science stories written by students and
         All four of them featured a Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program    ECPs, career information, highlights on diversity, and available
         in Applied Geoscience and a John Mann Mentors in Applied   jobs and internships. Visit GSA’s website ( to
         Hydrogeology Program. The three-part career series addressed   subscribe and review previous content.
         topics from career development planning to information on best
         practices for crafting a résumé and cover letter. Finally, a geology   Student and ECP articles in GSA Today
         club meet-up was offered so that club officers could network and   In FY22, seven articles were written by students and ECPs with
         exchange ideas.                                       content of interest to that audience. Topics included professional
                                                               geologist licensure, museum careers, poster presentation tips, under-
         PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                              graduate research survey results, becoming a science policy fellow,
                                                               and reports from both a field-camp scholarship recipient and an On
         Webinars                                              To the Future (OTF) awardee. This initiative began as a way for stu-
          Sixteen webinars were offered in collaboration with scientific   dents and ECPs to publish and provide information to one another.
         Divisions, Associated Societies, government agencies, and other
         organizations. These webinars drew more than 700 attendees    Short Courses
         and covered topics related to geoscience careers, graduate school,    GSA Connects 2021 offered 24 short courses, which were
         science policy, research funding, and more.           taught by professional geoscientists and enabled attendees to learn
                                                               new topics, build skills, and network.
          This is GSA’s monthly digest for students and early-career pro-  K–12 (Kindergarten through 12th grade)
         fessionals (ECPs) who are charting their education and career.   Education and 2YC (2-Year Colleges)
         Issues are emailed monthly to ~12,500 people and contain upcom-  GSA staff worked with member volunteers and the Next Generation
         ing deadlines for awards and scholarships, professional   Science Standards–Earth and Space Science (NGSS-ESS) Working

         March                                                                                     In March,

                                                                                                   members of
         Six non-traditional students attending                                                    Student Advisory
         urban universities in GSA’s Northeastern                                                  Committee
         Section were provided financial                                                           successfully
         assistance to attend the 2022                                                             helped facilitate
         Northeastern Section Meeting.                                                             the GSA online
                                                                                                   Sessions in
                                             The South-Central Section Meeting kicked things off with an   partnership with
                                             online meeting on 14–15 March followed by the Joint Cordilleran  the National
                                             & Rocky Mountain Section Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada,   Science
                                             USA, on 15–17 March. The Northeastern Section Meeting in   Foundation.
                                             Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, took place on 20–22 March.

         20  Annual Program Report | FY 2022
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